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Charging for Raise

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  • #46
    Regarding Raise III:

    I have begun practicing the habit of refusing to Raise parties that did not have the foresight to bring a WHM with them. Raise III consumes 250MP. Even for a Taru WHM, that's a huge chunk of change, and it is denying XP to the people in my party for me to run around, find someone and Raise them when they didn't have the foresight to bring a WHM of their own. And no, I don't buy the "there weren't any seeking" garbage - there is almost ALWAYS 1-2 WHM around my level available for groups. Any group that doesn't have one does so because they felt they didn't need one, not because they didn't have one available.

    If someone in my PT is disconnected or AFK... maybe. If I'm actively XPing? Eat the Raise 1 from the SMN or RDM you decided to pick instead and like it, my commitment is to my group, not for other XP parties.



    • #47
      As whm, i never charged, asked for, or accepted donations.

      As any other job, I *always* offer donations unless the WHM is in my PT, and I don't mind doing it either. Sometimes they refuse, which is fine, and sometimes they accept it, which is also fine. My time is valuable to me, and I'm sure their time is valuable to them. I don't mind giving a tip or a donation to a whm that has taken his/her valuable time to come raise me. Heck, sometimes I even donate to raise a pt member who couldn't afford to donate/didn't donate.


      Rank 10 San d'Orian.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Brennon
        As whm, i never charged, asked for, or accepted donations.
        You may want to in the future to compensate for spells. Protectra 3 about 30k, Protectra 4 about 40k, Raise 3, about 100-350k, Astral rings about 150k, Dark Staff, Light Staff, Earth staff, 250k each.

        Leaving a person dead because they didn't donate for a raise...

        priceless. For everything else there's the Taru card.
        Hacked on 9/9/09
        FFXIAH - Omniblast


        • #49
          ive never taken money for raise's and i dont accept donations either, its a whm job to raise. i also never run past a dead body, it just seems wrong, and hey, i have enuf mp when full to cast raise 3 times.

          half the time i dont even take money for teleporting i mean, its fast and i just warp back, why not help ppl out?

          also i dont offer money when i ask for a raise, just ask polietly something like " if it is possible can i please have a raise <pos>"

          most whm will come and do it if you ask nice enuf, and if not oh well just hp. most of the time your hp isnt very far away anyways, and the downtime from weakness is the same as your travel time or more.


          36 whm
          17 blm
          60 bard
          8 bst
          10 thf


          • #50
            Raise II:
            I hate people that don't bring WHM on their parties, and then ask for a raise II (it's the only one I have so bear with me and my low level ). I usually ask if the dead person is the WMH, and then I go. If it's not? Eat Raise I or HP, for all I care.

            It sounds mean, but it's not really... I'm just so tired of people not wanting a whm on the team... oh, I have a smn that does the same amount of healing and cures status.
            Raise I for you it is then! :p


            • #51
              Why not raise a smn?

              I have whm 75 and now am levelling smn.

              whm+smn in the same parties makes exp suck for both, I know because I've experienced it as whm and smn.

              If anyone dies in an exp party near where I am exping, I will raise them regardless of job or party setup.

              If you call for help on a mob, wouldn't you like that party next to you help you out?

              If you dont raise their member/s and then you get link or multiple links, who's going to be laughing when you die?

              the only time I used to charge for raise was when I got people asking me in /t and they were not near me.

              Charging for raise is reasonable in some circumstances ( random /t ) however refusing to raise someone just because their party didnt lick your rim is not very nice.
              55% Skill
              35% Equipment
              10% Race

              White Mage - 75 - Completed
              Ninja - 75 - Completed
              Summoner - 75 - Completed
              My Livejournal


              • #52
                Personally, I don't buy the "It's WHM's duty to cure/-na/raise everyong." crap.

                Yes, they can help others by giving free cure, status recovery, and raises, but they do not have to.

                Some people have been calling white mages "dead weight", "slowing exp down", "inefficient". They go out of the way not to invite a WHM because of their prejudice against WHM's. Now when they are on the floor, dead, without someone in party to raise them and save their precious EXP. NOW they think of white mages? and the WHM's they overlooked are suppose to drop whatever he's doing and spend the time to save their behinds? I am sorry, but that just doesn't strike me as being fair.

                White mages pay to play just like the everyone else. It's their time, their money, they do not have an obligation to do jack for you if they don't feel like it.

                Having said that, though, it is still nice to help your neighbours. It's good karma. You save them, they might save you next time around you get in trouble (although I have seen a fair number of ingrates during my time of playing). I wouldn't go as far as raiseII a full party when I am in one myself though, making your own party wait isn't that fair either. I'd throw a raise(2) on their main healer during down time, and let themselves sort it out.

                As for charging or accepting donations... why not? I fished for a few nights just to get our WHM her RaiseII scroll. 140k isn't something that comes by that easily at my level. I am all for the "paid by users" policy, and I am the primary user of her RaiseII. :sweat: When you take an ambulance, or get saved by a rescue team do you not pay the city/organization for their cost? Why does help have to be free while there is a cost to helping people?

