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Added Effect "Refresh" Cloaks

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  • Added Effect "Refresh" Cloaks

    Hi All.

    Am saving up for a Cloak with Refresh effect. ATM I am aiming for the perfectly reasonably priced, get the gil in a days farming, Nobles Tunic. /bittermode off

    I was wondering if the Refresh effect on this Cloak was the same as the refresh effect on Vermillions/Aristocrats? The Nobles is about 10M gil more expensive than Vermilions which is alot to pay just for an extra 10% on a cure.
    - Never Underestimate The Power Of A Duck!
    Dux Dux, Lallafel, Odin
    My Profile On Lodestone

  • #2
    OUCH!! A complete waste of gil, stick to the Vermillions and a good RDM and you will save 10 mil.

    Also equip DRK staff too.

    Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
    Genkai FINISHED!!
    Maat finally went down.
    All BLM AF1 - Acquired
    All WHM AF1 - Acquired
    Windurst Rank 7


    • #3
      It's the same refresh effect. +1MP/3sec

      +10% Cure and free headslot for 50 more MP if you equip Zenith Crown. More def, more evasion, better for solo.
      Linaaa (^-^) Levels [WHM:75|SMN:59|BST:54|THF:51|BLM:37|NIN:37|WAR:37|MNK:22|RNG:21|RDM:16|SAM:10]

      Guilds: Clothcraft: 92.1+3 - Leather: 60.0 - Goldsmith: 24.0 - Woodcraft: 6.1 - Cooking: 1.0
      Avatars: Carby / Garuda / Shiva / Ifrit / Ramuh / Leviathan / Fenrir (*^-^*)V ***
      NM's: killed lots, lots of drops, lost track.

      Live journal Linaaa LiveJournal ^^v


      • #4
        I generally don't like a cloak because you loose the headslot, and there is a lot of MP you can win there as a White Mage. (+30 for a Gold Hairpin alone).

        +10% Cure Potency also goes a very long way, and this is one of the very few slots you can get it in, as far as I know there are only 3 (5 if you count the +1 versions) items that grant that. Light Staff (also the +1), Healing Staff and the Noble's Tunic (and the +1 version).

        Just dinged 58 White Mage last night, so I am getting a bit closer every time. Noble's Tunic is going to be mine one day.

        edit: stupid taipooz
        Lu Shang @ 18/08/04 - Fishing @ 91.0 - White Mage


        • #5
          The refresh is the same, but having a free head slot and gaining +10% cures is like being a 10% better whm, with almost 10% more mp (endgame I find I cure mostly. regen is usually too slow). I love mine, and think it was worth every gil.
          Unleashed LS -


          • #6
            I use noble's tunic. Worth it to buy or you wouldnt see people buying. Vermilllion is lower level and as everyone else said allows for a head item in which I equip a Zenith crown.. seemingly redundant but figured I'd add my 2 cents like they matter


            • #7
              I about shit a brick when I saw the price for a Nobles tunic. Im still pondering whether to get a Vermillion Cloak or not, but at 4+ mil thats hefty. If you want a refresh effect for less money, you could sub SMN, or raise cooking to make your own juice. I used juice all the time until I was 50 and then went /smn. YOu could also start working on cloth craft (which I might also do) so as to craft your own. Ive yet to check prices on ingredients but Im guessing they are prob cheaper than the final product for both items (cloak and tunic)


              • #8
                OT: my tunic bears the name of a familiar face here o.o
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  I've had all 3 (Vermillions, Nobles, Aristocrats) and IMO, the first 2 are well worth the cost. Aristocrats, well, thats a "I either had everything else I could ever fathom wanting" or a "Wow, I got freaky lucky on a synth" item.

                  First of all, yes, all 3 have the same MP refresh quality (1MP/3seconds). However, that's not the only thing to look at. Is it a lot of money to spend on one piece? Yes. Is it in the top 3 items that will most dramatically improve your performance as a WHM? Yes.

                  The main equipment concerns of a WHM are MP restoration, MP conervation, Max MP, -Enmity, +MND. Anything other than that is icing (IMO, its MP Conservation> MPRestoration > Max MP/-Enmity > +MND, depending on play style).

