I've got a lv 25 whm, and haven't had any farming problems until now. Probably, I was workinga warrior job earlier, and at lv 13-14 a warrior can mow through ghelsba orcs while still gaining crystals. Apart from that, I got all the money i needed in the course of normal expeing. Now, at lv 25, though - i'm really stuck on what can give me good money.
People have suggested farming silks, but say i should be level 30. So this thread does seem interesting to me.
Whats good for lower level whm's to farm for money? Don't talk about crafting/fishing/etc - we all know those can get money. Just item farming though, whats the best bet?
People have suggested farming silks, but say i should be level 30. So this thread does seem interesting to me.
Whats good for lower level whm's to farm for money? Don't talk about crafting/fishing/etc - we all know those can get money. Just item farming though, whats the best bet?