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AF3 Blues..

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  • AF3 Blues..

    Well, I'm currently a level 57 WHM on the Fairy Server.. Things have been going pretty good lately..
    But now it's time for me to get my Healer's Briault. I've gotten a Tavanzia Bell already, but..

    I have no one to help me with the NM in Fei'Yin.
    To be honest, I only have a handful of close friends, all at various levels, none of them really able to help.
    This has thus, left me to shouting in Jeuno for help on and off.. And as of yet, I've gotten no response to my plea.

    It's pretty depressing really, I've heard so many horror stories about the difficulty of this NM..
    And here I am, having to face it, and no one is around to help me at all. >_<
    I really don't want to hit level 58 without it.. So I'm sort of stuck where I am until I get some help with this.
    Did anyone else have trouble with getting this AF? Anyone on Fairy want to help me out? ; ;

  • #2
    Making friends with people you exp with is key to getting af help or be part of a high lvl ls and make friends in there. Important thing either way is that you go the extra mile to do more socializing (whether you care about them or not ) to get more contacts so you can get some more 'I scratch your back, you scratch mine' action going on. Everything from af and onward is highly dependent on who you know. So make as many friends in game as possible, it helps out so much and is really easier than you think. Just try get more conversations going while exping rather than dead silence for hours.

    Personally, I did this af with my ls. We had an af3 nm fight day and spent 4 hours with an alliance of 17 lvl 55-65 killing all the af3 nm's (12 in total). The key to the whm fight is a high lvl tank and several backup healers, the dimensional death is a one shot on a non-tank.
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #3
      Actually, I'm a very nice person. I go across an entire zone out of my way to raise someone when requested..
      I generally help strangers if they just ask politely, and I never really expect anything out of it, just the way I am.
      In parties though, I guess I do the "dead silence" bit, but it's because I need to be focused on my job..
      People seem to like me, and compliment me on my work as a WHM, so eh..
      I guess you're right, but what am I to do this late in the game? I don't want to pass 57 without that AF..
      And leveling another job seems a bit round-about and time consuming just to make new friends.

      And yeah.. I knew someone would mention they got their LS to help them..
      My LS is, well.. My own, it's very small, and has a select few close friends in it, that's it.
      They're all sack holders, but they never invite anyone, and I'm a bit shy to strangers, so I don't often offer a pearl.. Anyways, a bit late for me to rely on help via an LS I'm afraid.

      Now I don't mind doing someone a favor in return for this, so don't get me wrong..
      But it's kind of depressing to shout in Jeuno for days and never get a single /tell in response.
      Honestly, I don't even like asking for help the majority of time, so this is kind of hard on me. >_>
      Hate bothering people, but I'm really stuck right now..


      • #4
        Actually, I'm a very nice person. I go across an entire zone out of my way to raise someone when requested..
        Well those people are not going to be the kind that you'll just make friends with

        You'll get your chance. step up and ask some people you've been acquainted with, but dont really know yet. I bet if they thought you were nice on first impression, they'd help you out as long as they arent busy.

        Once you get a group of like 6-8 players to fight the NM, you might start shouting in jeuno

        /sh Forming alliance to do WHM AF3
        /wait 1
        /sh We have 6 people now, looking for more
        /wait 1
        /sh If you're interested, (/tell)<me>, thanks

        things like this usually gets you a couple responses from another whm or 2 that needs the quest, and hopefully they will also be able to bring a few friends with them.

        good luck and pre-congrats on healer's briault. i know you'll get it soon
        75 White Mage
        75 Ninja


        • #5
          This is a common concern. A lot of people are shy online, and have a tough time trying to get help doing the more difficult high-level tasks (AF, Genkai, and it goes downhill fast from there).

          Thing is, if you spend all your time keeping to yourself in-game, you should be prepared for the problem of not knowing anyone who can give you a hand. I understand it's not easy nor natural for a lot of people, but that's the way it is. People are generally unwilling to spend their limited play time helping out complete strangers, and you can't blame them for it.

          Wandering around Raising people is good for your karma, but doesn't win you many friends. You might get lucky and Raise someone who's levelling a subjob, but that's about the only way it's going to help you get better contacts. Otherwise, Raising some (usually) lower level player just gets you a bit of gratitude from someone who really can't help you get anything accomplished. Good for your soul, not particularly useful for networking.



          • #6
            You might want to go to a server-specific forum and try to form something there. Usually there are a couple LS's on each server that are in AF-range and do AF"s together. That is how I got my briault, i hitched a ride with an LS doing a whm af3 run. It's not really THAT hard, but it is definitely one of the hardest AF quests in the game.


            • #7
              Tifa has the right idea, the /sh way does get peoples attention and while often slow and tedious, should get the job done. I would adivise however not to constantly flood this msg, as you may end up pissing off a lot of people.

