Just a few days ago was my first time leveling with a level 41 RDM. I was amazed by how much Refresh and Convert help in a party situation.
The RDM kept Refresh on all the people in the party that needed it at all times. When the puller would come back with a Mob he would cast debuffs on it then sit back and help me heal the Tank. With us both with Refresh and sharing the heals, we almost had no down time at all. And we had a lot of MP to spare. In effectiveness he was doing much more then I was.
The only cure we needed to use was Cure II. Cure III is was not really needed at all(and it gets good amount of Hate)and at level 43 that is the only healing spell that should be used in a battle that a level 43 RDM does not have. Getting Cure spells to their Heal caps is not vary hard so his Cure II was just as affective as mine.
I think WHM's have a few good things but RDM’s have things that will match and better most of the WHM’s ability’s and spells.
It starts.. White Mage VS Red Mage...
White Mage stats VS Red Mage stats
Hume White Mage / Black Mage
45 634 389 39 37 39 40 41 49 44
Hume Red Mage / White Mage
45 679 343 39 42 37 40 46 43 41
WHM’s don't have to much more MP then RDM's and with Convert and Refresh that gives RDM's much more MP. RDM's have overall higher stats then WHM's besides their MND and Magic Points so RDM's have much more survivability.
Winner .. WHM if you go with just pure stats WHM are better at healing, but if you throw Refresh and Convert RDM's are obviously the winner in this category.
Divine Seal VS Convert...
WHM's have Divine Seal but Convert is obviously much more effective then Divine Seal. Lets say at the most Divine Seal makes Cure spells two time's stronger, but RDM's convert lets them cast at least 12 more Cure II's. (that is not counting them healing themselves after they use Convert.) So it is easily twice as strong.
Winner Convert...
Refresh VS Protectra/Shellra, Curaga and Regen.
I find all the Protectra/Shellra spells vary effective, but a RDM can cast Protect on the Tank and in a good party the only person that "really" needs protect is the Tank. Even in area's where monsters are doing AOE spells Protectra/Shellra will help, but not all that much. So it is nice, but I don't think it is half as affective as Refresh. Refresh can give a party almost NO down time. I have never seen a Protectra/Shellra spell give a party much less downtime.
The Curaga spells are nice, but really they are not going to bring down time up much for the fact that they tend to cost a lot of MP so when the WHM is resting while everyone standing around with full HP waiting on the WHM‘s MP.
Regen is a nice spell to save MP, but really I don't see how it helps all that much. It's a nice spell, but nowhere near as strong or effective as Refresh.
I think that Refresh is prolly the best spell in the game. It can almost kill all downtime in a party that knows that it is doing.
Winner.. Refresh.
WHM's raise ability VS RDM's raise ability.
WHM's are easily the best raiser's in the game. I don't think I need to argue the point so..
Winner White Mage.
Benediction VS Chainspell
Benediction can heal the entire party in one second and it is a VARY nice spell, but in a good party that knows what it is doing this spell should not be needed. Chainspell is kinda weak next to Benediction, but I don't think Benediction and Chainspell are used enough or at times that you are really getting good Exp to effect much.
Winner Benediction!
I guess the fact that WHM's have such better raising spells then RDM's this and the Protectra/Shellra spells could win them a spot in parties.(I don't think that it's really a good enough but I am not sure if at higher levels these spells might be needed more.) And it's not like I think WHM's are totally useless when it comes to healing, but RDM's are just as good and even better for the fact that they have so much less downtime with Convert and Refresh.
I am definitely not trying to bash on White Mages. I am a White Mage myself and enjoy playing the role as one, but I am somewhat aggravated by the fact that RDM's can heal better. I think that Square has made a mistake in the way WHM's and RDM's play roles.
So I think that in the end a party with two RDM's is going to have less down time then a party with a RDM and a WHM. And even alone, I think that after level 41 RDM's make better main healers then WHM's.
If someone can find a flaw in my logic please tell me.. I would be happy to hear a good point why WHM's make better healers then RDM's.
