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getting gil +40

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  • getting gil +40

    tried the box quest, picked wrong one twice
    done some mining. no luck there

    what are you guys doing for gil +40 i hate being almost broke all the times.

    any unique mobs that a healer can solo at 42?

    Zaldane Taru
    55 whm/26bm

  • #2
    I've been soloing in beastmen populated areas like Paly Mines, Beadeaux (Quads), Oztroja Castle (Yagudo), Davoi (Orcs).

    I have a lvl 90ish club skill, and using a Holy Maul (lvl early 30s?) + blaze spikes I can run through quite a few of the lower level mobs, gaining gil for each. I basically set a convenient home point, choco to a dungeon of my choice and run through killing mobs till my gobbie bag is full--proceed to warp back and sell any items that dropped--usually to NPCs for expediency. Larger loot items I'll sell in Auction House. Any items usable for repeatable quests I'll turn in for the fame and any gil payout.

    Doing this I've been averaging 2-4k an hour. Not exactly a huge windfall of money, but it is steady for those times when there's tons of competition for some of the popular farm beasts like Crawlers or popular mining/logging/harvesting spots are filled.

    Subbing thief while doing this is also handy for additional drops + the ability to steal more items.


    • #3
      thanks will try that tonight to kill time.
      Zaldane Taru
      55 whm/26bm


      • #4
        I did some soloing in Jugner last night and it was pretty neat. Killed mostly tigers, goblins, thunder elementals and funguars while running between the two logging points I know about, not sure about how good gil it was yet but each thunder elemental usually dropped 2 lightning clusters which are worth 1k+ each. And I usually killed 2-3 of those an hour, they only spawn when the weather is right though.
        Tigers and funguars drop stackable gil items.

        I also tried out Delkfutt tower, goblins bats and giants were pretty easy to solo at 36 but the adds can be a headache if you ain't careful. The giants dropped 80gil a pop and gave little me 25 exp. In 5-10 levels I'll be able to farm that nicelly. Which is about where you are. Higher up in Delkfutt there are Thunder Elementals too, nice gil as stated above.
        Shina - Rank 6 Mithra of Windurst on Ragnarok, ZM done, CoP done
        BRD75, BST65, RNG60, BLM49, WHM40, NIN35, SMN26, WAR18, RDM15, BLU15, PLD13, MNK11, DNC10
        100 Fisher, 84 Woodworker, 70 Goldsmith, 60 Alchemist, 58 Culinarian, 38 Blacksmith, 23 Weaver, 17 Bonecrafter, 8 Tanner


        • #5
          Another nice option that I've been trying is hanging near the Selbina gates in Valkurm. As you probably know, VK is often the proving grounds for many a rookie as its where many/most players go to seek their subjob items. So you basically have an environment filled with aggro mobs (goblins, undead), a zone where most players have to get through at some point early in their playing careers and a town that acts as a safe harbor for players to run and hide in.....

          this all adds up to basically you having 100 personal noobie pullers. I literally stand at the gates taking on any and all goblins---not only do they spawn outside the gates, but heh, low level, inexperienced players train plenty more in. Each kill nets me anywhere from 20-50 gil and for the past few nights I've been doing it, the flow of gobs is nearly constant during peak American play hours. Add on top of that the loot that they drop, I find myself making upward of 2-3k per hour on slower times, and upward of 7-8k per hour at busier times. This is petty gil drops in addition to selling off items dropped--i.e. misc spells, and tons of goblin armor, helms, mail, etc. (~500 a piece on the AH...they sell pretty rapdily as they're a fairly fundamental crafting item)

          Last night on Bismarck I did this for roughly 3.5 hours and walked away with a tad over 21K, excluding a full 14 additional pieces of gob items in my Auction house sales (and my mules)... once these sell, that'd be an additional 7Kish.


          • #6
            Be very careful in palbarough mines, I was level 48-ish... I wear RSE because it gives MND and MP... So I trined maybe 50 quads, and I had stoneskin, so I had no clue how much it was really going to hurt...

            I get cornered, stoneskin wears off.... heh, I had to warp myself out of there, luckily I got to jeuno with like 100 hp... (I'm taru, by the way)


            • #7
              if you're a whm, mob training in palborough mines works great...get a huge mob (equip a staff) and then when the mob gets large, say 20 or so quadavs, do an earth crusher. you should have about 300% tp by the time the mob gets that large anyway. regen II yourself or something and you should be fine. 1 300% earth crusher will wipe out all 2nd tier quadavs and a mob of 20 (with /thf) should net you 600-1k gil + equipment pieces or fetich parts. you can do this on the first floor for lots of quadav backplates also.

              blms can mob train as well, except its a tad riskier, since blms have less defense and no regen (if you sub thf) and no earth'll have to rely on drain and your -ga spells. the occasional NM you'll accidentally train can net you pretty nice gil, i've gotten the braveheart GS a couple times for 15k a pop.


              • #8
                There's a simple quest which you can do daily for 2160 gil, run to Gusgen's deepest part and get a dish of Gusgen clay, turn it into some old fellow in Mhaura, the running is a bitch, but it's good for lazy asses like me, doesn't take more than 10 mins and you don't have to worry about AH prices or whatsoever.

