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Monk/White Mage???

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  • Monk/White Mage???

    i was wondering how this would hold out? would PLD be better as a sub for my monk? (im an elvaan)
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  • #2
    Don't mix melee and mage jobs, it just turns out bad. Best sub for mnk is war I believe. Thf and sam are also decent I think. Just don't sub a mage class to a melee and expect a good result. :sweat:
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #3
      Also, PLD never makes a good sub really. You'd be better off choosing one of Rones' alternatives.

      Oh and you might wanna post this in the monk forum. @@
      Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
      Zilart, CoP completed
      Vrtra downed.

      San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
      FFXI journal


      • #4
        ugh, im tired of everyone saying"go with war sub" thats so annoying, i just want to know the bad AND good things about it. if you dont know plz dont say "go with war sub" its too common for me to have any fun with...
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        • #5
          Originally posted by Chaotixx0
          its too common for me to have any fun with...
          Remember that things are common for a reason. Because they work and they're good. This is not a solo game. Being "unique" is great if you're all alone. It's not if you're in a party.

          Best Regards,
          Unleashed LS -


          • #6
            Ok, you want reason? Fine, but please don't think we know nothing.

            Whm sub will give you
            20mnk/10 magic defence bonus (worthless)
            40 mnk/20 whm clear mind, raises amount of mp gained from resting (good for main mages, but you will never have time to rest and use this)
            50mnk/25whm Auto regen 1 hp /3sec. You will have over 1,000 hp by then and that tiny regen won't amount to anything, plus mnks aren't tanks usually, so you will never be getting hit and need it.

            Whm spells, the main reason people go for this. Going off the fact that your portrait is an elveen, I'll guess that's your race. a lvl 50 mnk/whm will have 82 mp. That is as good as nothing. Even a elveen pld who is considered to have low mp will have 161. All exp parties lvl 10+ will have a dedicated mage for healing be it smn/whm, whm, blm/whm, or rdm someone will handle healing, thus your tiny tiny mp you could help cure with and your extremelly low healing skill with it subbed will be meaningless. 82 mp is enough for 2 cure III, but you will already be pulling a lot of hate from your dmg and casting cures could cause you to pull the main hate off the tank which would be very bad. Plus your healing skill would be so low that your cure III wouldn't amount to much and be totally insignifigant to the whm regen II, maxed cure III, cure IV, and curaga II.

            War sub will give you
            10mnk/5war Provoke, priceless if the main tank losses the hate and your mages start to get mauled. Do your party a favor and help keep the mages alive.
            20mnk/10 Defence bonus Active ability (always on), useful for the occasional times you get aggro
            30mnk/15war Berserk, big boost to your dmg output. This is good for all dmg dealers since they aren't expected to be taking hits.
            50mnk/25war Defender, big boost to your defence. Good if something goes wrong and you have to tank for a little bit.
            50mnk/25war Double Attack active ability (always on) Sometimes you get extra attacks. This is an excellent boost to your dmg output. 4 punches instead of 2 punches for a mnk every few rounds, how can you top that?
            60mnk/30 war Attack bonus active ability (always on) Your attack rating goes up which means more dmg and shorter fights.
            70mnk/35war Aggressor, raises your accuracy. This is crucial at the upper lvls when everything has insanely high evasion and you have very low dex as an elveen.

            So by taking a whm sub you are sacrificing better stats and abilities for a tiny insignifigant amount of curing ability. If you had gone with a melee sub, you would have done more dmg, killed the mob faster, and thus less curing would have even been needed. Sure it looks like your curing ability helps, but it means everyone takes more dmg from the fight lasting longer which actually results in more dmg than your cures compensate for. That is the ultimate reason why whm sub is bad for melee and you should go for war.
            Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


            • #7
              Originally posted by Arturo-B

              Remember that things are common for a reason. Because they work and they're good. This is not a solo game. Being "unique" is great if you're all alone. It's not if you're in a party.

              Best Regards,
              thats fine and dandy if it works...i just want something that i can fight alone (for the most part) with, and something that i find interesting.

