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Charging for Raise

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  • #16
    With my old character, I never charged...not even when I have to get off my choco. I'm usually close to my destiination anyway, to walk.

    I've been probably paid...about 12k total in donations from the time I was able to raise to the time I no longer got requests.

    And it was much deserving, since:

    1. I've raised whole party wipe outs.
    2. I've raised people I see dead on the road and not even asked(in other words, I did it on my own free will)for a raise.

    3. Well the hopping off bird with same reason related to #2.

    4. Most people dont do this. I would stick around til weakness wears off, and I would cure II them. Easy downtime cut.

    It seems to slow down pretty bad after you are no longer lv25, best you get it seems is the shouts, that just me though, others probably still get lots of tells when they are 30+(like I was). Raising was so fun, I made "schedules" to just hang out in areas that has a high death rate, and low whm25+ rate.

    In Yuhtunga I got a shitload of people who will remember me forever I bet. The time when smithy kills 8 people, and I raised 4. And some other raiser was like "Ok next person I raise I'm charging" And I said "well you need to get the hell out of here."

    Charging for it, as stated many times. Is wrong and shows more than just greed. It shows that you just aren't a good whm period. There are understandable circumstances though, also stated. But in general, a noob asshat whm just charges cause hey, either you do, or you dont get raised and lose valuable exp. And you shouldnt do that to dead players...

    Many people die for a white mage. Obtaining the level and the scroll gives you the chance to "show appreciation".

    It's addicting, and I certainly can't wait to be able to do it again. ^^
    Elathia :: Hume :: Female :: San d'Oria rank 7 :: WHM70 | BLM52 | RDM24 | THF15 >> Cerberus //Retired


    • #17
      Its not in the rules for the game "No charging for raise with WHM job" so a GM has no authority to punish somebody for that, it is a game you can do anything that doesnt break the rules for the game.
      No its not againsts the rules but.... it is frowned upon.........i think of raise and tele-blah is a way of making fast gil....mainly jeuno

      if a person asked for a raise i wont charge if im on the area BUT when im 3+ maps away i will charge...........

      lol i once raised a person in a town next to AH and they gave me 12k lmao.... lucky i guess
      Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
      up and kill.

      DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

      <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

      Bastok Rank 4
      Others Rank 1


      • #18
        i dont charge for raising people.. i just dont think its the right thing to do.. i wouldnt want some to raise me should i need one...


        • #19
          Yea but what about tleports >.> would u charge for that? i would since im busy and all........maybe 500.....1k tops bepending on how far
          Every dead body that is not exterminated, gets up and kills. The people it kills, get
          up and kill.

          DaRk CarNiVal!!!!

          <(o_0<) <(o_o)> (>0_o)> (kirby likes to dance)

          Bastok Rank 4
          Others Rank 1


          • #20
            Teleports are 500 for the 3 newbie ones and 700-1k for the other ones.

            Teleports are differant than raises, a raise is more like a really powerful heal spell.

            I think its good whm have teleport. It gives them a way to make money, and really kinda makes it so whm cant really be 'poor'. You can make just as much money teleporting as a pre ~50 XXX/thf can make farming at the right times/places, and you just get to sit around all day doing it, teleport is a wonderful thing.

            I have only ever once accepted anything for a raise, and it was only because there was about a 50/50 chance of death getting to the place.

            It makes me sad when i see a whm charging for raises... the verry first thing i ever played in an mmorpg was a healer, this was back before mmorpgs where mainstream and none of them had that many players, there was a real sense of community... i developed a sort of feeling of kinship with all other healers back then, and i still feel it today, as such i take offense when i see a whm tarnishing the healers good name. When you help others, you help yourself. That is at the core of being a healer, everything is based around it, the cures do far to much to be effective on you alone. Its not us, or you, vs them, we are all part of the same 'us'


            • #21
              I think I should start charging for raises.

              I mean, whenever I walk through valk I get raise tells.. cause, you know... IM A FREAKING LEVEL 68 DARK KNIGHT/THIEF OH MY GOD.. -_-;;;;;;;;;;;

              Anyway, I think that if you have to deal with idiocy and go out of your way, might as well get paid. Other than that it's just plain wrong. Anyone that has "charges x for raise" in their comments, I feel has something wrong with them.


              • #22
                As for charging for a raise I take chobo money only. So generly under 500 gil and that is for lvl 20 or above only.

                Everyone else charges for everything why not white mages ???


                • #23
                  Last night in the Dunes I had to find a raise for a new guy for our group whose hp was in Windy. Normally, I wouldn't offer anything but considering he had to travel quite far to get to us (and got lost along the I gave him a donation of 200gil for the travel time. Its all I had and at first he tried to not accept it. Its these types of WHT that are appreicated and the ones who say....charge for pwrlvling and then "disconnected" before fulfilling what they promised gives WHT a bad name.