                Or just shout Teleports, there's always people looking for Teleports.
                WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
                Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
                No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
                Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
                Sandoria is gay.

                I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!

                ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.


                • #9
                  There's a simple quest which you can do daily for 2160 gil, run to Gusgen's
                  I've been trying to get that quest for a while.
                  More details from I did all the cook quests in mhura and got 5 star puyveor, did teleport mea quest (high fame req), lvl 49 whm, rank 5 and yet I'm still unable to get that quest. Do I need more Winder fame to boost my mhura fame? I think if I do one more stupid fish run I'll lose it. (92 fish runs to get teleport mea) :sweat:
                  Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Rones

                    I've been trying to get that quest for a while.
                    More details from I did all the cook quests in mhura and got 5 star puyveor, did teleport mea quest (high fame req), lvl 49 whm, rank 5 and yet I'm still unable to get that quest. Do I need more Winder fame to boost my mhura fame? I think if I do one more stupid fish run I'll lose it. (92 fish runs to get teleport mea) :sweat:
                    >_< Well, Bastok sells Cornette when they're ranked 2nd or above.. And with Hero fame in Bastok they go for 21X gil, while the Cornette quest returns you 200 gil, so it's easy to pump fame this way, with some loss, but at least you don't have to spend hours zoning. >.>
                    WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
                    Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
                    No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
                    Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
                    Sandoria is gay.

                    I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!

                    ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.


                    • #11
                      like a thief

                      like a thief i just sit back and watch. watch and wait. wait and watch. then boom it happens. why are there so many poeple with crab crusher names. i ask them they tell me the quest and i make 1k every 6-8 minutes.

                      just crurious if any of u all knew this quest its the most commonly repeatable one. i never do post, so i just say what they quest it.

                      1.)go to bastok market.
                      2.)go to old lady in house on the right side of scroll shop.
                      3.) she says a monster stole soemthing from here, steam clock, and the monster is a crab with a unique name.
                      4.)she tells u to lure it out, kill it, return the steam clock to her.
                      5.)first trade a quus fish with the bush to lure it out.
                      6.)return to her to get 500 gil.
                      can u say easy gold
                      7.) should be lvl 10 before u attempt it

                      i predict i will get some replpies to this saying i ruined it for the poeple that found out for them selfs. or even a warning saying that other sites give that kind of info out only if u pay. find some one that goes to sites like those and pay, they will most likely tell u what the secrets are. thats why im only lvl 16 thief, thats only been playin for a total of 3 days, but with 157k of gold.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, I've read about that one. Friends who tried it said at best they could do 7-8 repeats an hour with the help of warp which gave them 3,500-4,000 minus the cost of a stack of quus fish.

                        To get 157k would be 314 runs + 40-50 to cover the cost of your fish. So 354 runs at a rate of 1 per 7.5 min (8 per hour) means 44.26 hours of doing this quest. That's some serious dedication for your first 3 days of play. Also, since you just started I will guess you don't have the blm warp spell to speed it up either and doing one repeat every 7.5 min might be faster than you can do it entirely on foot.

                        I'll still check it out, maybe my blm friends are just really slow at doing this.
                        Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                        • #13
                          At best, at ~lv30 blm (around where I could one-shot it, I think...might've been lower), I could do about 10 runs an hour (1 per 6 minutes for those of you that are mathematically challenged). If I had a /25 thf I could sub, I could probably bring this down to 1 every 5 minutes or so, but probably less due to the timer on thf. I'm tempted to buy the Strider Boots on the AH, and get lv34 theif so I can do flee and boots and still have warp. But there are better ways to make money than this o.O

                          As a white mage, you should be trying to get in on bcnm 40. Groups need at least 2 healers for it, so it shouldn't be a problem. On midgardsormr, bcnm40 isn't very profitable, but most other servers should be fine. And by not very profitable, I mean 14-16 minutes of work can net you anywhere from 10k per person up to about 60k per person (used to be 40k-120k per person, and I've heard things about what it was during the first few weeks of release ; , so if you're desperate, this isn't a bad option.

                          Another option would be to do the Selbina Clay set of quests. Total, I think it's something like 40k worth of gil or so (could be far off, haven't done it all myself, but my linkshell members tell me it does wonders), so that could get you some gil. It takes a dick year to do though ; ;
                          For The Horde!!
                          Current Gil total spent on gear:
                          Current Gil Value of gear:
                          Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                          • #14
                            Another option would be to do the Selbina Clay set of quests. Total, I think it's something like 40k worth of gil or so (could be far off, haven't done it all myself, but my linkshell members tell me it does wonders), so that could get you some gil. It takes a dick year to do though ; ;
                            Actually one of the best ways for a whm to earn gil and fame. With a hp in selbina and your teleport spells, you teleport close to them, get it, then warp back. The one in battilia downs and sarumagne champian(sp) are both worth 10k and rolanberry is 3k. I think its closer to 35k total, but it is still really good fast gil for a whm. Too bad the locations aren't repeatable. :spin:
                            Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                            • #15
                              Well while i was at Bastok i did this:

                              1.)Anchor at BastokMarket
                              2.) Shout for Teleports
                              3.) Buy a Stack of Quu
                              4a.)Teleport someone for 500
                              4b.)Go out to do Bernie Quest
                              5.) Warp Back to HP

                              Rinse and repeat.

