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Some new Whitemage abilities I was thinking about

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  • Some new Whitemage abilities I was thinking about

    Screw Haste II's and Regen IV's...although they would be nice...they're something I've already done...just higher level versions of it. White mages need new abilities in general to liven up the job and make PTies want them later on. We need some spice in our curing lives!

    I was having a shower earlier and a few ideas came to my mind....things I'd LOVE a whitemage to get. New abilities...and ones that seem pretty well balanced and fitting for the job to me.

    New Ability #1

    Absorb Pain
    Level 40
    Recharge Time :5-10 minutes

    Similar to Convert for redmages with only some major differences. Absorb Pain gives ALL but 1 of your own hp to one other person in your PT.

    Obviously...this sounds like suicide but! let the HP that the other PT member recieves give the Whitemage absolutely NO additional hate.

    Here's a scenerio....

    Paladin in the PT takes a nasty sickle slash and is 50 hp from dying. Bam! Whitemage fires off Aborb Pain and drops his own hp to 1 and restoring a 300-400 (random number guessing here...would all depend on whitemages current hp.) instant, hateless cure back onto the paladin. Paladin then uses his own MP to cure the whitemage thus gaining himself a buttload of additional hate and keeping the whitemage alive!

    Pros: Instant cast time "Oh No!" ability healing for a huge chunk of hateless hp.

    Cons: 1hp is scary!

    New Ability #2

    Level 50
    Recharge timer: 5 minutes

    What Wall does is make one PT member COMPLETELY invulnerable to negative status effects for the next 30 seconds. Basically this is the whitemages equivilent to cover.

    Pros: 30 seconds of no negativeness for the tank!

    Cons: Long recast timer. Unable to use on self. Doesn't remove bad status effects already on PT member...just prevents future ones. Should also grab the whitemage a bit of hate to balance it out.

    Basically...this would be for all the nasty status effects that CoP has added (I've only read about them thus far...I've yet to get CoP) like the death countdown curse thingy I read about in another thread...and just a nice ability to have in general.

    That's all I have for now...but I'll post more when I think of them...let me know what you think!

  • #2
    I like those. First would be great for galka-elvaan whms. Simple stoneskin, blink and you should fine. Wall sounds fun simply because we are so lacking in the abilities apartment. Right now its divine seal every 10 min and nothing more. Pld gets to use like 3-4 abilities ever 5 min, what a rip.
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #3
      WHMs need innate cure potency up ><
      Like RDMs get fast cast and blms get conserve MP...WHMs need +cure potency every so often.
      Say at 20,40,60 or 10,30,50,70 or whatever you get +5% cure potency so that we do, in fact, cure better than other jobs~.~ Or it could be a random 10% cure increase that kicks in more often at higher levels...or something.
      San D'orian Taru ~ All the courage of Sandy, all the cute, fluffy qualities of a taru.


      • #4
        interesting ideas ^^a

        i would like to see varying amounts of hp 'critical hit' cures that do more than normal. would be nice if we got a couple of fast cast upgrades as well...regen takes too long D; passive cure potency increases sound great o_o

        too bad we'll never get anything so cool; we get one ja, hurray ._.)/


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lynsy
          WHMs need innate cure potency up ><
          Like RDMs get fast cast and blms get conserve MP...WHMs need +cure potency every so often.
          Say at 20,40,60 or 10,30,50,70 or whatever you get +5% cure potency so that we do, in fact, cure better than other jobs~.~ Or it could be a random 10% cure increase that kicks in more often at higher levels...or something.
          I agree..while it looks cool to cure with lightstaff...its not so cool to see the RDM doing similar with the same staff and just know its not your job that is making it cooler..its an equip -_- I really like some Cure potency ups or that random cure crit, it really seperate us a bit more...i mean besides high lvl raises and stuff..assuming the party is competent(assuming it is)...double RDMs can be just as good if not better than a WHM. ; ; Especially on Curing....nothing seperates us from other mages besides CureV.


