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Erase order

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  • Erase order


    Im about 100k from buying Erase, in a situation where multiple people are affected by a status effect, who should I Erase first? IE: crab uses str down effect, should I lift it from the Pld first, or the Drk?

  • #2
    It depends on the situation really. For example eva down is huge for a Nin, and needs to come off immediately. Bind on a pld needs to come off if they need to cover or move to regain hate.

    For things like str down, honestly crabs spam them so often, that though you'll remove it at first, it will become of little value and too much mp spent to do so continuously. After my first or second day in Kuftal I didn't even bother. The mp and cast time is better spent on regen or cures.

    The same with spider slow. Remove it from the nin, but for everyone else you'll maybe get 1-2 people due to recast time, and it will be on again. Not much point to doing so frequently.

    Erase really shines when you do things like beastman, who can bio/dia for lengthy periods. This needs to come off. Also hp/mp down is a killer from manticores and sheep. And of course golem or other mob bind is quite annoying.

    I found it really didn't require frequent use until past 60. Past 70 it's pretty much a requirement.
    Unleashed LS -


    • #3
      Highest priority Erases:

      Ninja: Slow, Evasion Down, MaxHP Down, Gravity
      Paladin: Slow, Dia I/II, MaxHP Down, MaxMP Down
      All Melees: Bio I/II, and ESPECIALLY III, Slow
      Thief: Bind, Gravity
      Monk: STR-Down
      Bard: Bind, Gravity
      All spellcasters: MaxMP Down



      • #4
        Originally posted by Icemage
        Highest priority Erases:

        Ninja: Slow, Evasion Down, MaxHP Down, Gravity
        Paladin: Slow, Dia I/II, MaxHP Down, MaxMP Down
        All Melees: Bio I/II, and ESPECIALLY III, Slow
        Thief: Bind, Gravity
        Monk: STR-Down
        Bard: Bind, Gravity
        All spellcasters: MaxMP Down

        Just the ones you missed

        BLM: INT-Down
        RDM(only if RDM is MB'ing): INT-Down
        PLD: DEF-Down (Those lame dhalmels lol, in Bibiki Bay)
        NIN: DEF-Down (Dhalmel), ATK-Down (Bats)

        As for STR-Down on a PLD in the case you stated. Don't even bother, the crabs use that effect so often and PLD's shouldn't be relying on dmg output to be holding hate. So, I would, If you can, If not it shouldn't be worried about, since STR-Down lowers it's effect the longer it's on (i.e. when you first get it, it's -9 STR, then it graduallys lowers, -8, -7, -6, as time passes till it wears off.).
        | WHM 75 | NIN 71 | BLM 40 | WAR 37 | THF 35 | RNG 30 | SMN 29 |

        My Blog


        • #5
          All Spellcasters: DOT effects.
          Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
          Zilart, CoP completed
          Vrtra downed.

          San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
          FFXI journal


          • #6
            Or just tell the mage to cast stoneskin lol :spin: :spin:
            | WHM 75 | NIN 71 | BLM 40 | WAR 37 | THF 35 | RNG 30 | SMN 29 |

            My Blog


            • #7
              Thanks for all the input, i see it can vary from situation to situation.


              • #8
                -_- You don't need to use Erase for Max HP/MP down. Use Cursna. Yes, it costs more mana, but it also casts faster and has negligible recast time. The biggest problem with Erase is that it's like regen - it takes a long time to cast.

                To be practical though, in an EXP situation, the only non-spider time you really need to decide on "Erase order" is when you fight golems and they do an ohsoannoying crystal rain on your party. My order then follows:

                1)Erase the SA/TA person if he's not in the right position
                2)Erase the Bard, if there is one.
                3)You can ignore the rest until after the battle - let the Bard/blm erase the rest for you. If they're in Ru Aun, they should know how to keep hate.
                I believe most sigs are like the people they represent - useless, loud and obnoxious.


                • #9
                  oooh ^^

                  Sweet, my friend told me to check this thread since I just bought Erase over the weekend. It's a nice start to find this thread to look at some advice on how to use the spell wisely I know I'm crazy to buy this spell lol esp I don't exactly need it just yet, but I am glad to get this out of my way from my wishlist lol


                  • #10
                    kinda off topic but where can i obtain erase instead of paying that high AH price ?
                    BLM 75
                    DRK 75
                    WAR 75
                    SCH 75
                    THF 73
                    PLD 46
                    WHM 42
                    RDM 38
                    SAM 37
                    NIN 37
                    MNK 27
                    BLU 7 (who knows)
                    PUP 5 (staying right where it is)
                    DRG 27
                    SMN 12 (SMN75 oneday)
                    BRD 14 (no intrest as of yet)
                    RNG 5 (gil sink no thanks)
                    SAM 37
                    Beating up Gigas one at a time for their lunch money!
                    Retribution: O Spiral Hell: O Ground Strike: O Savage Blade: O Black Halo: O Evisceration: O Decimation: O Steel Cyclone: O


                    • #11
                      Various BCNM. you can look at mysterytour i don't have the url with me though sorry.

                      There is no knowledge without experience.
                      San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
                      Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


                      • #12
                        Erase who requires that kind of stat the most, like STR down, so you would mainly use that on the hard damage dealers, like RNG, DRK, DRG etc.. PLD is pretty important to remove stat affects from him too.

                        INT down affects, obviously you would remove from BLM and RDM's, also DRK (last).

                        Yeh i think you get the point now.


                        • #13
                          I personally think str and atk down should come off of skillchain enders and thieves as a high priority.

                          I've been leveling in kuftal and boyahda and I find that when I have str-down my attacks go down to 0's sometimes (I am aware this is partially due to the annoying def-boosts that crabs have, but not always). I know my melee dmg isn't much, but the fact that I stop gaining tp hurts a lot. I've also noticed that having str-down can lower my starting SATA and Viper Bite dmg by as much as 100 dmg and therefore the Distortion suffers by as much as 50 dmg.

                          I'm sure the dmg from any other melee when closing a skillchain would suffer just the same, so take these effects off of us please.
                          PLD 55 DRG 34 WAR 33 THF 60 NIN 21 RNG 34 SAM 10 MNK 18 WHM 32 BLM 25 DRK 4 all jobs unlocked, all others level 1


                          • #14
                            BLM: INT-Down
                            RDM(only if RDM is MB'ing): INT-Down
                            Never seen INT-down. Seen mandras do MND-down but never seen an INT-down, as far as I can remember.

                            Good thread on Erase.
                            75 White Mage
                            75 Ninja


                            • #15
                              Cockatrice in kuftal do an aoe int down.
                              Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm

