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WHM Hints and Tips

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  • #46
    Re: WHM Hints and Tips

    Rule Number One, IMHO, is Manage thy MP. Beyond that, yes, knowing your party's jobs and more importantly how they fair v. mobs in the zone you're going to is very, very, very, important.


    • #47
      Re: WHM Hints and Tips

      Be A Pwnor Liek Me
      Character: Jememy 75WHM/75BLM/37SMN/37DRK/37RDM/37NIN
      Rank 10 Bastok
      ZM: Complete
      COP: Complete Tamas Ring
      Sever: Gilgamesh
      Linkshell: IZergGenbu
      Aristocrat's Coat: O
      Cleric's Briault: O


      • #48
        Re: WHM Hints and Tips

        I'm a lvl 72 WHM I have been using many strategies depending on how the party set up goes and the abilities of the party members..

        As far goes Buffs, mainly cast your highest Protectra and your highest Shellra, Bar___ spells work also, especially useful when you are fighting Gobs. Bomb Toss can be deadly and damage is reduced if you have Barfira up.

        I start off with a Haste on the main tank, I'll throw a Regen if they are missing some hit points but I don't always throw Regens because it isn't always necessary I find. Regen III can have an annoying MP cost but than again I am a Hume, I don't have the most MP in the world. After I'll throw in Cure IIs if anyone has HP missing. Than I'll cast Haste on the DD next I see on my list, I'll continue that until all melees are Hasted. You don't have to Haste all of the melee, only the tank is necessary but I prefer to Haste all of the melees anyways.
        I'll throw in a Cure III if the tank is at around 700 hp, I don't want to try to overcure if it is a pld, if not a pld, then just spam Cure IIs. I'll throw in Cure Vs or IVs if absolute must, but I don't like using it on a regular basis since the MP cost can be quite costy..

        For gear, you don't need the most expensive gear to be a good WHM. I know I for one don't waste my time and gil for a Nobles Tunic, I am happy with Errant gear. It's good + cheap. Focus on MP gear if you are a Galka or Elvaan, Humes/Mithras focus on MND and MP gear, MND for Tarus.

        This is just what I think, I could be talking junk but whatever, I hope it helps.




        • #49
          Re: WHM Hints and Tips

          Nice thread, lots of great advice!

          I'm currently leveling my Taru mule's 38WHM/28BLM.
          My main question that while addressed, wasn't really answered I don't believe, is the use of chat filters. I have quite a few of the items turned off but still seem to get un-necessary spam from other parties, even though all of my "others" related filters are turned on.

          I must have too many party chat items still active that is adding spam? Party status changes really seem to do the most damage since when something gets applied or wears you get the 6 line jump in the chat and I miss someone's getting hit with some status ailment etc. As the WHM I need to see what's happening and I'm uncertain what else to do.

          If someone has a more precise thread or reference that would basically lay out the best chat filter config I would be very grateful.

          Lastly, as for removing Poison during the battle. After getting the poison attack thrown at my party in the crawlers nest from the worker crawlers, I found I am throwing out allot of Poisanas. I was missing the attack and request for the poison to be removed because of the extreme battle spam and started getting abused about it. Our PLD suggested that people ask for the poison removal at the end of the battle to conserve mp and to help me out. That seemed to work fine but I like to be as efficient as possible and would appreciate any advice on this as well. Should I be removing poison as quickly as possible or save till the end.

          FFXI: 75 PLD/37 War/32 WHM/30 BLM/28 NIN/14 RNG/10 SAM/8 BST
          Server: Kujata
          Country: Sand'Oria, Rank 10
          Race: Elvaan

          Japanese Proverb: Fall seven times, stand up eight.


          • #50
            Re: WHM Hints and Tips

            Originally posted by Windlorn
            Nice thread, lots of great advice!

            I'm currently leveling my Taru mule's 38WHM/28BLM.
            My main question that while addressed, wasn't really answered I don't believe, is the use of chat filters. I have quite a few of the items turned off but still seem to get un-necessary spam from other parties, even though all of my "others" related filters are turned on.

            I must have too many party chat items still active that is adding spam? Party status changes really seem to do the most damage since when something gets applied or wears you get the 6 line jump in the chat and I miss someone's getting hit with some status ailment etc. As the WHM I need to see what's happening and I'm uncertain what else to do.
            Turn off all HOLD chat filters; they eat up your available chat window space, and aren't usually that useful. Just learn to read faster.

