Originally posted by Mantronic
blm never get healed even when they do help, mp is presious and they have there share. anyways as a blm they should learn how not to get aggroed period as a whm you have to the same thing learn ok cast cure cure cure2 or later on cure2 cure2 wait wait sneak trick attack divine seal cure 3 or 4.
blm never get healed even when they do help, mp is presious and they have there share. anyways as a blm they should learn how not to get aggroed period as a whm you have to the same thing learn ok cast cure cure cure2 or later on cure2 cure2 wait wait sneak trick attack divine seal cure 3 or 4.
It's true that BLMs have to learn how to deal with enmity, but sometimes it just happens and they get the aggro. A White Mage who refuses to heal a Black Mage because they have their own MP is risking to get kicked from my PT.