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Charging for Raise

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  • Charging for Raise

    I recently lvled to 25 and got raise. The very first time I did a raise for a party one of the members offered to pay me. I refused. What is the general consensus about either charging for or accepting gil for doing a raise? I myself would never do either, I think it's just part of being a WHM. Just curious...

    CHEFSAKAI: The Delacroix of Taru Cuisine

    Chefsakai (Windurst)
    30 BLM / 26 WHM / 8 BRD / 7 RDM

    a.k.a Mercurykittie (Bastok, Mithra)
    5 WAR A farming and fishing specialist in training (aka Mule)
    "You! Invaders! Get you the hot bullets of shotgun to die!"
    --"Battle Rangers", NES

  • #2
    I absolutely hate people that charge for one. I've never seen a JPN player ask for cash, only NA. But Raise is part of the job, if you can't or don't want to raise, simply tell them so. Charging for one is just a demonstration of greed and displays you as an ass.


    • #3
      Charging for raises is kind of a "you can...but..." situation. It all depends on your opinion, and what people think is right.

      My personal feelings on it is don't charge. Nobody can really force you not to charge, but it's just not nice. Especially in Valkurm. The only time I've made exceptions on this was when I have to Raise II somebody that is -really- out of the way. I've only done that twice. (Once into the necropolis...the side through the glacier, with only 30 minutes to go.)

      The reason I just didn't charge for just casting raise was because I felt like I was stealing from newbies. It always left a "bad taste in my mouth" when I even accepted donations, so I stopped that too.
      Generic Info!


      • #4
        Charging for raises is bad Karma. I've heard stories of GM's threatening punishment to a WHM trying to charge for a raise. Though it's all heresay.

        If the person you're raising is wayyy out of the way, I could *maybe* understanding charging.

        Though if I'm partied and a random wandering whm comes up to a fallen PT member and says "500 gil raise" it's an instant blacklist for them. It's just wrong.

        Next I'll start charging for effective tanking in exp groups.

        I don't mind giving WHM's donations though if I can or I feel they deserve it. I've given out about 2k gil in donations and been raised over 60 times. So what does that tell you.

        Either way, it's just wrong and you definately won't make any friends that way. Unless, as stated above, the circumstances of the raise are substantial, then I can see charging a fair amount. Possibly travel expense + say 300 gil.
        AF Completed.


        • #5
          RDM here! since getting lvl 38 I have only gotten 1 /tell requesting Raise I guess RDM's arent known for raising on Bahamut or people always find a WHM to Raise.

          Well with the charging thing my policy is this

          1) I don't charge if you are a friend/LS mate
          2) I don't charge even if I have to go 1 zone to get to you. as long as it's not completely out of my way
          3) The only time I'd ever request a fee is if I am on a chocobo, near broke or dead broke, and I am on my way to meet people for questing/missions

          Since I am rarely broke, I've yet to charge. If I run across a dead person I will send a /tell asking if they need a Raise.


          • #6
            I think that if you come across a low level player, you should raise them without a charge. You can ask for a small donation, and if they say no, you should still raise them, unless they are rude.

            Also, you can tell them that if u do raise I, it's free but if they want raise II or a better raise, then u should charge them.

            Personally, i would only charge if I am low on money. Many white mages charge to teleport people, so what makes raising different? It can be a way to make some money, or if u want to make friends then u may not want to charge.

            A MMORPG designed with the X-Realms Engine. Release planned for June or July 2006.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Artonis
              Charging for raises is bad Karma. I've heard stories of GM's threatening punishment to a WHM trying to charge for a raise. Though it's all heresay.
              Its not in the rules for the game "No charging for raise with WHM job" so a GM has no authority to punish somebody for that, it is a game you can do anything that doesnt break the rules for the game.


              • #8
                Charge for Raise = Lame..... :sweat:
                白75 | 黒64 | シフ25
                白AF 6/6
                é»’AF 6/6
                シフAF 0/6


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vadrek
                  Charge for Raise = Lame..... :sweat:
                  I think this covers it pretty well.

                  I don't charge for raises. If I dismount a chocobo to raise someone, I will ask them to reimburse me for the choco if they can... but that's a request, not a demand, and I'll raise them anyway even if they can't do it. (I always seem to get raise requests in Tahrongi right after I teleport to Mea and jump on a chocobo. It never fails).

