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WHM Hints and Tips

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  • #31
    Re: WHM Hints and Tips

    In a fit of mad moderator powah, I have split the not-quite-on topic posts to their own seperate thread here:
    Please keep the discussions here about WHM Hints and Tips. Thanks.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #32
      Re: WHM Hints and Tips

      Most of the stuff has been touched on, really, so here's the best I can add to the mix...

      Know you Zone and know your Tank, and adjust your game plan accordingly. Don't be affraid to say no altogether.

      A great example is an XP party that tries bats in Gar. Citadel with a Nin tank. Jet Stream is a bitch and a half, and especially with low vit nin will end up in death either because you have to drop big cures and steal hate to keep nin alive, or the nin doesn't stay alive at all. Likewise, the double hit of the bats in KRP makes nin tanks a pain as well, and you face the same issues. By knowing your zones and your tanks, you know that PLD is better for those places.

      Likewise, anything that its slow and hard is great for nin. Especially past Haste. Save the PLD parties for the double hits and jet streams

      On a similar note, learn to judge good tanks from ok tanks. Just because some people do things in different orders, etc., they end up with different results. For whatever reason, the same tank at the same level, with the same race, job, and equip can end up entirely different (Especially with nin who can't count shadows). Each person is different, so learn to judge if they are keeping hate...

      For example, does the mob turn to face the BLM (even if it doesn't move?) or does it turn around after a wepon skill until the PLD flashes it? Little indicators like this tell you the difference between whether or not you can drop that Curaga 1, or that Curaga 2 without stealing hate.

      My record so far is dropping benidiction on a 5 person party with everyone in red while fighting a rumbler. Our War/Mnk tank kept hate; the rumbler didn't even turn around.

      Also get used to the idea that -sometimes- its okay to steal hate. If the Nin tank is having a hard time in general (even with shadows up) and the War and the Drg are about to start skill chain, you can sometimes sneak in that extra Cure IV that normally takes hate.

      Most important, though, is to remember that PLD/WAR, NIN/WAR, and WAR/MNK all require slightly different tactics when you main heal, especially now that NIN has Shadow Absorbed -Enmity!

      -Pookapooka, Odin GoB
      WHM55, BLM30, SMN 15


      • #33
        Re: WHM Hints and Tips

        As whm my main job on my character Attamus, is 45, tarutaru with smn sub so my MP is at 652, besides astrals, what else could i use to raise my MP, i have electrum, and an extremely limited funding... also any suggestions on farming would be extremely helpful ^^

        as far as adivce for whm goes ALWAYS keep haste on ninjas and keep your spell list constantly updated, except you can sweat off erase, its not as useful as alot of people think and you can counter any effect (except Dia) with your other spells, at least as far as i have seen > >;;

        Double Post Edited:
        Originally posted by Jeev
        I dont agree.. i would put spells first, then get a wand staves aren't really as useful as wands because they only add about 2+ hp/mp wands on the other hand give boosts to mind and int, which is much more useful

        true ill agree with you, but if your a taru espec. with a sub job, i recommend a hammer/shield combo, most people have the hardest time with taru whm becuse they always use staves. moderate damage over time is best for any magic caster while staves try to put dmg down at lengthy heavy intervals however when in a party, go with the wands, it pays off in the long run ^^
        Last edited by Bakka; 10-14-2005, 07:57 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


        • #34
          Re: WHM Hints and Tips

          Well Erase has other types of functions, Spider Slow is HORRIBLE if you ever exp off of them as Haste does not erase it. Erase is what you need there, and i heard some Elemental enfeebles at higher levels are extremely nasty in how much hp they take off as well. Ballista-wise..i like it when someone binds me and i can get rid of it. ><


