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Levelling up healing skill?

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  • Levelling up healing skill?

    I'm not sure if this has been brought up in another thread before; I tried a search of the forums, but did not see any applicable threads.

    I'm trying to level up healing skill for both my WHM and RDM jobs (they have been uncapped for some time, and that really bothers me). I was wondering a couple of things:

    1) Do you have to actually recover HP to get a skillup?

    2) Is Cure IV more likely to cause a skillup than say Cure I?

    3) Is it more effective to sit by my mog house with WHM than RDM to cap my healing skill?

    Thank you for your time and assistance ^^
    60RDM/39BLM, 53BRD/45WHM, 25SMN/WHM (yay avatars!)
    Bastokan Rank 5 1/2
    AFs obtained: WHM 1/6 RDM 6/6 BRD 5/6
    You were able to purchase the Dark Staff for 442,024 gil.
    Cooking: 47 Fishing: 17 Alchemy: 20

  • #2
    1) No
    2)Not sure, I've never noticed one giving more than the other.
    3)Whm because they have higher healing skill rating, which means higher cap. The farther from cap, the faster you seem to get skill ups from my experience, so whm should go up faster than your rdm, but I could be totally wrong.

    I don't even think its worth it. My healing has been uncapped for 15+ lvls and is at 135 healing and 135 enhanching atm. My heals are all capped except Cure IV which I rarely use, so it doesn't particularly hurt. Be prepared to spend hours though trying to get one lvl up. You can do two things at once by powerlvling low lvls with cure 1 spam, thus everyone is happy.
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #3
      the easiest way to cap your healing skill is to use cures to inflict dmg on undead mobs.
      jobs: whm67, blm37, thf37, war30, mnk58.
      missions done: windurst: 16/20. zilart: 4/17.
      unique quests completed: 240, maps obtained: 38.


      • #4
        If I was to use undead to level up, would the undead have to be near my level to work and/or near the level of my current skill level in healing? (kind of like skilling up weapons?)

        I'd like my Cure IV to be maxed, so that when I Convert there's less healing that has to be done by anyone else ^^
        60RDM/39BLM, 53BRD/45WHM, 25SMN/WHM (yay avatars!)
        Bastokan Rank 5 1/2
        AFs obtained: WHM 1/6 RDM 6/6 BRD 5/6
        You were able to purchase the Dark Staff for 442,024 gil.
        Cooking: 47 Fishing: 17 Alchemy: 20


        • #5
          yes, you will level your healing magic like a blm levels his elemental magic, so mobs below even match won't let you cap your skill.
          jobs: whm67, blm37, thf37, war30, mnk58.
          missions done: windurst: 16/20. zilart: 4/17.
          unique quests completed: 240, maps obtained: 38.


          • #6
            My suggestion is to get in a party which is going after the Papyrus genkai drop in Eldieme. When you're not healing, just spam Cure II on the monster to get your healing skill up really quickly. I gained 10-15 levels on my Healing Magic skill doing this.


            • #7
              That might not be a bad idea, since a bunch of current levelling buddies are now approaching 50, and will be going through the pain of Genkai 1 (thank god I've already finished that ^^)
              60RDM/39BLM, 53BRD/45WHM, 25SMN/WHM (yay avatars!)
              Bastokan Rank 5 1/2
              AFs obtained: WHM 1/6 RDM 6/6 BRD 5/6
              You were able to purchase the Dark Staff for 442,024 gil.
              Cooking: 47 Fishing: 17 Alchemy: 20


              • #8
                This is off topic but i figured you guys would know this best since your White Mages. I am gonna have a White Mage as my sub job til I get Summoner but would a White Mage be hard to level up to about level 15? I have played a Black Mage I'm just not sure I can handle the healing. I mean nuking an enemy is easier than keeping an eye on everyones HP and keeping em' healthy, that might just be me because Im used to just blowing the hell out of enemies. Is it easy to cut it as a White Mage? I feel kinda intimidated by having an entire party rely on me....
                Creon Arcais - Rank 6 San d'Orian
                Black Mage-70 White Mage-41
                Red Mage-6 Monk-10
                Thief-47 Warrior-30
                Dark Knight-11 Summoner-26
                Ranger - 22 Dragoon - 15
                Samurai - 11 Bard - 10
                Ninja - 31 Paladin - 46

                Dynamis LS - (Can I have it?)