                  If I'm in a position to raise someone, I consider it my duty as a WHM to do it. If I'm not in a position to do it, then I'm not in a position to do it. How I define "in a position to raise someone" is dependent on who that person is. I'll go farther out of my way, for example, to raise someone in my LS or on my friends list than I will for a random person sending me a tell.

                  But I try to do raises when I can. Though the tell bombardment can be frustrating at times, the ability to raise is one of the joys of playing WHM at all.
                  FFXIV - Lyri Saranna - Rabanastre
                  Gladiator 6/Pugilist 8/Physical 10

                  "Fanatics find their heaven in never-ending storming winds..."
                  --"Key of the Twilight", .hack//SIGN


                  • #10
                    It's bad to charge for Raise.

                    Not only is it arrogant, but it sends a message that anything and everything is game to be made into a business.


                    • #11
                      Funny thing is that a lot of the people who came to FFXI from Everquest come in with that mentality.

                      A res/rez in Everquest would cost you a nice chunck of platinum pieces, depending. Just like FFXI, it only cost a cleric mana to do it. Heck, charging for buffs was normal in Everquest. There used to be lines of people waiting in areas to get "Clarity" cast on them, where they had to pay or be denied the buff.

                      It was totally stupid, but everyone did it for the most part. I never charged for any buffs in EQ. To me, it was a clear demonstration of greed and bad form to charge for a res. The only thing I charged for in Everquest was a Necromancer ressurection. It was only to cover the cost of the component that was used up for every ressurection since it cost me a lot of money for each one, and I had to find someone who would let me sacrifice them and I would have to buy a gem to capture the soul in for a ressurection. They were called essence emeralds, and they were precious gems.

                      I spend a lot of time in FFXI trying to teach people that FFXI is a game with a community full of a different type of mentality. There is honor and a better sense of community in FFXI.


                      • #12
                        Echoing those above me, I feel that charging people is pretty weak. The only time I've ever accepted donations were from people that I traveled 2+ zones for, went through something annoying (Garlaige Citadel, for instance), or when I had just mounted a chocobo. All told, I've probably accepted about 1500 gil in donations. Not that much...which is why I generally just stopped taking donations all together.

                        Thing is though, it's really annoying when you get things like
                        Warrior>> give me a raise at <pos>

                        when I'm clearly running through the zone on a chocobo for a reason. That always pisses me off, so I'll usually either ignore the guy or charge him 500 gil, just cause I don't like helping assholes out of the goodness of my heart.

                        Same thing with warp...I've never charged for it, and only accepted 2-3 donations. The only time I accept donations are if I'm in an exp party and I have to leave my party to warp, or if the person was rude.

                        If you're noticing a trend...I don't accept gil from anyone that's remotely polite...but I really don't like helping people out when they're just blatantly rude.
                        For The Horde!!
                        Current Gil total spent on gear:
                        Current Gil Value of gear:
                        Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                        • #13
                          dead lvl <15 waiting more than 2 min for raise = lame unless your homepoint is a far walk, like when we forget our hp is in jeuno and we're lvling in valk, wow i really hate valk so many ppl just laying around waiting for raises that will get uless exp than if u had just hped to selbinia. but no i don't charge, and unless its outlandish i will accept donations, i feel that refusing donations is about as rude as shouting in trouble zones raising for $
                          March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                          Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                          • #14
                            Charging for Raise = no. I have nothing against donations as long as its clear that I don't require it. You did a nice thing so if people want to be nice back to you why refuse.
                            Black Mage 73


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by LockeCole
                              Charging for Raise = no. I have nothing against donations as long as its clear that I don't require it. You did a nice thing so if people want to be nice back to you why refuse.
                              Yeah, this is kinda my view, too. I won't demand gil for a raise, I won't even ASK gil for a raise unless performing the raise cost me gil (i.e. requiring me to dismount a chocobo I just paid for, etc.), and then only the amount it cost me... but if someone offers me a donation, I'll say, "You really don't have to do that." And if they insist, then I'll take it and offer my sincere thanks.
                              FFXIV - Lyri Saranna - Rabanastre
                              Gladiator 6/Pugilist 8/Physical 10

                              "Fanatics find their heaven in never-ending storming winds..."
                              --"Key of the Twilight", .hack//SIGN