          • #6
            as much as whms dont get many abilities outside their two hour
            ( 1 ), thats one more than bards or ninjas.

            55% Skill
            35% Equipment
            10% Race

            White Mage - 75 - Completed
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            • #7
              I think I'm pretty busy as it is, especially after 60. I'm not really sure what I'd do with more abilities. With regens, hastes, erases, bars, and cures, I'm usually on overload as it is.
              Unleashed LS -


              • #8
                a couple of my ideas:

                pray (heals = whm level or mnd) gets no hate uses no mana, useable every 5 min

                freespell (not real name but i cant think of a good one yet) your next spell uses no mana, useable every 10 min


                • #9
                  I'd gladly take Erasega, or Paralynaga, Stonaga, Poisonaga, Blinaga, over any of those abilities. I mean it's not quite fair if Monsters can diaga everyone and we can't even remove all of that at once. We have to do it individually one at a time, and with a recast timer as well.

                  Oh and BTW, make it level 50+ to use. I'd hate to have someone sub whm and be able to cast Erasega on everyone.
                  Hacked on 9/9/09
                  FFXIAH - Omniblast


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lynsy
                    WHMs need innate cure potency up ><
                    Like RDMs get fast cast and blms get conserve MP...WHMs need +cure potency every so often.
                    Say at 20,40,60 or 10,30,50,70 or whatever you get +5% cure potency so that we do, in fact, cure better than other jobs~.~ Or it could be a random 10% cure increase that kicks in more often at higher levels...or something.
                    I agree completely.

                    My last few RDM EXP parties, I've made our WHM look silly with my Elvaan MND, excellent MP usage, and my MND+20. If I recall correctly, my last 3 WHMs said point blank, "With Odude, you guys don't even need me. I'm feeling like an EXP leech."

                    If WHM got a trait that would up their Cures even more, to keep them ahead of a RDM like myself. And I know I'm not the only RDM who's had MND+20 (or more!) in their early Lv.30's
                    PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sylvanas
                      interesting ideas ^^a

                      i would like to see varying amounts of hp 'critical hit' cures that do more than normal. would be nice if we got a couple of fast cast upgrades as well...regen takes too long D; passive cure potency increases sound great o_o

                      too bad we'll never get anything so cool; we get one ja, hurray ._.)/
                      critical heal cures. that would actually take of the control over hate you have.... Imagin castin cure IV on someone with low hp and you know you wont get hate and bamm its like one of your "critical cures" and your shit in the next second... doesnt sound good to me


                      • #12
                        That happens to melees and blms all the time though and they don't have hate problems because of it. A blm is able to nuke without reliably knowing how much dmg his nuke will do while still avoiding pulling hate.
                        Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Rones
                          That happens to melees and blms all the time though and they don't have hate problems because of it. A blm is able to nuke without reliably knowing how much dmg his nuke will do while still avoiding pulling hate.
                          blm know in average how high the dmg might or will be, not exactly but they can calculate it in. while haveing random critical cures (which can draw alot hate) leaves you outhanded of knowing if you are either curing now 360 hp or 720 hp. while critics of melees dont make so much hate like spells.

                          The best Idea I can see here is really this cure potency job trait. That would fit in good


                          • #14
                            A little variety would be exciting though. Considering I can count on one hand the number of times I've pulled hate in my last 3-4 lvls of exping (100k+ exp) hate isn't really an issue for whm. So adding in a little random hate spike now and then would be fun.

                            As well, most whms throw the biggest cure they can fit to get the tank closest to full hp without going over; so instead of your cure IV doing 400 it might do ~500 for the last 100 hp that the tank had room for. Throwing a cure IV and having it heal 800+ instead of 400 is extremely unlikely since the whm would most likely have thrown a cure V instead. Pre Cure V how many tanks will have room for an 800hp cure anyway and not be practically dead as is? :sweat: It's really a problem that just wouldn't arise much. Most whms with af will really not have a problem either. I sit so far below the hate line with all my -enimity that it really isn't an issue of what I throw because I can't pull hate.
                            Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm

