The reason he had <stpc> in there is so that if the Recast time is not 0, he can simply hit Esc and it will cancel the entire macro rather than continuing to cast the spell.
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Favorite Macros
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Rhayn ~ Windurst Rank 8
Profile: Paladin (EXP) ~ Paladin (HNM) ~ Thief
LS: Unleashed
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I've found that putting the /recast on all my macro's to be a huge help, especially with longer timer'd spells like drain, aspir, stun, my IV line of spells, and Blizzard/Thunder III. Let's you know exactly how long to wait, and whether you should pick a different spell or not.
The reason with to have the targeting line in the convert macro is so that if the timer is up and he didn't realize, but it'd be a bad time to convert, he can cancel out of the convert. Or, if the timer is up and he didn't realize, he can run out of AoE range, use convert, and be hunky dorey. I found that doing that for the spell I intend to burst with makes things much easier for me. Rather than sitting poised to jam my macro several times (sometimes it doesn't go when I press the button, so it sucks if you miss a burst because of that), I hit my macro when the first melee goes, and I hit enter when I feel the second melee is about to go. Maybe it's just my imagination, but it eliminates alot of the bursts I would miss due to lag making my macro go off late. Kinda off topic...butFor The Horde!!
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Just a quick weigh in:
I don't like the additional /party comments with spells. If a party member doesn't think I'm healing I'm not sure what he thinks I'm doing.
I do like that /echo recast stuff. Hadn't considered it. Cool idea, I'll be putting that in tonight
However, the /emotes stuff, I'm going to recommend against that. Certainly it looks cool, I had a /goodbye in in my /ma "Warp" <me> spell. Then I accidentally pressed it in a party. I couldn't disrupt the spell, because my character was animating. All of a sudden they are in Quicksand Caves and I'm in Jeuno. So just a warning there. It looks cool, but it's dangerous.
My favorite macro is /ma "Regen II" <t> and /ma "Haste" <me>. I keep a seperate set of macros for buffs. Set for heal/debuffs/general use party stuff. Set for soloing (includes /ja "Steal") and one for BCNMs.
Lata!"Changing the time on my PC to 3 hours in the past is the same as a using a flux capacitor."
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Wow, meanwhile *I* find the /p spell thingies useful.
To me, the yellow text is a lot harder to miss than the blue party text. No matter how much you try to coordinate with people, someone will still cure when they dont need to and mana gets wasted. I see "Cure III>>>MrPaladin" and I can save myself some mp.
As the white mage my eyes are half on the Party chat and half on the HP/MP bars. I end up missing a lot of the yellow stuff but I get most of the blue stuff.
MP notification? Yeah, a good puller knows to look at mana pool before pulling, but a lot of them tend to... forget ;(
A nice hit to CTRL+8 reminds them where Im at.
I also have a <call1> on my cure 4 macro, mostly because sometimes you get paired with unfortunate tanks that dont have enough hate to cover a cure 4, so a <call1> means "please get this thing off me please"
And I can see a cure 4 getting lost amongst all the cures, and since I hardly ever have to cast it in battle this gives them a "hey something is different" heads up.
But eh, different playing styles I guess :sweat:
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You can always change the font colours. I think I have PT members taking damage in red font, special actions in Green, and the all the other stuff in white and the PT chat kept in Blue. I got the idea off of someone else in the forum here somewhere. As a Blm it helps me hit my MB on cue, dunno how this'll pan out with Whm, whether it'll help me out or not.War 30, Mnk 20, Blm 20, Whm 20, Thf 20, Rdm 20, Drk 16 - Rank 3
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Re: Favorite Macros
My current macro setup looks like this at WHM62/BRD31:
Panel 1: Offensive
1: /ma "Dia" <t>
2: /ma "Paralyze <t>
3: /ma "Silence" <t>
4: /ma "Slow" <t>
5: /ma "Flash" <t>
6: /ma "Dia II" <t>
7: /ma "xxxx Threnody" <t> (varies per enemy)
8: /p <t> sighted at <pos>!
9: /target <bt>
0: /p MP: <mpp>
Panel 2: Defensive
1: /ma "Haste" <stpc>
2: /ma "Cure III" <stpc>
3: /ma "Cure IV" <stpc>
4: /ma "Cure V" <stpc>
5: /ma "Regen" <stpc>
6: /ma "Regen II" <stpc>
7: /ma "Mage's Ballad" <me>
8: Varies*
9: Varies*
0: Varies*
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Re: Favorite Macros
Originally posted by BlacKTakerI tend to agree with most of your macros Icemage but your trying to tell me that at your lvl you dont have a macro to change equipment while resting and then again when you stop resting? Im a lvl 43 whm/blm and i have 3 peices of equipment to help recover mp when i rest, Pilgrim's wand, barron's slops and the seer's tunic thats 5 more mp every tick.
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Re: Favorite Macros
Also he made that post nearly a year ago, so things definitely would have changed by then. I know my macro board looks completely different now than to what it did when I first posted in this thread.
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