            If someone has a more precise thread or reference that would basically lay out the best chat filter config I would be very grateful.
            I posted some information in this thread that may be useful to you, which includes information about which chat filters are useful, and which effects you won't see in the logs:

            Lastly, as for removing Poison during the battle. After getting the poison attack thrown at my party in the crawlers nest from the worker crawlers, I found I am throwing out allot of Poisanas. I was missing the attack and request for the poison to be removed because of the extreme battle spam and started getting abused about it. Our PLD suggested that people ask for the poison removal at the end of the battle to conserve mp and to help me out. That seemed to work fine but I like to be as efficient as possible and would appreciate any advice on this as well. Should I be removing poison as quickly as possible or save till the end.
            My advice:
            Ignore crawler poison completely at your level and above. It does 1 damage every 3 seconds. Instead, counteract the damage with Regen (cast this on poisoned characters in between other stuff in battle). It costs 8MP for Poisona. It costs 15MP for Regen, and Regen heals a net 125HP, which means the poison would have to do 67 points of damage over the course of over 3 minutes for it to even be remotely worth casting Poisona.

            This tactic also has the nice side effect of not eating into your resting time between battles, which gives you more MP to cast Regen with.



            • #51
              Re: WHM Hints and Tips

              And it prevents sleep.

              With like 12-14MND i only get like..i dunno 1-2hp more healed which is like...sooo crap..><
              At 75 if you add that much mind it will add like 50-75 hp on Cure V (I'd imagine if would diminish the lower the cure tier goes, but I had a 75 MNK with 2200hp to have fun with divine seal) that is approximately doubled. It is always useful to switch to mind when you have used the mp. Every little bit counts. >^.-<
              Character: Jememy 75WHM/75BLM/37SMN/37DRK/37RDM/37NIN
              Rank 10 Bastok
              ZM: Complete
              COP: Complete Tamas Ring
              Sever: Gilgamesh
              Linkshell: IZergGenbu
              Aristocrat's Coat: O
              Cleric's Briault: O


              • #52
                Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                Well, there's all neat tips and tricks here.

                I can't really add anything but:

                If you like whm and your good at it in your own style, keep doing it.
                I agree with everyone that MP management is the most important part of the job next to keeping your group healed and alive of course.

                I myself am a MND hog,
                It's not only useful for Cure V imo.
                I've noticed a big difference in Flash, enfeebling magic and enhancing magic.
                When I put all my MND gear on I can buff it to +55 without food and I have seen flash last up to 20 full seconds @_@.
                Next to that enfeebles land a lot easier.

                As for MP, that's no big issue.
                With my main equipment I have 980 MP with summoner subjob and I hardly have problems with MP running out.
                Quetzalcoatl Server | WHM 80 | SMN 76 | NIN 75


                • #53
                  Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                  do not cure yourself if you get damage. putting regen on yourself is fine.

                  keep stoneskin up if possible.

                  if SA+TA is used and if you're not sure you're going to pull hate prior to SA+TA going off, get directly behind the person doing the first voke. If you yank hate in that process, you won't pull mob out of alignment.

                  use flash if you got a ninja tank and mob uses a -ga spell or an WS that wipes shadows away.

                  macro in MND rings as MP is used, if you use MP rings.
                  Dig A10; Main: Bonecraft 100+3/subs: 60/Fishing 59.7
                  Mules: Cooking 100+3/Alchemy 77.7



                  • #54
                    Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                    If fighting Colibris (not lesser), don't be afraid to enfeeb the mob if you are the enfeebler. A trick to making sure you know who gets what debuff from the colibri after debuffing it is to turn off all effects, except ones that will show the colibri casting, and who gets the debuff (Enemy->Party Member is it?). Then, stand back, and during battle, instead of watching the log and HP bars, watch the colibri for any casting and hp bars. That way, even when the log does not say who is getting the debuff (like Dia II), you will still know who received the debuff. On debuffs like paralyze, of course watch first the log to see if it landed.

                    Also, Eruca's incinerate move does a max of 800, so always keep all party members who might get hit by it's HP above 800, and if possible, always above 1,000, so you have some wiggle room for casting your cure III/V.



                    • #55
                      Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                      Lastly, as for removing Poison during the battle. After getting the poison attack thrown at my party in the crawlers nest from the worker crawlers, I found I am throwing out allot of Poisanas. I was missing the attack and request for the poison to be removed because of the extreme battle spam and started getting abused about it. Our PLD suggested that people ask for the poison removal at the end of the battle to conserve mp and to help me out. That seemed to work fine but I like to be as efficient as possible and would appreciate any advice on this as well. Should I be removing poison as quickly as possible or save till the end.

                      Doesn't Poisona, cost like 7-8 MP? It shouldn't be a big of a deal on MP if you ask me, I hope not anyways. It really depends on what you are fighting. For example, in your situation, I would probably just ignore it during battle and remove it at the end. But in other cases, it can be dangerous, I know that Poison II can be quite irritating, and sometimes if you are very low on HP it can KO you. Remove it ASAP! Another trick is if you were fighting a mob that spammed a sleep spell or effect, and poison, then it should keep you awake.




