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Mithra WHM ... severe MP gimp?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mantronic
    blm never get healed even when they do help, mp is presious and they have there share. anyways as a blm they should learn how not to get aggroed period as a whm you have to the same thing learn ok cast cure cure cure2 or later on cure2 cure2 wait wait sneak trick attack divine seal cure 3 or 4.
    In fact, Black Mages are on my heal list right after the main tank. Who will escape you in emergencies if your friendly Black Mage is dead?

    It's true that BLMs have to learn how to deal with enmity, but sometimes it just happens and they get the aggro. A White Mage who refuses to heal a Black Mage because they have their own MP is risking to get kicked from my PT.
    Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
    Zilart, CoP completed
    Vrtra downed.

    San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
    FFXI journal


    • #17
      Ok, i got a few more levels under my belt and after my initial paranoia i've realised that i was smoking crack.
      My Mithra WHM is perfectly adequate and actually quite good as a healer.
      Seems as though i simply had the unfortunate experience of getting into a crappy party at the time.
      You guys are absolutely right on the subject (mithra are great) and I am actually kinda embarassed about freaking out ... patience is a virtue, and obviously i need more.
      So, until next time, thanks for all of your input!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mantronic
        blm never get healed even when they do help, mp is presious and they have there share. anyways as a blm they should learn how not to get aggroed period as a whm you have to the same thing learn ok cast cure cure cure2 or later on cure2 cure2 wait wait sneak trick attack divine seal cure 3 or 4. enimity is managed more than mp, if some on in the group is not managing enimity (hate) then that group will have a problem cause keeping the monster in one place is so important.

        but back on the subject mithra whm you have more than enough mp, if you feel that your lacking mp invest in juices and food, roasted mushrooms and pies will do fine.... good luck
        I heal BLM if they take a beating, but normally they only take 1 hit that is easily patched up by tossing regen on them. They end up sitting on their butt to get mp and not nuke for a short bit anyways, seems like a waste to heal them past 90% hp.

        Far too many BLM at take the cue of a WHM healing them to full once they get hate as an invitation to chaincast on the mob, instead of backing the hell down until its provoked off them.
        The absolute worst situation is where you pour all your mp into a blm keeping him alive getting the yourself(the whm) tons of hate while the tank slips to #3 on the hate list.

        I've never let a BLM die yet, I think its too dangerous to fully heal a mage that never should of taken a hit in the first place, within reason. Normally the RDM or BRD will spot heal a BLM so the WHM can keep their amount of enmity low.

        3 Mithra are better than 1...
        Sapphire - Valefor 30RDM/15THF
        Navia - Valefor 70SAM/63NIN/42SMN/42RNG/60DRK
        Navii - Valefor 70SAM/64NIN/42SMN/50RNG/60WHM

        Navia - Asura (ret.) 75NIN/75RNG/55WHM/37WAR/37SMN/28THF
        Goldsmithing (99.0 + 3) / Clothcraft (60+1) /Smithing (60.0)/BoneCraft (60) / Alchemy (60) / Cooking (30)


        • #19
          *nod* Absolutely right. I didn't mean heal them to 100%, but keep them out of the yellow/orange. ^^'
          Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
          Zilart, CoP completed
          Vrtra downed.

          San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
          FFXI journal


          • #20
            We have Drain and eventually Regen anyways, I don't want the WHM spending MP on me and building more hate because I was over zealous and took a hit. Now if it hits me two or three times... eep.


            • #21
              if i somehow draw aggro, i stand still like a dumbass, waiting for the tank to regain hate...seems to work fine, most of the time it only goes after me for 1 hit anyway. if it does 2 or 3, i'll be in the orange, which is scary, but plds usually regain aggro after that...after which, i wait a while, throw a cure II and a drain and i'm fine.


              • #22
                hmmm let me refrase. i wont heal a blm if he gets aggro but i try not to let anyone is the party die yes anyways my pld normally is the one that drops a cure3 on teh blm and provokes so he makes sure to get aggro back other than that only thing i do for a blm is poisna if he gets poisoned theres no need to worry to much about the blm in a good party.
                whm50 blm32 bst50 thf16 war15 rdm21 all other jobs unlocked but not lvled.