                  I personally disliked Vermillions, but thats because I almost never run out of MP in XP PTs (For example, I died to Faust on the way to Aura Statues XP once, started chain weakened, ended with over 1100 MP on Chain 6, PLD, MNK, RNG, BRD, BLM, WHM PT, this with me having neither nobles nor Vermillions and playing normally while weakened) and at a certain point its Style > Stats. I didn't like it aesthetically and hate hiding my pigtails on my taru (I think I look like a puppy in a cloak) so I sold to a friend for 1/3 AH price and never rebought. Its a good item, worth it if you can afford it and can stand looking at it. Vermillions does nothing as far as improving MP conservation, it can detract from Max MP, does nothing for enmity- or MND. However, as I noted that MP restoration > all but MP conservation, Vermillion's really wins over everything except true end-game WHM BPs (Nobles/Aristos, Clerics Briault, Dalmatica). It can debatably win out over the WHM specific items because of its broad class usage for certain players, however.

                  I loved Nobles. it. It contributes to MP Conservation (Stronger Cures means fewer Cures), MP Restoration (Refresh), Max MP (Adds more than AF Body and leaves head slot open). Its faults are lack of -enmity and +MND, though its strengths more than make up for it. If you can get one, it is immensely helpful, but you are not gimp because you dont have one.
                  As I said before, Aristocrat's Coat is marginal improvement over Nobles with substantial increase in price. 1 more MP, 1 more Def, 2% cure potency isn't worth the cost, I don't really even consider it worth worrying about for most people.

                  Though its not in the original topic, I'll give my opinion on the other 2 late/end game WHM BPs of concern because, well, I can >=]

                  WHM AF2 body Adds more max MP than Nobles, is slightly less conservative with MP (Or a lot less, depending on play style) but does add -enmity, which a lot of mages like. Whether the -enmity is worth losing cure potency is worth it or not is situationally dependent as well as play style dependent. To me, it would only be a real consideration on very long fights (Kirin, KB, Aspi, Fafnir, Nidhogg) but even at that, I find most of my deaths are not due directly to pulling hate and that I die enough from other stuffs to reset my hate and it not matter much. Other people swear by -enmity.

                  Dalmatica seems, stat wise, as a compromise between Vermillions and either Nobles or AF2 body. It is a Vermillions without the negatives or a Nobles/AF2 body without the positives. You free up head slot, don't lose evasion; but you also don't get cure/regen potency or -enmity. Dalmatica is good in situations with sufficient healers (Usually that means that most of your cures are not fully processed anyways, so +Cure potency or regen potency doesn't matter much) where you tend to just wait the fight out with whatever MP you have goig. Dalmatic's biggest advantage for WHMs, however, is for WHM's that are also other types of mages. If you have or plan to level BRD/BLM/RDM or SMN to 73+ as well, Dalmatica's multijob utility provides an edge over either of the WHM specific options.

                  All in all, if 10mil for 10% cure potency isnt worth it to you, it isnt worth it. If you are going to stress and resent the game for the frustration of attempting to acquire the item, it is not within the realm of reason for you to get. The only equipment you will ever be genuinely expected to have as a WHM is a darkstaff followed by a light or healing staff. All in all, WHM is a skill job, not an equip job--equip will help, but 10% more potent cures from a WHM who doesn't know what to do with them accomplish nothing. I would not recommend farming for a Nobles unless you already have another job to 75, a lot of time on your hands and have some way of farming thats actually fun. It wouldn't be bad, however, to start saving for a Vermillions, though Id suggest keeping money on a mule character so it doesn't magically disappear into 19479854 things you dont remember why you have later...not that that would ever happen, but yea >.>
                  San D'orian Taru ~ All the courage of Sandy, all the cute, fluffy qualities of a taru.


                  • #10
                    I dont really see Nobles Tunic as an item someone would buy...if you are at the level you can wear it, by the time you make that much money/put that much time into it, you'd be able to hit 75, join a HNMLS, and obtain one from shining cloth drop, hell alot of LSs dont even care if you arent 75, as long as you can Raise III you should be good (and now even raise III is becoming a hard item to save for...).
                    If you arent into HNM at all though, and making money from crafting/playing it solo is the way you play...well you got to be always saving for a new item right?

                    A little off topic but:

                    Wow Lynsy you have/had an Aristocrats? From what I know, they are almost considerd priceless on many!

                    Also, some good points there Lynsy, good post.


                    • #11
                      Don't buy a nobles tunic. It is something that you earn with your LS from beating Kirin or if extremely lucky you get it from Suzaku. I think people that buy it with gil either A) Buy gil or B) Have an incredible need to be the best. It's very easy to get into an HNMLS and someday get a Noble's tunic. To me it is a sign of accomplishment and when you buy it, it just ruins that. I also get mad when people buy Kirin's Osode. Just my 2 cents.