          • #35
            Re: WHM Hints and Tips

            The thing what i see mostly with WHM is that they get to mutch hate from curing when the other party members like the Tank and sub Tank can't keep full hate when your curing and adding to that there is almost always a BLM there also to draw his part of the hate

            still curing spells do get (overheated) with hate if you been curing a little to long

            i came up with a solution at lvl 52 that solved all of my problems
            currently i'm a WHM lvl 59 and wel belive it or not i can cast Cure4 + Curaga3 + Benediction in a row in battle and not get any hate at all

            the equipment i use isn't all for MP+

            shure i got 2 Astral Rings and a Spirit Torque to add just that little extra MP that can make the fights go a little bit easyer

            though the equipment that i'm fighting with is a full Crow set
            most people don't know what that equipment is all about and all
            but it is the second best enmity- equipment in the game with the best one being the Raven set witch ads a extra enmity- and evasion+ to everything

            yes i am a WHM that levels with that equipment, and so far no one has died in my party for not getting the right cure in time

            don't waste your gil in all those convert items that cost way to mutch
            try investing your gil into items that can actualy help yourself out more

            if your low on MP (i never get low btw) then make shure that when everyone is cured to rest up with a Dark staff, if you got a RDM in the party or a BRD with Ballad1+2 yes both then its sweet
            you gain MP back in no time

            the last thing a party wants is a WHM that don't know what a WHM is sepose to do
            wel in short words WHM job is to keep the party ALIVE

            if you also see that a few party members need Erase or so then don't bother using Erase single on everyone, if you can use Divine Seal then Erase, if your high enough leveld then the Divine Seal becomes Divine Veil witch wil effect the whole party with just a single spell
            now that also means that you saved a lot of MP with going around on everyone with the spells

            as a Mithra WHM i currently got a HP of 787 and a MP of 598
            most people would say "why you got sutch a low MP??" wel my reply on that would be that i don't need more MP then that

            i can easely case a Raise2 on someone outside of the party (LS leveling) and still just go on with curing as i please

            Stoneskin and Blink is something i don't need when i'm leveling in a party
            if during a fight protect and shell goes down on myself then i also know that the party's is down also
            i won't wait til after the party to recast it(total waste of MP then)
            just run to the main tank and damage dealers and do your stuff in getting those back up then walk back to your casting position

            famous Kazham leveling area

            wel i know you heard of Kazham before, little Mandy's to kill in order to level up
            wel here is a little advice for the WHM in that area
            if your fighting a Mandy there with a party then i got a single rule
            a WHM is totaly useless when he/she is sleeping
            if your awake and the party isn't then please don't start with casting single Cure1 on everyone
            it just takes up to mutch time
            cast a nice Curaga1 on the party and they wil be able to move on and keep hate on them

            i been giving advice in UHUsupport LS about being a WHM and all, even showing them all the trick and trades of the job
            if your on Remora server and you want to know more about it then just send me a /tell and i'l be happy to answer all your questions about it

            ps: ever seen a WHM lvl 59 solo for EXP?
            gues no WHM eve dares to take sutch a challange on
            if you ever see me in a higher leveld place while i'm on /anon
            then don't think i'm a RDM soloing monsters lol
            people already saw me fighting and though that when i told them i'm a WHM they go like lie
            i'l put my /anon off in the server if you don't belive me when you see me
            i'l be happy to shock you with the fact that even WHM can solo (isn't mutch EXP though if your close to level up and you don't want to wait for a party then try it out)

            wel thats it for me for the moment to add in this topic
            hope everyone wil learn something from this post
            WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
            BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
            Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
            Prime fights? please let me join


            • #36
              Re: WHM Hints and Tips

              Originally posted by suzu
              Sitting a lot means you can't take negative status off as quickly, or getting the Cure V in quick enough if a freak incident takes your tank's hp down to 20%.
              I usually have the tank targeted as I'm standing up, and the cure selected, all I gotta do is cast. I gotta admit though, It has gotten quite close a time or two.
              "Money can't buy you happiness... Just a more pleasant form of misery"



