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  • whm/??

    I've been on the forums for quite a while and i'm getting the game in a few days, and I was wondering something.

    i know most people say Whm with sub Blm because it is the best combo and all.

    but what about advanced jobs for a WHm?

    i really want to be a support/healer and thats why I am definately going to be Whm, but I also want to have an advanced job, and I'm not sure if that would take over as my Main or not, obviously i could switch back and forth i suppose.

    but what would be the best advanced job to go with white mage? i was thinking i wanted to be a summoner, but i guess that kills your MP

    any suggestions for when I finally am able to get to 30 and an AJ
    Rank 5 Windurst
    Fenrir Server - Fateless Dreamers LS
    50 Bard, 34 White Mage, 24 Ninja, 19 Black Mage, 10 Warrior, 11 Thief, 7 Red Mage, 7 Beastmaster, 7 Ranger, 3 Summoner
    AF1 - Paper Knife Complete
    Owner of Monster Signa
    52 +23 Chr

  • #2
    I'm still kind of pondering this one myself, and altho I think a Summoner is such a cool job, it may not be the best thing for myself or my party. I want to be all about healing and protecting, and think that even tho my BLM sub gives me lots of Mp, I may switch to a BRD later on... It has lots of party enhancements, that I think will help out my party: more defence, more attack, and Hp regen for a party is all within the first 5 levels of a BRD. Tho I'm sure there are many others who would suggest other combinations as well. Goodluck to you!

    75Brd . 37Whm . 22Smn

    "Seeing or hearing things the same way isn't important... Sharing the same moments in your life is." - Romilda, Port Bastok.


    • #3
      From my limited experience ...

      WHM/BLM early on is good, since the mp boost goes hand-in-hand with giving a whm more mp to heal. Most whm/blm can't nuke though, because of the aggro they're already causing through heals ... so the damage factor in a whm/blm combo is negligible. The downside is, if you're just starting out you most likely don't have the gils to keep up with buying both white & black magic spells, and separate armor for both jobs; I decided to drop this combo after realizing the fact that if I didn't want to buy any of the black magic spells, and soloing the blm up to 10 was going to be a marathon.

      WHM/RDM early on is decent. It does not give you a big mp boost like the whm/blm combo does, but along with the minimal mp boost you also get a decent hp boost, plus whatever parry/shield skill you work up. Also, since rdm share a lot of the white magic spells, being a whm you already have most of rdm's spells; and rdm can also share your whm's armor. I went this route, bought it a decent sword and am making a good amount of gils as I level up the rdm. Later on, it'll be my 'make a quick gil' job. Lastly, from what I have seen, rdms are pretty good healers right up there with whms later on in life, too.

      WHM/SMN is a good combo, too. The smn's passive traits gives the whm a BIG mp boost. The only thing is, you'll probably never summon an avatar while you're a whm/smn because of the mp drain (that and the avatar will be too weak to help in any way).

      WHM/BRD is an identity crisis waiting to happen. At higher levels, WHM/BRD can probably work well because of hp/mp regen songs, eliminating a lot of downtime; but everyone's going to expect you to buff them during battle too. I personally haven't seen a whm/brd in action, but one can hypothesize.

      Maybe someone with more experience can shed light on this matter ... or this whole topic.
      64 RDM/34 WHM/25 BRD/15 THF/14 PLD/13 SAM/10 WAR/4 BLM - 1 SMN/1 BST/1 DRK
      Rank 6 Bastokan - hero status in: Bastok, Sand'Oria, and Jeuno
      RDM AFs are complete!
      Fairy server


      • #4
        There are already several threads about this exact subject with lots of details. Here's a particularly good one. BLM is a good choice, and since your BLM will only be half-level, it's not that expensive. RDM is also good (though I haven't done it myself) for a bit more HP and combat skills, and Fast Cast after level 30 WHM. I wouldn't consider SMN until after WHM level 50, when you'd get auto-refresh, and even then you don't want to level SMN to 25 without all the avatars. WHM/BRD... not very helpful to you or your party. Maybe after WHM level 50, when you'd have Mage's Ballad... but even then you are giving up a lot (MP, spells) for a minimal gain.


        • #5
          Lol~! I think I just found a pretty big flaw in the WHM/BRD combination... where you must have BRD as your main job to use an instrument. Can someone confirm this? If so, WHM/BRD would be pretty useless. :p

          75Brd . 37Whm . 22Smn

          "Seeing or hearing things the same way isn't important... Sharing the same moments in your life is." - Romilda, Port Bastok.


          • #6
            Yep, /BRD can only sing, no instrument. And also can only have 1 song in effect, rather than two. So a mage who subs BRD would only be using Mage's Ballad in all likelihood, and couldn't be the great party supporter a full bard is... hence it's not great as a subjob.


            • #7
              if you want an adv job and yet still want your whm support acpects, try brd/whm. brd is prob the king of support and that whm sub will also aid you considerably.