It just does not make sense..
The RDM kept Refresh on all the people in the party that needed it at all times. When the puller would come back with a Mob he would cast debuffs on it then sit back and help me heal the Tank. With us both with Refresh and sharing the heals, we almost had no down time at all. And we had a lot of MP to spare. In effectiveness he was doing much more then I was.
The only cure we needed to use was Cure II. Cure III is was not really needed at all(and it gets good amount of Hate)and at level 43 that is the only healing spell that should be used in a battle that a level 43 RDM does not have. Getting Cure spells to their Heal caps is not vary hard so his Cure II was just as affective as mine.
I think WHM's have a few good things but RDM’s have things that will match and better most of the WHM’s ability’s and spells.
It starts.. White Mage VS Red Mage...
White Mage stats VS Red Mage stats
Hume White Mage / Black Mage
45 634 389 39 37 39 40 41 49 44
Hume Red Mage / White Mage
45 679 343 39 42 37 40 46 43 41
WHM’s don't have to much more MP then RDM's and with Convert and Refresh that gives RDM's much more MP. RDM's have overall higher stats then WHM's besides their MND and Magic Points so RDM's have much more survivability.
Winner .. WHM if you go with just pure stats WHM are better at healing, but if you throw Refresh and Convert RDM's are obviously the winner in this category.
Divine Seal VS Convert...
WHM's have Divine Seal but Convert is obviously much more effective then Divine Seal. Lets say at the most Divine Seal makes Cure spells two time's stronger, but RDM's convert lets them cast at least 12 more Cure II's. (that is not counting them healing themselves after they use Convert.) So it is easily twice as strong.
Winner Convert...
Refresh VS Protectra/Shellra, Curaga and Regen.
I find all the Protectra/Shellra spells vary effective, but a RDM can cast Protect on the Tank and in a good party the only person that "really" needs protect is the Tank. Even in area's where monsters are doing AOE spells Protectra/Shellra will help, but not all that much. So it is nice, but I don't think it is half as affective as Refresh. Refresh can give a party almost NO down time. I have never seen a Protectra/Shellra spell give a party much less downtime.
The Curaga spells are nice, but really they are not going to bring down time up much for the fact that they tend to cost a lot of MP so when the WHM is resting while everyone standing around with full HP waiting on the WHM‘s MP.
Regen is a nice spell to save MP, but really I don't see how it helps all that much. It's a nice spell, but nowhere near as strong or effective as Refresh.
I think that Refresh is prolly the best spell in the game. It can almost kill all downtime in a party that knows that it is doing.
Winner.. Refresh.
WHM's raise ability VS RDM's raise ability.
WHM's are easily the best raiser's in the game. I don't think I need to argue the point so..
Winner White Mage.
Benediction VS Chainspell
Benediction can heal the entire party in one second and it is a VARY nice spell, but in a good party that knows what it is doing this spell should not be needed. Chainspell is kinda weak next to Benediction, but I don't think Benediction and Chainspell are used enough or at times that you are really getting good Exp to effect much.
Winner Benediction!
I guess the fact that WHM's have such better raising spells then RDM's this and the Protectra/Shellra spells could win them a spot in parties.(I don't think that it's really a good enough but I am not sure if at higher levels these spells might be needed more.) And it's not like I think WHM's are totally useless when it comes to healing, but RDM's are just as good and even better for the fact that they have so much less downtime with Convert and Refresh.
I am definitely not trying to bash on White Mages. I am a White Mage myself and enjoy playing the role as one, but I am somewhat aggravated by the fact that RDM's can heal better. I think that Square has made a mistake in the way WHM's and RDM's play roles.
So I think that in the end a party with two RDM's is going to have less down time then a party with a RDM and a WHM. And even alone, I think that after level 41 RDM's make better main healers then WHM's.
If someone can find a flaw in my logic please tell me.. I would be happy to hear a good point why WHM's make better healers then RDM's.
It just does not make sense..