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How to raise club skills?

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  • How to raise club skills?

    There might come a time when you actually need to fight one on one with something (see lv75 cap quest), and just for convenience you want to be able to hit the broad side of a barn. The problem is if you do this in a normal lvling PT everyone's going to look at you as if you're an utter noob.

    "WTF?! Put that down and go sit in the back!" >_>

    So if anyone is high lvl and have up-to-date club skills, or staff for that matter, as slow as they are, how did you do it?

  • #2
    I usually raise them soloing easy prey and/or decent challenges in Valkurm. A nice extra effect is having a ton of new-ish people watch you when you solo a leecher in front of their virgin eyes. ^^

    Other than that.. well, just today - the Kazham airship pass key hunt is my excuse to give 'em beastmen a nice beating. I usually farm with a partner (RDM) and we do both healing and attacking. It works out nicely, and my staff skill is almost maxed.
    Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
    Zilart, CoP completed
    Vrtra downed.

    San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
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    • #3
      If you're really good with targetting you can engage enemies and still heal. You won't do a huge amount of damage (almost none, really), but you will get some decent skill gains.

      I have no problems capping my Club skill. Just hit level 44, and I think my skill is up to around 132 now.

      you can't do this very well with enemies with huge area attacks, but it works fine for enemies like beetles, which focus on one target at a time.



      • #4
        I duo a lot with a THF, so I frequently have the opportunity to raise my club skill and evade. He makes the opening move with sneak attack. I keep us cured until he gets pissed off enough to switch to me, which gives the THF the opportunity to sneak attack again. This worked great while we were leveling on land worms in Korroloka until 22.

        Depending on how high your skill is vs how tough the mob is, your skill may rise quickly or slowly. If you're near cap, fighting easy prey to decent challenge will barely raise your skill at all. In that case, you'll need to jump in on the toughs to get your skill. But, if your skill is incredibly low, like my 18 shield skill at level 28, you can still raise it by fighting incredibly easy prey (I was gaining shield by killing rock lizards while hunting for leaping lizzy).
        Newbie: Where's a good place to go when you're new?
        Me: It's called "outside of town"
        Newbie: I'm not that new bud.

        /sea all <r>: lvl 6 WAR
        11 Clothcraft (recruit) | 11.4 Goldsmith (recruit) | 4.4 Cooking


        • #5
          you wpn skill caps are based upon char so they don't change from job to job so if you get club high on say a war, or monk or anything else for that matter you'll keep that skill lv
          March 23 2004, a day that will live in infamy.
          Use search, or deal with assholes like me


          • #6
            recap on what icemage had said.

            Basically he's right, you can easily raise your club skill in a pt (if they allow it) on ANY monster that doesn't have a strong aoe.

            I suggest not using a hammer but instead a wand of the sort with a low Damage, even though you'll probably be only doing 0-10 dmg your skill will still rise. Curing and attacking will give you more hate than usual but thats why i pointed out using low dmg weapon.

            If you can't attack and still have the reflexes to heal the party I suggest you just raise your skill in skill up parties or solo.
            Myriam *DEACTIVATED* [Rank 5](Import)
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            BLM 18 RDM 51

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