              • #37
                Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                Originally posted by Sharpedo
                The thing what i see mostly with WHM is that they get to mutch hate from curing when the other party members like the Tank and sub Tank can't keep full hate when your curing and adding to that there is almost always a BLM there also to draw his part of the hate

                still curing spells do get (overheated) with hate if you been curing a little to long

                i came up with a solution at lvl 52 that solved all of my problems
                currently i'm a WHM lvl 59 and wel belive it or not i can cast Cure4 + Curaga3 + Benediction in a row in battle and not get any hate at all

                the equipment i use isn't all for MP+

                shure i got 2 Astral Rings and a Spirit Torque to add just that little extra MP that can make the fights go a little bit easyer

                though the equipment that i'm fighting with is a full Crow set
                most people don't know what that equipment is all about and all
                but it is the second best enmity- equipment in the game with the best one being the Raven set witch ads a extra enmity- and evasion+ to everything

                yes i am a WHM that levels with that equipment, and so far no one has died in my party for not getting the right cure in time

                don't waste your gil in all those convert items that cost way to mutch
                try investing your gil into items that can actualy help yourself out more

                if your low on MP (i never get low btw) then make shure that when everyone is cured to rest up with a Dark staff, if you got a RDM in the party or a BRD with Ballad1+2 yes both then its sweet
                you gain MP back in no time

                the last thing a party wants is a WHM that don't know what a WHM is sepose to do
                wel in short words WHM job is to keep the party ALIVE

                if you also see that a few party members need Erase or so then don't bother using Erase single on everyone, if you can use Divine Seal then Erase, if your high enough leveld then the Divine Seal becomes Divine Veil witch wil effect the whole party with just a single spell
                now that also means that you saved a lot of MP with going around on everyone with the spells

                as a Mithra WHM i currently got a HP of 787 and a MP of 598
                most people would say "why you got sutch a low MP??" wel my reply on that would be that i don't need more MP then that

                i can easely case a Raise2 on someone outside of the party (LS leveling) and still just go on with curing as i please

                Stoneskin and Blink is something i don't need when i'm leveling in a party
                if during a fight protect and shell goes down on myself then i also know that the party's is down also
                i won't wait til after the party to recast it(total waste of MP then)
                just run to the main tank and damage dealers and do your stuff in getting those back up then walk back to your casting position

                famous Kazham leveling area

                wel i know you heard of Kazham before, little Mandy's to kill in order to level up
                wel here is a little advice for the WHM in that area
                if your fighting a Mandy there with a party then i got a single rule
                a WHM is totaly useless when he/she is sleeping
                if your awake and the party isn't then please don't start with casting single Cure1 on everyone
                it just takes up to mutch time
                cast a nice Curaga1 on the party and they wil be able to move on and keep hate on them

                i been giving advice in UHUsupport LS about being a WHM and all, even showing them all the trick and trades of the job
                if your on Remora server and you want to know more about it then just send me a /tell and i'l be happy to answer all your questions about it

                ps: ever seen a WHM lvl 59 solo for EXP?
                gues no WHM eve dares to take sutch a challange on
                if you ever see me in a higher leveld place while i'm on /anon
                then don't think i'm a RDM soloing monsters lol
                people already saw me fighting and though that when i told them i'm a WHM they go like lie
                i'l put my /anon off in the server if you don't belive me when you see me
                i'l be happy to shock you with the fact that even WHM can solo (isn't mutch EXP though if your close to level up and you don't want to wait for a party then try it out)

                wel thats it for me for the moment to add in this topic
                hope everyone wil learn something from this post
                Awesome! I was hoping to hear from someone who has used the Crow/Raven armor as WHM. I havn't gotten to play with it, since I was mostly done with AF when the crow was added, but I'm still seriously considering adding a set to my collection for level capped stuff.

                Nice to know it works!


