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Getting Weary as Levels Rise

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  • Getting Weary as Levels Rise

    From what I read, once you got passed Valkurm healing became a little easier to keep up with. While that held true for the latter part of Qufim and for both jungles, at 34 and rising it's becoming increasingly harder.

    Now mobs hit for 50-60+ each strike, critical for over 100, and spamming my regen macro whenever it wears isn't nearly enough to assume backup.

    With full gear on, including the dual astrals I have on loan from an LS mate I have almost 450 MP; not quite a taru, but as a Mithra with more than a 115 MP boost with full gear on, it should suffice.

    Unfortunately, with the hard hits mobs are dealing out, Cure 1 never suffices. The problem is, Cure II takes out 24 MP; with that and dealing out Regen's, I can usually only get to a chain 3 or 4 now in Garlaige. Altepa was just about the same, but the mobs didn't hit as hard so it was a little easier.

    Another big problem with this is hate control; I don't think the mobs like all the Cure II's going around, and I get hit very often... I have already used Reraise twice. Now, that may be the fault of my own, but even when I keep the curing down to a yellow-HP only status, the monsters turn and smack at me every so often still.

    Is this normal? I mean, am I just overcuring wayyy to much; should I stick to spamming Cure I's and an occasional Cure II, or should I go find some other miracle method to keep my parties alive? If it is normal, when would there be another slowdown like there was in the jungles?

    As I write this my party is inviting a NIN tank to replace the PLD... I'll see how that fares, but I'm still growing a bit weary...

  • #2
    The damg numbers you posted seem very high. Is it possible your tank wasnt using fish or was poorly equipped?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Fell
      The damg numbers you posted seem very high. Is it possible your tank wasnt using fish or was poorly equipped?
      The PLD tank was in full Eisen armor; I'm not sure whether or not Cent is better because at this point I'm oblivious to anything melee related x_x;; but now with the NIN tank, it has gotten significantly easier and I see him using fish.

      I'm pretty sure the PLD wasn't using food ;_;


      • #4
        Find yourself a good RDM

        I agree with the previous poster as well. On an averagely equip'd PLD, those numbers seem to be a tad high. They either have below average armor, don't take advantage of DEF raising food, or you guys are fighting mobs too high for your party.

        As for the Cure issue, get yourself a good RDM. Every time you cast a CureII they cast a Cure. Every time they cast a CureII, you cast a Cure. Helps spread the hate around, and helps dump a decent amount of HP back into your tank.

        As a RDM I have MND+20, so I easily out Cure WHMs. I can backup heal with the best of them, and can even be a Cure Monkey while the WHM /heal's their MP back to keep the chain going.

        A BRD could help with this as well. Mages Ballad would help you hugely, and they can help with back up heals tossed in.

        Sounds like you have very respectable MP poll, sounds like you need a better equip'd tank, better mobs to hunt, or quality mage support.
        PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
        RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

        Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
        SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


        • #5
          With a pld tank you will almost always be in need of a backup healer to give you more time to rest and keep your mp up. With a well played brd or rdm, they can usually give you that ability. However, partied with a nin I typically found myself reaching mp overkill from the small amount of cures needed and would just spam hastes and skill my divine magic for a lack of anything better to do with the excess mp. :sweat:

          By lvl 36+ you should be switching to useing cure 3 as your main cure now, not only is it more mp efficient than cure 2 when capped it will give you more resting time (compare the time spent casting cure 2 twice vs 1 cure 3 and then begining to rest). I started using cure 3 as my main fixer around lvl 33, but most whms tend to wait a few lvls later. Depends on the skill of your tank, the hate of 2 cure 2s is practically the same as a cure 3 with the exception that the cure 3 is over a shorter period of time (and if you cast cure 3 as fast as you did cure 2 you will find yourself pulling a lot of hate at that lvl). Also, just because you switch to a larger cure is no excuse to overcure and waist the mp efficieny you would be getting from it.

          The big kicker for whm comes at lvl 51 when you can pick up the amazingly cheap elemental staves. Dark and light staff make your life so much easier from then on and become the status quo of all whms.

          A final possible source of trouble is are you enfeebling or do you have a rdm in the party doing it? At those lvls whms can enfeeble very much on par with rdms assuming you aren't much lower lvl than the rest of the party. Paralyze, dia, and slow while they do cost mp will save much more mp over the course of the fight. I've been really shocked as of late from all the whms I partied with on my brd who totally ignored enfeebling and commonly commented that there enfeebling skill was around ~50 or so from lack of use, thus they wouldn't enfeeble even though we had no rdm. :dead:
          Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm

