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When to level the planned subjob...?

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  • When to level the planned subjob...?

    I'm thinking of subbing BLM to my WHM... the question is, when should I (or should I have already) start leveling BLM up?

    I am currently a lvl. 16 WHM (2280/3800 XP until lvl. 17) and have a while to go (I level slower than most) until I hit lvl. 18 when I can do the subjob quest.

    I haven't done anything yet with BLM. Should I start now, or wait until I complete the subjob quest?

    Ultimately, I plan to use this to boost my MP, and gain the Warp spell... but my long range goal is to do the BRD quest, with the endgame being a BRD/WHM as I enjoy the support role.

    Any suggestions/ideas?
    :::: Windurst Rank 10 ::::
    :::: Kirin Captivator ::::
    :::: Dynamis-Beaucedine Interloper ::::
    :::: Omega Ostracizer ::::
    ~ Up Next: Ultima/Omega and their five mammet friends... (PM6-4)~

    BRD75 SMN62 ::: and other jobs

  • #2
    I suggest waiting till you get sub job since its much easier to start off with BLM/WHM then ^^

    Then since you want Warp, just train your BLM to 17 and start again on WHM till your 30. Once your 30 go for BRD. ^^


    • #3
      if you dont want to spend forever on leveling blm, just get it to level 7 for bind


      • #4
        IMHO you should always have a fully leveled subjob to complement your primary. If its not, then you aren't getting the full benefits(mp/hp boost, spells, etc...) of the job.
        Rock Starutaru


        • #5
          I agree with rewo, its much more beneficial to have your sub job as up to date as you can. at the very least, lvl it to 10, this way you can get a new job trait. Also in genreal, lvling from 1-10 is very easy, so you really wont be wasting any time donig so and you will be helping yourself out immensly.


          • #6
            Right now i have a 21whm/10blm my blms max lvl is 12, and i dont really feel like leveling him anymore so im just gunna wait till i hit 30 and get SMN job, o well ill be a 30/12 whm/blm for a lil bit but what the hell...
            SAM-44, THF-45, MNK-34, WHM-37, BST-32

            Cooking-8x, WW-27


