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Maat went down 1st's how I did it

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  • Maat went down 1st's how I did it

    Edit: Video Removed.
    2nd EDIT: vid back up!
    If you want to watch this video, do my bandwidth a favor and save it to your hard drive in case you want to watch it more than once.

    Yep, I won on the first try. I put a lot of planning into this fight and I'd like to share what I did with other WHM's. This fight is pretty nerveracking if you don't know what you're doing or if you come unprepared.

    Here was the prep list I made beforehand:
    Maat Fight Checklist

    Eremite's Wand O
    Medicine Earring O
    Medicine Ring O
    Druid's Rope O
    Full AF Armor O

    12X Mulsum O
    Vile Elixir O
    3X Yaguo Drink O
    Steamed Crab O
    4X Echo Drops O
    4X Hi-Potions O

    Start out wearing everything MP+

    When MP gets below 700, hit macro.
    /equip ear1 "Medicine Earring"
    /equip ring2 "Medicine Ring"
    /equip waist "Druid's Rope"

    1. Eat Steamed Crab before entering BC.
    2. Enter BC- Cast these spells:
    -Protect IV
    -Shell IV

    3. Med to full MP.
    4. Get up, cast Barblizzara
    5. Drink Yagudo Drink

    1. Run up to Maat and cast Diaga and Flash.
    2. Don't even engage him.
    3. Use Cure II and Cure III as seen fit.
    4. When MP is lower than 700, hit Equipment Change Macro.
    5. Trade off healing with using a Mulsum.
    6. Use another Yagudo drink when it wears off.
    7. If silenced, use Echo drops.
    8. If 100% TP is gained, use Moonlight.

    I tried to stick to my plan as best as I could. I realized quickly that Cure II wasn't enough, so during the fight I stuck to exclusively Cure III.
    I also decided to use all my items very early on. I wanted to get all that extra mp BEFORE I was getting owned. I did finish the battle with 242 mp left, but I don't regret taking the safe path.
    I learned that Mulsums > Vile Elixir. These things are great since they stack. You can use them quickly while your Cure III timer resets. I wish I would have brought another stack of these instead of Vile Elixir.

    The only time I got close to dying was at the very very end. You can see I had my finger on Benediction right before Maat conceded.

    Total HP healed was 4084. 3884 from cures and 200 from 2X Hi-Potions.

    Hopefully other nervous whm's can learn from this...I think I did an ok job. Feel free to ask any questions.
    75 White Mage
    75 Ninja

  • #2
    congrats on your victory


    Rank 10 San d'Orian.


    • #3
      Congrats and thanks for this. ^^ I'm starting to think HP from Benediction don't count towards the heal total anyway...
      Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
      Zilart, CoP completed
      Vrtra downed.

      San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
      FFXI journal


      • #4
        Thanks for the info!

        I was wondering if you could put the video back up as I seem to have missed it Or if someone is willing to send it to me, that would be awesome. =)


        • #5
          Grats on the fight.

          There is one part that confused me some...


          4. Get up, cast Barblizzara
          I thought only 1 bar-ra spell can be in affect at a time. And why Barblizzara?

          Also, directed at anyone who has beaten Maat as a WHM, would it be feasible to use my Light Staff, to add to the +cure potency from our JSE, instead of an Eremite's? Or would the loss of the occasional block and -25% spell interruption be too much?
          Vermillion Cloak O ^^
          Maat Mashed
          Windurst Rank 10


          • #6
            Barblizzara is the same element as paralyze (ice). when you combine the two spells you can resist paralyze quite a bit. I had read of other whm's getting paralyzed in this fight and I thought those spells would help. But maat never cast paralyze on me so it was all good. Or you could use Barsilencera+Baraera, same type of thing.
            and yes you can have one bar-element and one bar-status up at the same time.

            light staff would work fine too. though (if u saw the video) you would see that i was never interrupted as long as aquaveil was still up. he kept hitting me right in the middle of casting, and still no interruption. i would be skeptical about that working without eremites wand.

            I have PM'd the video link to Rawls and Kamzu.
            75 White Mage
            75 Ninja


            • #7
              Beat Maat today. Second attempt, though my first was at lvl66 and not to be taken seriously.

              Hi-jacking your thread, but I don't want to start a new one.


              Light Staff
              Gold Hairpin
              Republic Mythril Medal
              Enhancing Earring
              Medicine Earring
              AF Body
              Wood Gloves
              Electrum Ring x2
              Blue Cape
              Forest Rope
              AF pants
              AF feet

              Boiled Crab
              X-Potion x2
              Vile Elixir
              Echo Drops x12
              Yagudo drink x2

              Went in with 722MP without subjob.

              Went in, buffed up with Protect IV + Shell IV, ate my crab, healed to full, then buffed Stoneskin, Blink, Aquaveil and Haste (to counteract his slow).

              Healed to full again, went in, tried to paralyze but his blink ate it. He dia'd me, but my blink ate it. It took him a while to get through my buffs, then he hit me for about 70-110 dmg, 220-ish on criticals. I drank a Yag Drink and healed mainly with Cure IIIs, Cure IV when my cast got interrupted. Let myself drop to about 300, then used Benediction. I threw in my X-Potions when Cure III was down, I wasn't at full health and he was close to doing a WS.

              He used One-Inch-Punch twice on me, but the first one even missed. Threw in a Divine Seal & Cure III, and kept letting him beat me. When I ran low on MP, I drank my Vile Elixir.. shortly after, he gave up and I finished with pretty much full HP and 136MP left.