                  • #24
                    you can be "nice" all you want but time = money, the time you spend walking or chocoing to raise a dead person = lost profit in farming or xping. Unless you are hanging out in valkrum dunes pling or something or just totally bored. Sure i wont charge if iam walking along and I see someone dead on the ground but when someone sends me a tell from the bottom of quifim and I'm high in delkfutt tower farming for gil, you are damn right im gonna charge.


                    • #25
                      Now I know that most, if not all, of you don't charge out of the goodness of your heart, but what about playing character? Sure WHM's don't charge for raises (unless extenuating circumstances), but what about RDM's? Those trying to play to character see RDM's not as selfish, but as a "what benefits me?" type of character (i.e. healing people not because you're a nice guy, but because it raises your healing skill). What about them? Sure once I get my WHM to 25 I'd follow character and not charge for raises, but I'm still debating charging as my RDM once I hit 38. Or if not charging, at least not refusing donations. Dunno, its just a thought, I have no jobs that can raise yet so don't flame me :sweat:
                      RDM 56 / DRG 36 / BLM 34 / THF 30 / WHM 24 / WAR 17
                      NIN 12 / BST 8 / MNK 7 / SMN 5 / RNG 1 / DRK 1
                      San d'Oria Rank 5
                      AF: 2/6
                      Dark Staff: O
                      Ice Staff: O
                      Light Staff: O
                      MND Gear
                      INT Gear


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Ninjitsu
                        Funny thing is that a lot of the people who came to FFXI from Everquest come in with that mentality.

                        A res/rez in Everquest would cost you a nice chunck of platinum pieces, depending. Just like FFXI, it only cost a cleric mana to do it. Heck, charging for buffs was normal in Everquest. There used to be lines of people waiting in areas to get "Clarity" cast on them, where they had to pay or be denied the buff.

                        It was totally stupid, but everyone did it for the most part. I never charged for any buffs in EQ. To me, it was a clear demonstration of greed and bad form to charge for a res. The only thing I charged for in Everquest was a Necromancer ressurection. It was only to cover the cost of the component that was used up for every ressurection since it cost me a lot of money for each one, and I had to find someone who would let me sacrifice them and I would have to buy a gem to capture the soul in for a ressurection. They were called essence emeralds, and they were precious gems.

                        I spend a lot of time in FFXI trying to teach people that FFXI is a game with a community full of a different type of mentality. There is honor and a better sense of community in FFXI.

                        HAHA OMG, the memories ; ;. I don't mind paying for my raises, but since from what Ninjitsu just said, I also came from EQ and was charged a ton for Raise/Rez's every single time (though once my Pally hit 60, I started getting those tells as well), so I just thought it was the same in this game as that. Call it normalcy for me now. But I do like those drive-by raises by many WHM's. That just makes me happy all over. But when I try to pay them, they just say no. Hehe, at least I try. Altro, man I wouldn't want to give a raise to people just telling me "HEY GIMME RAISE <pos>", I'll be like "SUCKA TRY AGAIN"


                        brave; integritous; commanding
                        New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
                        75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
                        ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)


                        • #27
                          i've been reading a japanese board about the goings on in my server (titan) and one guy said that (some) NA players charge for raise and raise 2 to japanese players (and i'm assuming to other NA players as well) but when they NA players need a raise they make shouts and throw tells and expect a free raise without being charged. his whole solution to the whole thing is not to raise NA players as a whole.

                          i don't agree with the blanket assumption that all NA players should not be raised, but the people who do charge for a raise are not exactly advancing the reputation of the group either.

                          to all the people who charge for a raise... thanks for furthering the stigma that all NA players suck.
                          observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


                          • #28
                            Y do all ppl think that NA players suck and shouldnt play MMORPG's? kinda .. how do u say it... ..... ..... ..... .... hmmm i forget......... but anywho.... STOP HATING!!!!!! THERE R PLENTY OF JP PLAYERS IN NA

                            Edit: thats y i put bilingual


                            • #29
                              Personnely I would never charge but if they are donating I would take it. :angel:

                              I wish to live forever.
                              So far so good.


                              • #30
                                I accept donations.
                                I request that if I am on a chocobo, they cover its cost, because I have to leave it, do their Raise, then get back to the crag and get a new chocobo. (Is that okay? )
                                But if they don't offer to donate for the Raise, I don't demand gil. If I'm unanon, I just give the Raises free. I became a WHM for the ability to Raise.

                                What I REALLY dont like is when people ask for a Raise 5 min. later because they weren't careful. >_< I gave 7 Raises in the Maze. Then, when I'm back in Windy, I get several tells begging me to come back. GAAAH.
                                Rinlocke || 68BRD || Odin - Retired