                • #23
                  Humes and mithra make perfectly fine mages.
                  I would that they're a bit more desirable to have in a party than a taru mage. (Yes, let's put my bias aside since I am a hume blm afterall ) Unlike a taru, a hume/mithra mage won't die in one or two hits. A hume/mithra mage can take a bit of a beating before going down. This is especially important when a situation calls for the use of benediction and may take a bit of time for the melee to pull the hate off of you. At level 40+ there are monsters that can hit you for 100+ damage and if a taru mage pulls aggro and gets hit, they're going to lose a substantial amount of hp. A hume can take a hit better than a taru and a mithra can dodge the hit with their naturally high agi. This is important I think since there's less of a chance of you dying thus allowing you to keep the party alive.

                  A good hume/mithra mage will spend money on buying mp raising equipment. As a mithra mage, you should focus on raising your mp as much as you can. The bonus from mnd increasing equipment as far as healing goes is fairly negligible since healing has a cap.

                  In my experience, I have sacrificed myself quite a bit to keep the party alive either as a blm or whm. As a blm, when i use manafont, i only use it to either keep the party alive by throwing out as many cures as I can in 30 seconds or I hit divine seal and curaga to keep the whm from casting benediction or I nuke if the mob has 1/4 or less hp or i cast escape.

                  If I'm in a good party, I don't mind sacrificing myself so that others can live
                  observe the splendor of ping pong balls!


                  • #24
                    would that they're a bit more desirable to have in a party than a taru mage

                    hahahahaha omg hahahahaha

                    that was the funiest thing i have heard in a while

                    for the record i am taru whm and in a good party fighting exorays i have taken a few hits but never have i come even close to worried about dying. hehe anyways to my point any race can make a good mage point and simple. as a taru whm if you are fighting something that might hit you for 450 damage and you only have 400 hp you cast stoneskin and blink on you sothat you can take a few hits:spin:

                    now i will give credit to icemage for that since i did read it here and it pretty much works like a charm. i have at lvl 40 fighting gobs in gusta tunnel benedictions and divine seal curaga2 while fighting a gob that aggroed while our tank was afk the rest of the team killed the gob as fast as possible and i was able to keep blink and stone skin on the entire fight not efficent since it draind my 600mp but i came no where near dying. its all in the player if you have a choice between a good taru whm and a great galkan whm. good whm heals well doesnt let anyone die. great whm has the best possible gear eats foods drinks eithers guess who you would want in your party after you have tried both of them out. bias opinions about race might mean you miss out on a great player
                    whm50 blm32 bst50 thf16 war15 rdm21 all other jobs unlocked but not lvled.


                    • #25
                      Heard on my LS by a 45 pally: "I'll take a naked galka WHM who knows what he's doing over a rich taru WHM who's a total idiot."

                      It's all about mana and hate control. If you can keep everyone alive, and keep them off you, you're a great WHM, no matter anything else. Know your limits, know what works and doesn't.

                      Next time somebody suggests chaining ITs, tell them that it will be a close battle every time, but you can keep them fully healed if they drop it to chaining toughs. There's a good chance they'll see the wisdom of your ways.

                      Of course, they might just keep being idiots, too.


                      • #26
                        I won't subscribe to the bandwagon of "race" issues.

                        Any intelligent, bright, and thoughtful player will figure out a way to play any race to the best of its ability, while dashing all the hopes of would be "racsists" into smithereenes.

                        The equipment exists to overcome any shortcomings your race may have versus whatever that race's supposed weaknesses are.

                        The tactics exist to overcome any shortcomings your race may have as well.

                        I have partied with very good galka black mages and very bad ones. I have partied with very good taru white mages and very bad ones. I have partied with very good elvaan rangers and very bad ones.