              He silenced me twice, but I managed to remove it quickly each time. I didn't bother with erasing the Dia II he kept on me, as the damage he inflicted was just right for keeping up with healing.

              Total HP healed: 5443

              I had a special macro set for this fight and learned it, which helped out *a lot*.

              CTRL+1: Paralyna
              CTRL+2: Cure II
              CTRL+3: Cure III
              CTRL+4: Cure IV
              CTRL+5: Echo Drops
              CTRL+6: Vile Elixir
              CTRL+7: X-Potion
              CTRL+8: Divine Seal
              CTRL+9: Yagudo Drink
              CTLR+10: Benediction

              ALT+1: Erase
              Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
              Zilart, CoP completed
              Vrtra downed.

              San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
              FFXI journal


              • #8
                ok thnx tifa ^^

                Edit: after watching that video i've decided Rage Against the Machine is kinda odd for someone thats healing themself through the fight lol
                Vermillion Cloak O ^^
                Maat Mashed
                Windurst Rank 10


                • #9
                  lol rawls yeah :/

                  nice work miriamel. i dont think this fight is real hard. i mean you were able to heal 5400+ hp and you still had plenty of mp left (and you didnt mention using divine deal either)

                  i healed just over 4000 hp, but i had the mp and JA's left to heal probly another 2000 hp if i really had to. 240mp left would heal like close to 1000hp alone, plus more mp from juice, and benediction would be another 500-600 i think. not to mention if i had vile elixir+1 as well, this could go on forever.

                  as i said before this should be pretty easy with the proper preparations. seems miriamel had an easy time and was prepared well.
                  75 White Mage
                  75 Ninja


                  • #10
                    Putting the link back up, cause I'm getting a lot of PM's for this. enjoy!!!
                    75 White Mage
                    75 Ninja


                    • #11
                      I loved the video... though must stay I will feel rather odd when I finally get to that fight. (I've still got a good while) Thank you for putting the link back up.


                      • #12
                        Finally got off my lazy ass. Hehe.
                        Here's the log of my fight, hopefully it helps.

                        Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
                        Zilart, CoP completed
                        Vrtra downed.

                        San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
                        FFXI journal


                        • #13
                          in a way you were REALLY lucky when it came to the weaponskills, he used tackle(a joke) the first time, and missed with the dragonkick......that dragonkick might have killed you at the HP you were at when he used it.


                          • #14
                            ._.; This fight I really think is about luck. And luck is never on my side..

                            I went in today (at 66) and did everything necessary. Evasion capped @ 182 (with AGI 61+6), def over 300 for this :/

                            Used Vermillion Cloak, 2x bat earrings with a blind pot I synthed (-10 eva on cloak, countered with +30 evasion with earrings). Started with Astrals, macroed out 2x Phalanx rings to go off, borrowed Nuvas' (Elidrin) Earth Staff, Regen IIed self. I stayed good HP/MP the entire time :/ From the screens above I took a lot less damage from this fight, 60-90dmg a hit with ~100-150 crit, ~200dmg Dragon Kicks.

                            Total MP healed 5400+ according to parser... used Vile Elixer, Yagudo Drink x2, Mulsum x6 (from Windy quest.. leveling Alchemy so I'm a bit broke -_-)..

                            Maat Asuran fisted me for 1100 at the end and I died, full HP and 350-400MP (almost half).. I have 856HP as a 66WHM..


                            Anyone have any advice ._. This is eating me to the point of insanity. I did everything right according to what I've seen/done/been told, healed the given required amount, etc. I'm actually to the point of wanting to just beat the living hell out of him at 67 with Hexa Strike and play at his game :/

                            Why does this limit break suck so much? ;_;

                            Edit: round II, owned Maat. Not bad for a 66WHM ;3 /squeak of joy!!~
                            - Caelestis -
                            白75 | 黒75 | 獣70 | 召66 | 62-2竜
                            "I wanna live 'til I die, no more, no less." - Izzard


                            • #15
                              I also won the fight this weekend, on my third try.

                              Bat earing
                              Medecine Earring
                              Full AF
                              Enhancing Mantle
                              Druid Rope (I own a RSE Rope (forgot the name tho, the one that adds 45 mp to mithras, but I decided to loose it for the -10% interruption of the Druid Rope)
                              Electrum Ring
                              Medecine Ring
                              Holly Ampulla
                              Earth Staff (borrowed it from my static pld, two losses due to use of light staff made me not trust it anymore)

                              Steamed Crab
                              4 Yag Drinks
                              8 Hi Potions
                              Vile Elixir +1 (cost 60k but I guess it was worth it)
                              24 muslums

                              Went in, buffed - Shell + Prot 4 - Drank Yag drink, rested to full.

                              I followed the usual stategy. Pulled Maat with Paralyse (wich didn't stick) and just stood there taking hits. Cure III, Mulsum, Hi Potion, Divine Seal + Cure III, Mulsum, Cure III (got interrupted, so I got scared and pulled a Cure IV), Mulsum...

                              When I got bellow 50%, I did Bene, and a while after that used the vile +1... which I think I didnt really need.

                              Then I ran out of MP (almost) and just stood there drinking Hi Potions and popping mulsums.

                              Flashed him once.

                              Then Maat said those words "That was a fine display of skill..." and I was like 'HUH??!!?'!

                              Clear time: 10.00 LUCKY as hell.

                              But it's finnaly over, at last.

                              I was shaking when I finished. I couldn't even type right. I just said to the pld that was waiting for my comment on Maat fight: 'OMG'
                              That's all I could say for like 3 mins, just 'omg, omg, omg'

                              He asked if I had won the fight, but I guess seeing me and my title pretty much answered that. XD