                • #38
                  Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                  i can only recommend the set to be used for WHM
                  the stuff that you can cast with not getting hate is just awesome
                  most people when they see a person on /anon with full crow equipment then they think your a RDM or so
                  most wil also call you a noob just cuz they don't know what the equipment can do and what it is for

                  but wel if they reather want a WHM that keeps drawing hate in the party then i won't stop them, i only got my WHM AF hammer the rest i don't have cuz for me the equipment is useless, not shure what others think about it but thats just my idea

                  maibe someday i'l get it to complete my WHM path into Vana Diel though for the moment i'm happy with my full Crow set
                  WAR 13, MNK 7, WHM 64, BLM 31, RDM 13, THF 26, PLD 14, DRK 15,
                  BST 24, BRD 16, RNG 25, SAM 6, NIN 19, DRG 37, SMN 43
                  Avatars: -={FENRIR}=-
                  Prime fights? please let me join


                  • #39
                    Re: WHM Hints and Tips


                    Know this has probaly already been done but these are my tips for WHM.

                    1) Use Regen it's your best friend for MP, Personaly I use it on the less demanding jobs such as RNG etc that don't get as much hate as the tanks it saves on alot of Cures,

                    2) Macro all of your Cure spells! I know after 40 Cure seems weak but remeber if ya only need a lil heal don't waste MP on Cure II,

                    3) Make use of your Dia / Dia II there your friend and also a damn good spell

                    4) If you have the time use Slow and Paralyze if theres no RDM,

                    5) Make use of your time, If the PT are all healed fine and are doing well eat a cookie and rest for the MP but be aware if your needed!

                    6) Never fully heal a PLD they want to heal themselfs for hate!

                    7) Give the main tank a Haste spell! It's always a good spell for them!

                    8) Make sure you have Erase!It's one of the best spells for WHM yes it's expensive but so worth it!

                    9) Don't think your better then the pt cause your the WHM!

                    10) HAVE FUN! Why be a WHM if ya don't enjoy it!

                    Thanks ^.^ POWER TO THE WHM'S!

                    Fenrir Won: 11/08/2006
                    Diablos Won: 07/03/2007


                    • #40
                      Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                      +MND equip to enhance your cures


                      • #41
                        Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                        MND doesnt really help once you reach Cure cap however..+Cure Potency will help you for every Cure, and + Healing magic(i think) helps with CureV more. With like 12-14MND i only get like..i dunno 1-2hp more healed which is like...sooo crap..><


                        • #42
                          Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                          Originally posted by lionx
                          MND doesnt really help once you reach Cure cap however..+Cure Potency will help you for every Cure, and + Healing magic(i think) helps with CureV more. With like 12-14MND i only get like..i dunno 1-2hp more healed which is like...sooo crap..><
                          same here. when I did my own tests on the matter it came out to right about 10% of your MND bonus in additional HP.


                          • #43
                            Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                            The most important thing for a WHM is knowledge. Know what monster special attacks can be reduced by bar spells (and which ones), what will miss most of the party if the monster is Flashed while doing them, what causes which negative status, and how and when to remove them. You should never, or almost never, need for someone to *tell* you they're poisoned, paralyzed, whatever - you should already know because you saw what spell/attack hit them. (Except in conditions of extreme lag or spam, such as Dynamis.) Some negative effects need to be removed immediately (silence or paralyze on a tank), some should be removed when possible (paralyze or blind on DDs), some can be pretty much ignored (blind on a mage, virus on a melee).

                            Know which effects can be Erased, who it's more important to Erase first, and which ones can be ignored on certain characters (Attack Down on mages, etc.)

                            Know that monsters will sometimes wait to use their TP, but below 20% hp, they will use it as soon as possible; in particular, this means that if a monster has TP at the time it goes below 20% hp, it will WS immediately. Being able to predict when a monster will use TP can be a big advantage.

                            Know which monsters have dangerous AoE that you need to stand back from as much as possible, and which ones it's ok if you run in to cast a bar spell and cast a few more spells before running back again. (Some AoE are magic damage, and aren't that dangerous to WHM; others are physical, or have dangerous status effects, or both.) Know when to use curagas and when it's too dangerous/not enough people are wounded to make it efficient.