                As long as you are not preying on other's misfortune, charge for your cost to get there (chocobo, airship, etc), your time, or what ever you think is fair.
                Junior Member?

                Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                • #53
                  I normally do raise people in leveling areas as long as PT leader permits. What I'm trying to say in my previous reply is, those parties that say WHM aren't needed, shouldn't gripe about getting Raise2s or Raise3s only when they chose not to have one..and just eat a Raise1. After all, they want to be very efficient in gaining exp, why disrupt another party that's also trying to achieve a good amount of exp?


                  • #54
                    i dont charge for a raise because i wouldnt want to pay for one if i needed one..

                    sometimes ppl have offered me money after a raise and depending on what mood it took, how far away the corpse was, and other circumstances, i either accept or say, no dont worry about it...


                    • #55
                      I think that refusing to raise people because they don't have a whm is stupid. Say whatever you want about the reason, it's simply that you're bitter and you want some sense of revenge.

                      Well...if you think like that, you're only going to get yourself in trouble. I can't even express how many times I've been told that BLM's aren't needed. How many times I've been told that every other job could out damage me. How many times me and 3-5 other blm's in my leveling bracket would sit around together LFP and wonder why there were 10 parties our level exping, and no blm's in any of the parties. What can you do about it but move on? Holding grudges is stupid.

                      Every job faces a time where they're told they're useless. Suck it up. Sheesh. Not everyone has a free god damned ride to 40.

                      And you know what? Sometimes, there really are no whm's seeking. Imagine that.
                      For The Horde!!
                      Current Gil total spent on gear:
                      Current Gil Value of gear:
                      Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by AtraposBLM
                        I think that refusing to raise people because they don't have a whm is stupid. Say whatever you want about the reason, it's simply that you're bitter and you want some sense of revenge.

                        Well...if you think like that, you're only going to get yourself in trouble. I can't even express how many times I've been told that BLM's aren't needed. How many times I've been told that every other job could out damage me. How many times me and 3-5 other blm's in my leveling bracket would sit around together LFP and wonder why there were 10 parties our level exping, and no blm's in any of the parties. What can you do about it but move on? Holding grudges is stupid.

                        Every job faces a time where they're told they're useless. Suck it up. Sheesh. Not everyone has a free god damned ride to 40.

                        And you know what? Sometimes, there really are no whm's seeking. Imagine that.
                        Wow, that was the smartest thing I have read today. ^-^" And you are right about not everyone getting a free ride to lvl 40. I remember having to work my butt off farming just to afford all the important WHM spells for my lvl. 2 days of farming non stop with no sleep. Only bathroom breaks and I ate in front of my PC. >_<"

                        While I was doing that, my friend who just started the game managed to get into a LS and a static party at lvl 1 and was Power leveled to LVL 40 in like 2 weeks. The LS even bought all his spells and equipment from lvls 1-60. And how do you think this makes me feel >_>"

                        Relinquish you pain... unto me


                        • #57
                          Who ever said anything about refusing to raise?


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Icemage
                            my commitment is to my group, not for other XP parties.

                            I also follow this path.
                            Elathia :: Hume :: Female :: San d'Oria rank 7 :: WHM70 | BLM52 | RDM24 | THF15 >> Cerberus //Retired


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by KosMos
                              Wow, that was the smartest thing I have read today. ^-^" And you are right about not everyone getting a free ride to lvl 40. I remember having to work my butt off farming just to afford all the important WHM spells for my lvl. 2 days of farming non stop with no sleep. Only bathroom breaks and I ate in front of my PC. >_<"

                              While I was doing that, my friend who just started the game managed to get into a LS and a static party at lvl 1 and was Power leveled to LVL 40 in like 2 weeks. The LS even bought all his spells and equipment from lvls 1-60. And how do you think this makes me feel >_>"
                              Ok, excuse me for a moment. I'll probably come off being as rude, but ya know what, F it. Oh wow. 2 days of farming non-stop to buy all your crucial spells. Big deal. What's the longest you ever had to wait for an exp party? 10-20 minutes? I sat for a total of...I think 11 hours in a row (not consecutively) looking for party before I got one invite. That party broke after +300 exp (probably around 3k or so exp, but I died a few times). And I'm a blm...I'm probably the next most priveledged person after whm's. But I'm not needed for every party. Look at you snooty little shits. Someone doesn't want to include a whm, and all of a sudden your panties are in a wad. Christ man, when people ask me to D2 them (and they do, all the time), do I flip a shit and say "WHERE'S YOUR BLM ASSHOLES! WALK HOME!!!!!11". No. I finish out the chain my party was working on, and d2 anyone that wants it. It's only MP, and to be honest, by saying "My time is for my group, not others", it sounds more like "I don't want to pause ME getting EXP to save you some of your hard work because you didn't bring ME or one of MY job with you". Please. You're the only job in the game that can make an arguement like friggin' thankful.

