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Best Way to 30 WHM?

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  • Best Way to 30 WHM?

    Hi just a quick question... which would prob. be the most effective path to 30 whm... ?

    Go Black Mage to 18 do sub job start over with white mage /sub blk?

    Go White Mage to 18 lvl Blk to 15 then restart lvling whm to 30

    I'm only going to lvl 30 as I'm going to do Bestmaster quest once there... lvl to 70 with him then prob. lvl whm or blm to 70 after that as the group character... lvling Ninja as a side project
    NIN Current Main
    BST Side Project

  • #2
    since i'm already a whitemage .. i plan to take this route

    Go White Mage to 18 lvl Blk to 15 then restart lvling whm to 30

    and after that i plan to sub whm and get bard as main.

    i'm unsure if "Go White Mage to 18 lvl Blk to 15 then restart lvling whm to 30" will be fast though .. can someone out there who already is a lvl 30whm + give some more advice on what sub job to get .. level up to when .. etc?


    • #3
      I'm doing what your doing Jasyn, but I'm being a dragoon instead of bard


      • #4
        ouch subing a DRG..


        • #5
          And whats wrong with that!?


          • #6
            Subbing dragoon you don't get the Wyvern. As a sub dragoon is a watered down warrior, and even a warrior isn't a very good sub for a whitemage.


            • #7
              When you are first starting out, you have 3 primary choices if you want to get to level 30 WHM:

              (1) Start as WHM. Sub BLM or RDM, and level the one you choose to 15 after you acquire the subjob, then push for 30. This is the most difficult option, IMHO, since WHM are the weakest solo mage.

              (2) Start as BLM. Push to 20, get subjob and chocobo, then go for WHM with a BLM sub. This is a common path chosen by many WHM players. It offers a bit of extra power because of BLM's high MP bonus as a sub, but if you're prone to make mistakes, this can be a very time-consuming ordeal.

              (3) Start as RDM. This is the path I chose, and I am very fond of it. RDM are easier to level to 20 than either BLM or WHM, if you ask me - they have better defense, and can easily fit into any party as either the offensive or defensive role. However, you sacrifice some power on the back end, as WHM/RDM have a bit less MP than WHM/BLM (although they have better defense and the Parry defensive skill).



              • #8
                Or you could do it the lazy way and level to 18 as a whitemage, do the subjob quest, dink around for a few hours and get like level 6 as a blackmage then switch back to whitemage and push on to 30. A 30 WHM/6 BLM will still get groups with no problems because WHM are elevated on little pedastools and worshipped.

                Going back to level Blackmage while having a decent level in whitemage is MUCH easier. Nylia is up to level 19 BLM now (she's a 30 WHM, but is building her BLM with my PLD) and is often the best healer in the group. At 22 she'll get Cure2 back and be a better healer than most WHM of the same level due to having a better MP total.


                • #9
                  I played my White Mage from the beginning because I had already played a Black Mage and Red Mage and didn't want to start out with those right away.

                  I got my White Mage to 20. (Chocobo Quest here I come.) I switched to Black Mage and intend on taking it to 35. Then I am going to switch back to White Mage and finish it out.

                  My original goal was to go White Mage to 20, Black Mage to 15, White Mage to 30, get Summoner, Summoner to 35, White Mage to 70, but I've since given up on Summoner's after having been told they are "sloppy cure tanks."


                  Goodbye everyone.


                  • #10
                    Well I started whm so I took it to 18 now I switch to blm and taking that too lvl 15 ^^. Then taking whm to 30 (might be brd I don't know yet :sweat: ) then swtiching blm and bring it up to 30 then whm all the way to 30.
                    Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                    Merits - 98
                    Goldsmith - 85.2


                    • #11
                      Well I am going to be a BST/WHM and I really dont want to level rdm, which I am not even going to play (at least until level 60 bst) to 15. Could I still get into groups as a level 18+WHM/6 RDM? (Level 6 should only take an hour or so)

                      Also..this is kinda off topic but...why do I see a lot of 60WHM/30 RDM? As a level 30 RDM most of your spells would get resisted again a level 60 mob anyway. So what's the point?
                      Complete: AF1, AF2.
                      BST 60, NIN 31, WHM 30, SMN 25, BRD 23, DRG 23, THF 23.


                      • #12
                        raise whm to 7 for bind then after i hit 30 i planto change jobs


                        • #13
                          Rawdog, yes you'll be able to find groups as an 18+ WHM/6 RDM, at least up to 30. As I said in a my previous reply, WHM get picked up so fast that even having a lower subjob won't hurt you that much.

                          60 WHM/30 RDM isn't as bad as you are making it sound. You forget that whitemages get enfeebling magic too. So although a 60 RDM will have his enfeebling magic cap a little higher than a 60 WHM, the 60 WHM will still have it at a decent level (much higher than a 30 RDM).


                          • #14
                            I'm quite fond of WHM/RDM (if you can't tell from my profile, lol).

                            I'm not sure why a WHM60 would choose /RDM over /BLM unless they wanted the extra Parry defene skill, but the spells are all quite usable as a WHM. The only spells that won't work well for you as a WHM/RDM are Dark Magic and Elemental Magic spells. Otherwise, RDM have the same magic skills as WHM, and their important spells still work almost as well (EnXXXX, Gravity, Phalanx).



                            • #15
                              I'm intending to hit 30 with lvl 7 BLM.

                              Had no problems so far getting groups, don't know what servers you all are on but seems like people are dead fussy for their requirements hehe :D

                              Have fun first worry about class and group makeup later is my motto :D