              I'll leave it up to myself to determine if my character is good or not..

              and btw, thank you nr. rones, i think i will go with a wht mage sub after all
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              • #8
                i just want something that i can fight alone (for the most part) with, and something that i find interesting.
                In case you haven't gotten that far, FFXI is designed to be a group game. You simply cannot advance without getting into groups after a certain point. For most class this is the mid teens, and a bit longer for red mages.

                Beastmaster is the only exception. Go with BST/WHM if you are set out to play solo in this MMORPG. :sweat:

                Go with WHM if you want. Try it out for yourself. It's not going to 'gimp' you, or so to speak. It just makes you less effective then other monks who focus on their primary role in parties and are subbing melee classes. It might affect your chance of getting into some parties in some levels.

                But, meh, looks like you are done listening to advises and are ready to try it out anyways. Just trying to give you a heads- up on what's coming.
                Junior Member?

                Join Date: 01-27-2004 -_-


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rones
                  70mnk/35war Aggressor, raises your accuracy. This is crucial at the upper lvls when everything has insanely high evasion and you have very low dex as an elveen.
                  Slight correction:

                  70mnk/35war = War cry. Temporary boost to attack to all adjacent PT members. Good to use to for the boost itself, or to draw hate if need arises or for renkei preparation for THF to setup fuidama.

                  Aggressor is WAR lv45 active ability.

                  Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Yuanlung

                    In case you haven't gotten that far, FFXI is designed to be a group game. You simply cannot advance without getting into groups after a certain point. For most class this is the mid teens, and a bit longer for red mages.

                    Beastmaster is the only exception. Go with BST/WHM if you are set out to play solo in this MMORPG. :sweat:

                    Go with WHM if you want. Try it out for yourself. It's not going to 'gimp' you, or so to speak. It just makes you less effective then other monks who focus on their primary role in parties and are subbing melee classes. It might affect your chance of getting into some parties in some levels.

                    But, meh, looks like you are done listening to advises and are ready to try it out anyways. Just trying to give you a heads- up on what's coming.
                    i said wouldnt party FOR THE MOST PART. which means ill be 70% soloing and 30% partying (when its must) besides, i dicided to go something else...i need to complete the quest first
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                    • #11
                      u do realize the game is 98% party, 2%solo? so nice to start the game with the idea of being a master fishermen don't u guys think?
                      March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
                      Use search, or deal with assholes like me


                      • #12
                        i think i will go with a wht mage sub after all
                        besides, i dicided to go something else
                        Its that kind of attitude that causes people to be reluctant to go into long explanations. You clearly didn't give a dang what any of the facts were, what any else thought or would suggest; you were just going to go ahead and do whatever you felt like. I wish people like you wouldn't even start these stupid threads. Don't insult people for not giving you information if you don't even want it. From your first post I was pretty sure you didn't care what anyone would say, but you went on to insult us for not giving you the information, so I supply it only to discover, as expected, you didn't care. Plus, you have already jumped to another job combo (afraid to know what) and clearly haven't even enough experience in the game to know its impossible for non-beast masters to solo with any degree of success. Stop wasting peoples time who are trying to be helpful.

                        Slight correction:
                        Thanks, got off a line when looking it up. :sweat:
                        Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                        • #13
                          Why did you even ask for advice when you're not intending to listen to it anyway? :sweat:
                          Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
                          Zilart, CoP completed
                          Vrtra downed.

                          San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
                          FFXI journal


                          • #14
                            JP site for soloing to level 40 (non-bst, natch):

                            I believe most sigs are like the people they represent - useless, loud and obnoxious.


                            • #15
                              simple, because i heard the same bs over and over. i wanted someone to tell me the bad and GOOD things. i can decide if what out wieghs what for my own liking

                              you're meant to have fun in this game, and i have fun with outta the box stuff. and i wasnt insulting any1, just saying im tired of ppl saying this and that is bad, never telling the good things about it. but like i said, i choose to go with something else after seeing a friend of mine's character...
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