                            As a WHM, your job is not just to keep the party alive, but to keep them functioning at 100% effectiveness (or more, after Haste - which also prevents most forms of slow). Preventing damage and status attacks before they happen, removing harmful status and keeping up protective spells are just as much a part of the WHM job as cures. It's also your job to make sure the party can recover from a disaster that kills people - or even the whole party - so keep up Reraise.

                            Finally, while you do need to keep up with all those responsibilities, you should also do so in a way that keeps as much MP for future fights as you can; use Regen and Curaga to save MP when possible, and get +healMP gear and food so you can recover faster to be ready for another fight.

                            OK WHMs react to problems. Great WHMs prevent them.
                            Defeated: Maat, Divine Might, Fenrir, Kirin, Cactrot Rapido, Xolotl, Diabolos Prime, Kurrea, 9/10 Dynamis Bosses (missing Tav), Promathia, Proto-Ultima, Proto-Omega, 4 Jailers, Apocalypse Nigh, 6/6 Nyzul Bosses
                            RDM90, PLD90, DRG90, COR90, SCH90, BLU54
                            All Nations Rank 10, ZMs & PMs Complete, AUMs Complete, Captain, Nyzul Floor 100 (5 Weapons, 4 WS), Medal of Altana, WotG Mission 15, 1/3 Addons Complete, 9/9 Abyssea Main Quests, 6/6 Caturae


                            • #44
                              Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                              My suggestions to keep in mind while leveling your WHM. Please note that whenever a WHM is in a party, I usually place the brunt of responsibility to the "medic" in terms of maintaining the survivabilities of party members. There are reasons why you're known as a "main healer" when you play as a WHM.