                • #9
                  On the original topic:

                  Healing skill is not terribly difficult to raise. Don't worry about it - you shouldn't have much, if any problem keeping it close to cap, if not AT the cap, unless maybe you're a red mage.

                  I certainly wouldn't waste time trying to level it - it just isn't that important - you're better off spending that time gaining XP and raising skill naturally.

                  To FFXITsukasa:

                  Please don't hijack threads. Your post has nothing to do with the topic. White mage is not hard to play adequately if you get into the right mind-set, but some people do find it too stressful or too busy for their tastes.



                  • #10
                    well, I have whm to 45 and rdm to 48, and healing skill is not capped for either (and hasn't been for RDM for a few levels).... I know when rdm hits 51 I will start needing much larger numbers of xp to level, and I figure at those levels it will be easier to cap out before levelling; but it just seems to me that healing never levels; maybe I use Regen too often? ^^
                    60RDM/39BLM, 53BRD/45WHM, 25SMN/WHM (yay avatars!)
                    Bastokan Rank 5 1/2
                    AFs obtained: WHM 1/6 RDM 6/6 BRD 5/6
                    You were able to purchase the Dark Staff for 442,024 gil.
                    Cooking: 47 Fishing: 17 Alchemy: 20


                    • #11
                      Healing skill makes very little difference once your Cure spells cap, and has a marginal effect even when they aren't capped yet. Believe me when I say that you will have PLENTY of time to cap your skill at 56+ when you need 20K+ XP per level. Until then, it represents at most a handful of HP healed per spell, even if you are very far from the cap.

                      Just gain some levels. Your skill will eventually catch up, and you'll wonder why you ever worried about it.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by FFXITsukasa
                        would a White Mage be hard to level up to about level 15?
                        It is definatly harder than BLM. Although it isn't really "Hard" as you will have a BLM subjob this time around adn you will still have access to Stone.

                        Its just rather boring thats all. However once you get past level 10 you will probably not want for a team (unless there is truely nobody on) and so you will level from 10-15 very quickly.
                        - Never Underestimate The Power Of A Duck!
                        Dux Dux, Lallafel, Odin
                        My Profile On Lodestone


                        • #13
                          Thank you everyone for your help ^^ I think I'll spend my time levelling and watching the healing skill cap that way as I work on getting RDM to 60 ^^
                          60RDM/39BLM, 53BRD/45WHM, 25SMN/WHM (yay avatars!)
                          Bastokan Rank 5 1/2
                          AFs obtained: WHM 1/6 RDM 6/6 BRD 5/6
                          You were able to purchase the Dark Staff for 442,024 gil.
                          Cooking: 47 Fishing: 17 Alchemy: 20


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dux

                            It is definatly harder than BLM. Although it isn't really "Hard" as you will have a BLM subjob this time around adn you will still have access to Stone.

                            Its just rather boring thats all. However once you get past level 10 you will probably not want for a team (unless there is truely nobody on) and so you will level from 10-15 very quickly.
                            I have recently leveled both WHM and BLM to 10. I did BLM first with level 1 WHM subbed so it isn't a totally even comparison. I will say that BLM is easier. It would have been really, really easy if I had a leveled subjob and healing skill. WHM is harder but really not that hard. I can still do 160XP worms solo in La Theine @ level 8, although I do have to retreat at times. Also, I had good EQ and used melon pies. As a BLM I used pineapple or melon juice but not as a WHM. If you go WHM you NEED a good melee weapon. Preferebly an Ash Pole +1 as the 12 damage comes in handy.
                            My Bard
                            My Ninja


                            • #15
                              To cap off my WHM healing skill i just sat there and kept healing myself. It took a while, but it still worked even though i was always at full health. I just hid myself where there weren't many people so that my healing wouldnt spam the message box and just kept curing myself while i was watching tv. But yeah not the best way to do it. But if you have time and feel like doing that while you watch a movie it works good.
                              52/PLD, 38/WHM, 27/WAR, 21/BST, 17/BLM, 14/NIN, 11/THF, 3/BRD

