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  • Argh!

    Half of the Elvaan WHMs I've seen have attitude problem, they'll go like little taru, how much can you heal, to all the stuck up Elvaan WHMs out there, look at your own mana pool before you talk. Left my party just a few seconds ago cause the most recent encounter was one who didn't bothered to heal red with his almost full MP and casted Protectra 2 right after I casted Protectra, wtf. There are more, just can't be bothered to list them all out. Having higher mind doesn't help when cures are capped and your mana pool is crap.
    WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
    Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
    No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
    Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
    Sandoria is gay.

    I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!

    ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.

  • #2
    I don't bother criticizing Elvaan WHM anymore - I just play my WHM to the best of my ability. The fact that I get a constant stream of comments after I leave a party like:

    "Come back - we can't find another good WHM!" proof enough to me that my approach is working better than most.

    Ignore the comments, play your best, and let the non-healers draw their own conclusions when their XP gains per hour are cut in half after you leave the group.



    • #3
      Yes, Icemage is completely right. As much as you may think that WHM Elvaans will somehow get the better of you, they're very far from it. Tarutaru WHMs are always the first choice over an Elvaan and if anyone says otherwise they must be well an Elvaan themself. And it's funny but from my experience during beta I also noticed quite a lot of Elvaans who loved to claim that they're the better white mages just because they possess a couple stats higher on MND. Bottom line is your MP count is what's gonna matter in the future and whether or not you can fully live up to the standards of basic healing, status recovery and buffs.

      Don't listen to that Elvaan. He is not worth your time...and believe me, you'll be laughing in his face someday when a pt chooses you over him.


      • #4
        I can't not agree. First of all MND is a big part of a WHM... Elvaan WHM's have a high amount. In the other hand Taru have okay MND but alot of mp. Which one I will pick? Elvaan. Elvaans have less MP but know when to use it. In the other hand Tarus have alot of mp which makes them spoiled and cure as many times as they want. I am not saying Taru's suck. But Elvaans don't either. You guys have to also think about MP Boost and stuff it's not the character that makes the difference. It's the person that plays it~ In my opinion.
        Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

        Merits - 98
        Goldsmith - 85.2


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rico
          I can't not agree. First of all MND is a big part of a WHM... Elvaan WHM's have a high amount. In the other hand Taru have okay MND but alot of mp. Which one I will pick? Elvaan. Elvaans have less MP but know when to use it. In the other hand Tarus have alot of mp which makes them spoiled and cure as many times as they want. I am not saying Taru's suck. But Elvaans don't either. You guys have to also think about MP Boost and stuff it's not the character that makes the difference. It's the person that plays it~ In my opinion.
          MND does affect your curing abilities but only to a small degree and it's main purpose is the give you an added defense against magic being cast on you by an enemy. Also, in a pt situation, it's not about curing at the "right time", it's about curing as much as you can. Tarutarus are not spoiled, rather they are lucky and well endowed in the MP department. At higher levels an Elvaan's mana pool just isn't quite enough to cut it as a main healer. Most of the time, if you're an Elvaan WHM, you'll find yourself as a the secondary healer primarily because of the lack in MP. Yes, I agree with you that it's not all about the race that makes the WHM but it's pretty much been proven ideal to be a Tarutaru if you want to be the main healer of great parties and chain enemies at the same time. Also, who is to say that just because you're an Elvaan WHM, that you're going to be skilled enough to know when exactly to use your spells. Being an Elvaan alone does not guarantee success and with a lot of MP at least you have the opportunity to make some mistakes but also learn from them.

          Don't get me wrong...there are many Elvaans who do great as a WHM but I can guarantee you that in a pt situation (which is what most of a WHM's gameplay consists of) if it's a choice between an Elvaan and a Tarutaru WHM, the Tarutaru is going to be picked.


          • #6
            Wait a second.

            and casted Protectra 2 right after I casted Protectra, wtf.
            So you cast Protectra, and he then cast a better spell to further enhance your groupmates so they can kill more efficiently which results in more exp. How exactly is this bad?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Letum
              Wait a second.