                        As far as Mithra being gimped on MP, let me put it to you this way. Throughout the entire time I have played this game (since last October 28th), I have noticed that my MP tends to usually be on average around 100 less than that of a Taru. While 100 MP certainly allows you to do alot, it has never, ever affected my playing style or kept me from finding parties. I have been complemented on numerous occassions for the intelligent way I play my character. Never have I been berated or belittled because I am a Mithra White Mage.

                        So how bout dem apples?


                        Goodbye everyone.


                        • #27
                          Race on a WHM

                          In a perfect group.. with a perfect player... under ideal situations.... TARUTARU is king WHM.

                          In most other circumstances any other WHM is just as good.

                          TaruTaru do not regen mana any faster than a Hume, Mithra, Elvann, or even a Galka. Therefore if you can keep everyone healed you have done your job.

                          Where the high mana pool comes into play is chaining.... if you have 100 more mana and you only use about 100 mana a kill... you can do 1 more chain before resting.

                          But if you get aggro and die in 2 hits on mob #3... well you just cost alot of downtime... and in that case having extra mana was not doing anyone any good... more HP would have been prefered.

                          The stoneskin/blink argument in my book is silly. If you cast both those spell on you every fight then so can any other race... and if you claim it's because you have more mana... well GREAT... but you just wasted that extra mana on defensive power the other races already had... and even if you used 50 mana instead of 100... WHM need to regen mana... it doesn't grow on trees.... that 50 mana comes with extra downtime.... my HP regens during combat while I am standing.. and even faster when I am sitting to regain MP.... my blink and stoneskin spells do not "regenerate" while I sit... they wear out.

                          When I first started I was pretty pissed I had so much less mana than a Tarutaru... but as time goes on... I am less jealous.

                          The only thing a huge mana pool helps you with is chaining more mobs between breaks.... it doesn't help kill harder mobs because if you use 100% taru mana in 1 fight they are very likely to get aggro and die... you can't chain cast your best heal and expect to avoid aggro.

                          Also what the other people said is true... you had problems due to lack of sub-jobs on your members... and the fact they wanted to go after the "big kills" instead of going for steady kills. They probably didn't have Renkei down right... and had crappy equip also. I have joined groups as a BLK where I had almost the same DEF as the WAR in Valkrum... that is just sad... especially when the WAR decided to go with a 2 handed weapon.. ignoring the benefits of a good shield.

                          Making sure a party survies is not 100% the job of the WHM
                          1.) WHM must heal (obvious)
                          2.) Tank must have high DEF and use shield
                          3.) RDM or BRD should be assisting in heals and/or debuffs
                          4.) The offensive part of the party should be doing damage fast and efficiently.. and not taking aggro off the high DEF tank.

                          So yes... the WHM is the most obvious part of keeping people alive... but you were missing #3 and #4 and maybe even #2. This is not your fault.

                          Would a melee join a team with no WHM? HELL NO. So why should a WHM join a team without an acceptable tank or enfeebler/back-up healer? They will try to put a guilt trip on you... or make you feel like a jerk... but to be honest they are risking your virtual life and the virtual life of everyone in that party by not thinking ahead and just grabbing random people and a WHM.

                          Oh and the dude that says he doesn't use Soul-eater in a group any more.... you are a very smart DRK... you are better off doing less damage then being the main tank and sucking up all the mana. Your EXP pool thanks you... as does the EXP pool of everyone you group with. It is very hard to find a DRK with your level of insight... it seems all they want to see is Oooo BIG NUMBA! ME LIKE BIG NUMBA! LOOK ME HIT HARD! ME IS GOOD! They never stop to ponder the fact they just screwed up the whole aggro balance and that aggro balance is 10x more important than how much damage 1 person does.
                          Hume Female
                          Bismarck Server
                          56 PAL/39 WHM/28 RNG/27 MNK/27 WAR/21 RDM/20 BLM/16 THF/16 NIN/12 SAM/10 BRD/10 SUM/7 BST/7 DRG/7 DRK
                          Completed : AF Sword/Boots/Helm, Genkai 1/2

