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Using Cure I as much as possible-am I crazy?

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  • Using Cure I as much as possible-am I crazy?

    About the whole hate issue... I've been using Cure I as much as possible when in a party until I know someone needs a heavier Hp boost (with Cure 2)...

    I'm only a lvl 17, so it's not like I'm in Quifm lvling or something... But I do it to pull less hate.

    Does ANY cure pull the same amount of hate? I was under the impression Cure 1 pulled less than Cure 2 which was less that Cure 3... (C1 < C2 < C3)...

    It does seem to help keep creatures off me-and hasn't really hurt any of the groups...
    Eyo (son of beta Iyo)
    Shiva Server
    2nd Gen WM

  • #2
    That's correct. There are other ways of healing, but most White Mages prefer to use the smallest Cure that still gets the job done to avoid unneccessary hate.

    A general rule would be using Cure I primarily until Cure II heals for its maximum amount (at around 90HP). Then use Cure II primarily until Cure III hits 180, etc etc. I'm level 40 now and I still only throw Cure IIIs when absolutely necessary. I prefer to keep the hate down.
    Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
    Zilart, CoP completed
    Vrtra downed.

    San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
    FFXI journal


    • #3
      The amount of HPs you heal is the biggest factor in determining how much hate you get. So Cure I for 30hp will get 1/3 less hate than Cure II for 90hp. And by using multiple Cure Is, you let your front line get in a couple more hits or a provoke, thereby increasing their share of the hate. If for some reason you cast a Cure II that only healed around 30hp, it should give you the same amount of hate as a Cure I.

      There was some discussion in another thread that Cure V has a lower hp-hate ratio than the earlier spells. But at least through Cure III, and Cure IV from what I've seen the relatively few times I've used it, the hate appears to increase at the same rate as the hps healed.


      • #4
        You'll find that Cure I is no longer useful at around 22-23ish, in Qufim, when Cure II cures for 90-whatever, and you can't keep up with dmg that monsters at your lv are putting out.

        And at my lv (37-38), I'm starting to hit that annoying transition period where I'm never sure if I should use Cure II or Cure III mainly. By lv 40, I'll have replaced II with III in all my macros.


        • #5
          Thanks for the info

          I appreciate the responses... And am glad I'm not crazy (at least not about this particular thing)...hehe.

          Eyo (son of beta Iyo)
          Shiva Server
          2nd Gen WM


          • #6
            Yeah, it's in relation to how much you heal overall. At 17 a Cure II will pull as much aggro as a Cure III at my level. A few more levels however and Cure III will become the standard and Cure IV will become the big aggro puller.


            • #7
              Im still using Cure 2 while i have Cure 4 in my pocket. Im somwhere at +16 mind and Cure 3 is still not at its maximum(190 is softcap and im at 189). And beside, with a Paladin as main or a good equiped warrior Cure 2 is still enough restoration compared to monster dmg. With a redmage beside who share the agro a bit its still a cakewalk (depends what you fight, Exors in Crawlers nest are a shame because you have to spam heals all the time to prefent spezial attack instant dead).

              Put as long as you feal comfortable with your Cure 1 it is the way to go. You will sense the moment when to switch completely to Cure 2 on your own.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Issaac
                You will sense the moment when to switch completely to Cure 2 on your own.
                This is a good point. Its nice how that works out - by the time you actually have to start using Cure II, you will (or should) have the experience to make the judgement call at the right time.


                • #9
                  Since I get Regen, I stop to use Cure 2 so often.
                  I regen the currently aggroed player, then cure 1 on him.
                  If his life goes down too much I cast a Cure 2. If tanks playing well with provoq, I should never got Aggro.
                  And if tanks playing realy well with provoq, Regen and Cure 2 should be enouth to maintain constant full life for PT.

                  I played once with a SMN/WHM, PT is always full life and only me have to heal after fight and with only regen and cure, I heal 50% mana only.


                  • #10
                    I used cure I all the time until about lvl 25, i use it now still at lvl 30 but usually need to use cure II if im the only healer.


                    • #11
                      One more personal opinion for the mix:
                      I personally enjoy still using Cure 1 as a Fair-Good source of my cures at level 28.
                      Its my primary "maintenance" spell after regen, and usually can keep folks near topped off with minimal hate gain on my end.
                      However, i have been very fortunate in most parties, having either a RDM, a paladin or both to help share the load.
                      During the parties with a Taru warrior at the helm with no real "dedicated backup" I have had to use considerably more cure IIs than when in "ideal" parties.