                              Number one rule for all WHMs. Preparation is key to success. Keep this in your heart and you will have very enjoyable outings.
                              • Know thy party members! Too often do WHM players assume to know all they know about their own party members just by appearances. When I get invited to join a party, I immediately look to see who's in the party. I note their nation rank, equipment, job class, weapon of choice and preferred language.
                                • If player is noted to have woefully inadequate equipment for his/her level, make mention of this to the leader, or if this is the leader, ask the other party members in /tell about what they think they need to do to overcome any handicaps. For example, if the equipment the tank is using might not mitigate damage effectively, this will increase the burden on healing for yourself.
                                • Is the weapon of choice a hindrance to that job class? Make sure everyone knows what weapon skill chain they're performing as well as any other additional job abilities that may enhance or hinder party performance. Example, make sure the Dark Knight does not go stacking everything + Soul Eater every chance he/she gets, because this will only worsen your ability to effectively care for your party members. Another example is that a poor weapon choice may not actualize the potential of that melee and a couple of those players in a party can break an experience outing for everyone by dragging out fights longer then they need to be.
                                • When partying with members of differing language, language barriers become the main hurdle to the effectiveness of the party. Make sure all macros have been Auto-Translated and annoying and redundant information in those macros removed. Effectively communicate to the best of your ability to your party any special requests that you may need to effectively do your job right. Nip annoyances and idiocy in the bud before leaving town.
                              • Know thy destination! In addition to your knowledge of your own party, a successful WHM must also have knowledge of the terrain and monsters in the zone they will head off to. New players certainly will not have this knowledge, but because of the sheer number of resources available, whether it's fee-based or free, you have absolutely no excuse to not be able to research this yourself! For second opinions, consult other veteran members in your party (if any) or visit the many online communities, such as this one, to have your questions addressed before setting out to gain experience on your character(s).
                                • All monsters have their quirks, abilities and issues that you need to think about when fighting them. Your knowing what to expect will be your secret weapon in making preparations at the beginning of each fight. However, anticipation should not be mistakened for paranoia or overcautiousness. There's a fine line between being careless and being overzealous about your responsibilities.
                                • Using the terrain to your advantage is a must. Avoid the pitfalls of having to be placed in a dangerous situation (Exposing your backside to potential aggro from Wide-Roaming monsters) as well as making sure there's enough room for you to operating alongside the melees and other mages. Standing on top of each other may get the job done, but it sure doesn't make things comfortable and enjoyable either. Make sure to take into consideration any AoE effects a monster may use, such as a Manticores Max MP Down effect, which can potentially spell trouble for the party.
                              • Know thyself! This is an important part of any job, for that matter. You need to know your limitations on your own job class as well as potential. Knowing where your boundaries lie is important because you can then have realistic expectations of yourself as well as other members in your party.
                                • You have job abilities. So use them! Too often do I see job abilities go unused. I see this with BLMs as well as WHMs. Even RDMs can gain access to Elemental and Divine Seal as a subjob.
                                • Study beneficial gains from equipment on your character. Do not just purchase an item because it is of great monetary value or because it grants elite status symbol. Purchase only when you are confident that what you have gained make sense to what you're trying to accomplish and if what you have gained was actually worth what you paid for.
                                • Re-evaluate your play style every 5 levels. This self-reflection is crucial to improving your play. Too often do I come across WHMs who have the same play style when they were in Valkurm and are applying it in places like Sky. Techniques and rhythm will constantly change with each equipment upgrade, new spell and job trait/ability gained. Failure to evolve will usually cause stagnation in a player's ability. This usually accounts for most of the bad WHMs in post level 70 play.
                                • Master your macro.
                                • Be mindful of your job and attentive to your duties. It is quite tempting as a WHM to fall into a routine where you're constantly spending more time on your LS than you do with your own experience party. Like cell phone usage when driving, problems can occur when people's attention are elsewhere and instead of where it really needs to be. If you're suffering from attention deficit disorder, unequip your LS pearl on each experience outing (Let your LS friends know this ahead of time and many will be understanding)
                                • Use chat filters. They are your friend. Conversely, over use of chat filters can be detrimental. Use discretion and be understanding of what each filter you are applying to does with your chat log.
                                • Customize font color. This is important and probably the most overlooked configuration option that has the best beneficial gain. Color can be quite stimulating to the retina, especially moreso in a sea of monotonous chat text. Having key alerts highlighted in a different color that will catch your attention is a must as I have found that the default color scheme does not suit majority of the players out there.
                                • Don't be a jerk. Always err on the side of caution and try to avoid repeated confrontation with other party members. If you're uncomfortable with other party members, note their names down, the date of incident and a short summary of your displeasure in your journal or other such repository. Then you have the choice to avoid them altogether in future endeavors. Be aware that social interaction and any provocation can have a lasting effect in this community and memories are quite long. Do not stop performing your tasks in a party simply because you have a bone to pick with one of the members. Discretion is the better part of valor and taking the high road is recommended.
                              3/17/06 early AM This is all I have for now, I'm quite sleepy.
                              Last edited by Aeni; 03-18-2006, 02:08 AM.


                              • #45
                                Re: WHM Hints and Tips

                                While I don't agree with all of Aeni's points, I will say that "preperation is the key to success" is indeed a good motto to follow! One huge piece of advice for whms is - if you know something that will help your party then SPEAK UP! I've seen it happen so many times where you take an hour to get a pt together, then travel to camp, start fighting, and things don't go well and suddenly someone speaks up "I just knew that this would happen because this is the wrong place for this party setup." >.< WHY!!!! did you not say that before we left town!!?

                                The touch to this is that you have to bring things up in a friendly manner. Try not to come off as a know-it-all or as pushy. You might want to try talking to the pt leader in /t's first and see how that works. If he/she is unresponsive then you should probably bring it up to the party in as neutral of a manner as possible.
                                Originally posted by Feba
                                But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                                Originally posted by Taskmage
                                God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                                Originally posted by DakAttack
                                ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