                              Excuse the curses.

                              But wait, I'm not finished yet.
                              Originally posted by suzu
                              Who ever said anything about refusing to raise?
                              Erm...let's see here...

                              Originally posted by Stormwalker
                              As for parties that don't need whm's, well, obviously they don't need me...
                              ...that's 1

                              Originally posted by Icemage
                              I have begun practicing the habit of refusing to raise parties that did not have the foresight to bring a WHM with them. <fill in the blank> any group that doesn't have one does so because they felt they didn't need one, not because they didn't have one available.
                              Icemage...I respect the hell out of you. But seriously...get off your high freaking horse. I WISH I could make this sort of thing fly with BLM. I'm sure EVERY job wishes they had this sort of power. But no, only whm's. And WHM's wonder why many people feel WHM's are stuck up. It's for things like this. You have the power to help a fellow gamer out, yet you would rather display the fact that this game HEAVILY favors EXPing with a WHM, whereas any other job is replaceable by at least 1 other option (god forbid you play a damage dealer, where they're all more or less interchangeable). Real nice guys, real nice. So much for the selfless healer willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good.

                              Originally posted by Omniblast
                              Leaving a person dead because they didn't donate for a raise...priceless.
                              One of these days, you're going to die in some shithole, and there's going to be nobody around but somebody you left dead because they didn't pay your little fare. And they're going to /panic on your corpse, and laugh. Seriously though...karma. It has a tendency to bite you in the ass. And it's a your fellow gamers out. It feels good, and makes other people's enjoyment of the game go up.

                              Originally posted by Nix
                              Raise II:
                              I hate people that don't bring WHM on their parties, and then ask for a raise II (it's te only one I have so bear with me and my low level ). I usually ask if the dead person is the WHM, and then I go. If it's not? Eat Raise I or HP for all I care.
                              Real nice. I hope the same situation as above befalls you. I honestly wish every job had power like this. Then nobody could be such a dick because it'd eventually bite you in the ass. Help your fellow gamers out. If you got adds, and you called for help, you'd want the party next to you to help, right? Even if they don't have a whm, right? Same principle. Yes, it slows down your exp some, but you do it anyways because it's the right thing to do. Or you could just sit there and watch them die.

                              Originally posted by YuanlungSome people have been calling white mages "dead weight", "slowing exp down", "inefficient". They go out of the way not to invite a WHM because of their prejudice against WHM's. Now when they are on the floor, dead, without someone in party to raise them and save their precious EXP. NOW they think of white mages? and the WHM's they overlooked are suppose to drop whatever he's doing and spend the time to save their behinds? I am sorry, but that just doesn't strike me as being fair.

                              White mages pay to play just like the everyone else. It's their time, their money, they do not have an obligation to do jack for you if they don't feel like it.
                              Oh boo friggety hoo, not every single EXP party out there needs a friggin whm. Guess what? Every single job BUT whm has to deal with that EVERY TIME THEY PARTY. How do you think drg's, drk's, thf's, mnk's, war's, nin's, rng's, blm's, rdm's, brd's (ok, not so much brd's because they're so rare they get immediate invites, but a brd is still replaceable...sorta..), smn's feel when they hear you complaining that not every party needs a whm? It's frigging irrititating is what it is, and if not for the fact that partying with a WHM is much safer than partying without one, I'd never invite a god damned whm, just so there'd be ONE party without one. Oh no, your invites get cramped at lv65. Or even as low as lv41. Guess what? Join the friggin club, 'cause that's what everyone else has been dealing with.

                              God damn. I respect all of you...but to hear this bull crap is just plain ridiculous. Get a clue - until you've sat LFP as long as a rng, a mnk, a drk, or a drg, you have NO RIGHT to complain about not being able to group.

                              Oh, and to the first person I quoted - I took 3 weeks off leveling to afford my ice and dark staves (that's in addition to my spells, mind you, which run a good deal more expensive than yours). Then, after I played with them and noticed how much of an improvement they were, I took a good month off to farm enough for 3 more. I'd have that 3rd (5th) one already if I hadn't had to deal with my computer's BS. Give me a break. The only expensive spell a whm has to buy by lv40 is erase...and I didn't meet a single WHM with erase until I went on a Genkei 2 run and the lv75 JP whm that helped us had it. By comparison, blm's have moved into buying the II series..which we get every 3 levels, and it costs between 15 and 30k gil for them. Add in Warp II (bought most likely because the quest is much harder for a lv40 than the teleport quests are for lv36's), sleep II, and others, and my spells alone are much more expensive.

                              My arguement summed up:
                              Cry me a river.
                              For The Horde!!
                              Current Gil total spent on gear:
                              Current Gil Value of gear:
                              Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                              • #60
                                sweet revenge when 70+ parties involve ditching the whm for 3 blms brd rdm and tank?
                                observe the splendor of ping pong balls!