                      • #56
                        Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                        Or a better tip would be to change your font colors and filter out unnecessary information so that you can easily see when the mob uses a move that causes a status effect. Then you will always know when it lands, and who needs to have it removed.

                        Also, tell all the melees not to stand in front of a mob that uses cone attacks.


                        • #57
                          Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                          One little tip that helps when you want to know who has hate is selecting the mob and typing "/assist". This will tell you who the mob is currectly targeted on.

                          As for mp vs stats. I go for +mp at start and switch out mp gear for things that give +mnd and/or -emnity as the fight goes on. Yes this means I carry alot of (costly) equipment on me but in time it helps you out. I don't need 700some hp when I only have around 600 mp mid fight. I rather have 900some hp and 600 mp at that same point. The more aoe you can take w/o dying the better. And now with the new ja's a whms hp is even more important.

                          Yes a whms job it too keep their party/alliance/linkshell alive, heathly, and raisen if needed. However keep in mind a dead/weakened whm due to disregaurd of their own health hinders their use. And sometimes ones you die, you just can't seem to stay up. I found this out while doing the Ouryu uncapped bcnm and lost 20k in one fight. No joke but that expierance has taught me quite a few things.

                          As for gear I have no reason to show my e-peen per say. However I'm happy to say my whm is where I want it to be and very useful in my hnmls. I've been doing hnms for almost 1.5 years now and have done most fights save AV and Sea jailers. I'm a vet and would be glad to pass on tips and hints.
                          Last edited by Rayvlin; 09-10-2006, 11:14 PM.
                          In Dynamis-Xarcabard w/o Divine Seal:

                          Mithra- 75 WHM, 75 RDM, 50 BLU
                          Cooking 100


                          • #58
                            Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                            Originally posted by Rayvlin View Post
                            As for mp vs stats. I go for +mp at start and switch out mp gear for things that give +mnd and/or -emnity as the fight goes on. Yes this means I carry alot of (costly) equipment on me but in time it helps you out. I don't need 700some hp when I only have around 600 mp mid fight. I rather have 900some hp and 600 mp at that same point. The more aoe you can take w/o dying the better. And now with the new ja's a whms hp is even more important.

                            Yes a whms job it too keep their party/alliance/linkshell alive, heathly, and raisen if needed. However keep in mind a dead/weakened whm due to disregaurd of their own health hinders their use. And sometimes ones you die, you just can't seem to stay up. I found this out while doing the Ouryu uncapped bcnm and lost 20k in one fight. No joke but that expierance has taught me quite a few things.
                            - Not that it matters to new WHMs reading this topic, but you can use Stoneskin to absorb the damage from using both Martyr and Devotion.

                            - 700HP is a bit too low to be safe in most end-game situations. Lots of things can do several hundred HP on AoE, and most enemies will hit for at least a couple hundred damage in melee, spmetimes much more. As a Taru WHM I try to keep my HP above 800 at all times - my starting stats at a fight are usually around 930HP and 1237MP without food, and if anything my HPs creep up from there as the fight wears on as I swap out +MP gears for +HP (I only use one piece of -HP gear, Rostrum Pumps, and sometimes I won't even bother with it if I think I'll be taking AoE damage).

                            - You're doing something very wrong if you lose 20K XP in 60 minutes (the duration of the battle for Ouryu Cometh)... that's a minimum of 11 KO's using Reraise I/Raise I. Weakness lasts 5 minutes, so you basically spent the majority of the fight either dead or weakened.


                            WHM is the safety net of a party or alliance. Part of that role means that you try your hardest not to die yourself, or if it does happen, then avoid dying again and prolonging your period of Weakness.

                            To that end, always make sure you Reraise only when it is safe to do so. If there's an active enemy being fought nearby that has area effect weaponskills and/or spells, wait until it uses one before you get up so that you don't get it right as you stand up. Once you get up, get out of danger range, and get Reraise back up ASAP (and Stoneskin if necessary if you simply can't avoid getting hit with AoE).



                            • #59
                              Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                              As I said, it was a learning experience. Really a fight from hell. This was long before the raise 1 buff so exp loose in the same situation now would have been much less on my part. I was just using it as an example to make my point. No need to flame me about this example, I know now what I've done wrong. Sometimes you just get into a loop of dying over and over again.

                              Even with smn sub I'm able to have a comfortable 1k hp and mp balance. In no way am I being a hypocrite on the advice I have given.
                              In Dynamis-Xarcabard w/o Divine Seal:

                              Mithra- 75 WHM, 75 RDM, 50 BLU
                              Cooking 100


                              • #60
                                Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                                i have a lvl 56 whm. when i was hitting around lvl 48-50ish i really noticed how bad my Divine magic was. so i started casting it once a fight or pretty much when ever i could pending on mp and pts hp. in just 6-8 lvls i have lvled it almost to capped.