              So you cast Protectra, and he then cast a better spell to further enhance your groupmates so they can kill more efficiently which results in more exp. How exactly is this bad?
              Protect wear off during battle, and when I was recovering my MP, he did nothing, only when I started casting Protectra after my MP is max, he immediately casted Protectra 2 and tell me "Mine's better." From what I see, it's more of him trying to provoke me than to help the party. And one more thing about Elvaan with higher MND, seriously, when you reach a level that your Cures are capped at 30 and 90, even if you have 1000000 MND, it's still capped, the most he can do is to have a higher Cure 3 than me, maybe if I healed 150 he would heal aound 170? 320/46 * 150 > 240/46 * 170. How good is a WHM if he allows his party member to drop beyond red while is MP stay near max anyway?
              WHM 75 | BLM 37 | RDM 63 | WAR 75 | MNK 44 | NIN 37 | RNG 20
              Windurst Rank 10 | Bastok Rank 10 | Sandoria Rank 3
              No more permanent stats on "In areas outside own nation's control" items.
              Combat Caster's Boomberang +1 | Master Caster's Bracelets
              Sandoria is gay.

              I'm a warrior and I kill stuff! RAWR!

              ph34r the Gigant Axe rush.


              • #8
                I find the MND arguments laughable - they always come from people who have never seen an Elvaan and Tarutaru WHM of the same level in a party. There is at MOST 1 point of difference between Elvaan Cure and Tarutaru Cure. There is at MOST 3 points difference in Cure II. And there is at MOST 10 points difference on Cure III. And that's only if the mages aren't at the soft caps yet.

                In addition, good WHM don't spend all their MP healing. If you're smart you're casting Paralyze, Slow, Dia, and most important of all, Regen, none of which are impacted in the slightest by your MND stat.

                I'd say that in a typical battle with an XP chain at level 30 my MP usage goes something like:

                Paralyze (6)
                Blind(5) (using RDM sub)
                Regen probably 3 times (15) x 3
                Cure II probably 4 times (24) x 4

                Total estimated MP cost: 177

                Let's be kind and say an Elvaan heals 1 more point than I do with Cure II (they don't, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt).

                So with that assumption, the Elvaan heals 4 more HP than me.

                I have 352 MP with equipment on at level WHM30/RDM15. An Elvaan WHM/BLM might have 250.

                So over the course of an XP chain #4, say, accounting for resting in between, the Elvaan would heal 20 more HP than I do. Hm. Contain my joy. Considering I can cast Cure I for 30, that equates to about 6 MP worth of healing. I have 100 MP more than the Elvaan WHM though... so where does that leave the Elvaan WHM, hm?



                • #9
                  Ice... I love your uhhh... "critiscism" (for lack of a better word).

                  If you had not read the the update before the last (I think) stated that Mnd does not have as high of a impact on healing spells. Healing Magic is greatly affected by your healing skill. Mnd does increase it a bit yes, I'm not arguing that, however once your Healing skill goes up (which it will) the need for Mnd becomes less and less.

                  Tarus do not have good Mnd, in fact one of the worst. However we have the MP to back up our spells. If you cast Portectra and he casts Protectra2 he is doing the right thing however. Protectra gives +10 def to pt members and Protectra2 gives +20def (10more def is always better).

                  Sometimes when there are 2 whms there WILL be confusion at who does what/when etc. So if there are 2+ whms work out who will do what enfeeble spells and other things. Of course if 2 heal one person at the same time it really cant be taken to an arguement because both whms are doing what their jobs calls them to do.

                  Heh I remember getting in to friendly "arguements" with an Elvaan Whm friend in my LS in Beta. Saying which was better *ahem chapel cough cough*. :sweat:

                  Anyways Tarus are always more ideal to have in a pt especially when getting exp. By being able to chain monsters for increasing amounts of exp is one of the reasons why Tarus are wanted. Their greater MP allows them to stay in battle longer.

                  Elvaans still do good too, however not the best/most ideal.

                  I too get the same comments as Icemage said..(you and your 10 lvls more than me >_<, and Medicine Ring..). But the best PT's I always get have been where 50%+ are LS members, cause most everyone knows their part :p.
                  Full Cursed= O
                  Full Str Gear= O
                  Apocalypse= ; ;

                  DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                  1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O

