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More WHM misadventures

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  • More WHM misadventures

    Last night I was in a PT in Crawler's Nest... 42 WHM.

    I get a party with 41-43, THF, DRK, WAR, NIN, DRG. So. The party leader decides that we should fight soldier crawlers and hornflies. Alright. We fight a soldier crawler.

    me: I'm the main healer for 5 melee...

    Anyways, the crawler dies. He pulls a hornfly.

    Hornfly: Why hello adventurers, this is my Cursed Sphere.

    The thing used cursed sphere thrice! while it was charging the third cursed sphere, which would have wiped out the party, I cast Curaga II + Divine Seal, and sacrificed myself so the whole party wouldn't die. I told them I was upset and we should be fighting Labyrinth Lizards.

    Thf: ur atitude sux
    Nin: [I'm sorry. I'm busy now.] [Goodbye!] (disbands from party)
    War: dude, u suck

    Then I left the party. What the heck? Since when is sacrificing one's own exp for the party (of complete strangers!) considered taboo for whm? Or was it that, at that ungodly hour I just happened to wind up with a handful of idiots?

    In any case, later that night the WAR gave me a /tell begging me to come back and party with him. However :D I told him...well, I can't say it here ^^

    Edit: I added one job too many The woes of being sleepy

  • #2
    Learn to decline joining unbalanced parties. Of course what happened isn't your fault, but when invited, make sure you know what you're getting into. 5 melee and 1 whm is something you should be laughing at.
    75 White Mage
    75 Ninja


    • #3
      >> Learn to decline joining unbalanced parties.

      --------> I disagree. Some people put way to much importance into waitinng for the "right" party. A few problems with that.

      1: The "right" party takes forever to assemble every now and then.

      2: You can play perfectly decently without haveing the "right" party. Sure you won't be able to consistently get great chains, but you'll be able to get decent xp at least.

      3: Sometimes, unbalanced parties can actually be really, really good. In dunes, for example, i've found that lv 17ish parties with a pld, blm, blm, blm, whm, and back up voker are excellent. That will do awful in different places, but there are some combos that just work great at certain points. Keep an open mind and you could have more fun, as well as get a truly exceptional party.

      Now, obviously some party set ups are just always awful. I'm not talking about that kind of stuff though.

      In the party set up of the original poster, it could have worked. Isn't great, but I don't see why you would have to turn it down. If the ninja tank was doing a good job, you wouldn't have been useing all that much mp, so you could get away with it.

      Back to my "don't be constrained by the there is only one way to do things" point though, here's what i would have done.

      I would have assembled an acceptable party and gone to fight gobs near ifrits cauldren zone instead of dealing with hornflies. For lv 41's, that gives incredible xp. Much better than the nest, and it's a nice change of pace. Your party set up would probably have done better against gobs than hornflies. Other spots to, of course. That was just an example.

      And back to the original poster, don't worry about it. You got in a bad situation with some bad luck, and there wasn't much you could do. If the people in your party where the kinds of people who get so upset when things go wrong, you're better of without them anyhow.

      There are some guys like that. Just ignore them.

      Hmm... just a side point on the "Enfeeble, Enfeeble, Enfeeble" part. I don't know what you were doing, so this could not apply to you at all. Tossing out one good paralyze though costs you 11 mp (i think it's 11. around there anyways), and will save you lots of hp over the long run. It'll probably make the mob miss at least 3 attacks. So you should be tossin out some enfeebling, even in a situation where you have tons of people to heal, because it will make your job a bit easier.

      Anyhow, that's my two cents.
      Aelith - 75 Whm/ 37 Smn

