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macro help: healing while in combat...

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  • macro help: healing while in combat...

    i'm not sure why,

    but i'm not able to heal a party member while in combat.

    the macro i use is: /ma "Cure" t

    the macro works fine when i'm not fighting.

    this is bothering me because i have to click disengage to end combat, heal, then enter combat once again which wastes a lot of time.

  • #2
    You should check the forum more for this but I'll help you anyway.

    If you want to heal party members while meleeing [something I know very well ] you need to set macros for each person specifically so you don't have to change targets.

    /ma "Cure" <p0> (Yourself)
    /ma "Cure" <p1> (Party Member in slot below your name)
    /ma "Cure" <p2> (Party Member in slot below #1's name)
    /ma "Cure" <p3> (Party Member in slot below #2's name)
    /ma "Cure" <p4> (Party Member in slot below #3's name)
    /ma "Cure" <p5> (Party Member who is in the bottom most slot)

    Those are the basic macros for healing. You can change the spell in quotes to change what spell you want to do at any given time but I always have these setup.

    I personally use Alt as my party macros; Member heal, party heal, party effects and Ctrl as my personal action; Weapon Skill, Subjob skill (In my case, provoke), personal healing, and personal or singular spell casting (blink, stoneskin, protect/shell, targeted casting of people outside of my party).

    You can also use /ma "Cure" <st> and manually hit F1-F6 to target your party members but I prefer the previous method.


    • #3
      i did some forum searching @ allakhazam and found the same answers you posted. i do appreciate your reply.

      i was looking for something that would tell me i could heal a party member while in combat the same way i heal myself.

      i think i'll be using <st>...although i don't have to end combat for that?


      • #4
        Personally, I don't really come in to attack the enemy too much so I stick to the F1-6 macros... But does anyone know a nice <t> command in a macro to switch back to the current monster that your party is fighting? When something like paralyze runs out, I don't want to waste time fumbling through tabs. I know about F8, but it doesn't work if there are multiple enemies around or the monster runs out of your window... Besides, it'd be handy for any enfeeble macro

        Kale - SMN(58+) WHM(70+) BLM(20) - Pandemonium
        Fenrir obtained =D
        Sky access, rank 10 Windurst, opo crown ^^


        • #5
          Doing those commands automatically casts the spell on team members. So you don't have to change targets in battle.


          • #6
            You can use

            /target <bt>

            to target the nearest red enemy. Note that this will not work if you are in an alliance and the enemy was last engaged by an alliance member outside of your party. Still, it works 99% of the time, and can be a life-saver in emergencies.



            • #7
              Ah... that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Icy! So a macro that simply says /ta <bt> would automatically target the right monster?

              Kale - SMN(58+) WHM(70+) BLM(20) - Pandemonium
              Fenrir obtained =D
              Sky access, rank 10 Windurst, opo crown ^^


              • #8
                It will automatically target the nearest enemy that has been attacked by your party, yes. It also has a very impressive detection range, which is nice for pulling weapons out way in advance for an approaching enemy.



                • #9
                  You can also use the /assist command but I think it engages you instead of just selecting it as a target.

                  ~> <~


                  • #10
                    I always use assist to target monsters (starting with assist on tank), then do debuffs, then assist again. This makes it much easier to always know who is being attacked, and it also makes targeting much easier in general.

                    - Alyanda 56whm/29blm/49thf/25nin/21war - CrimsonBlood
                    - Ragnarok


                    • #11

                      While we are on the topic of macros, does anyone have a more reliable method for healing alliance members than just selecting them? It can be difficult to select them during a fight. I suppose making macros for each individual would work, but I haven't tried it.


                      • #12
                        It is very hard to actually heal alliance members.

                        Because since there could possibly 18 alliance members (not including your own pt) making macros for such a thing is crazy.

                        However Alliance members can be targeted with <a1> <a2> etc.

                        I have not used those in macros however, just tested them by typing /ma "Cure" <a1>. It did work and that is the extent of my testing

                        Basically when in an Alliance make sure each pt has a Whm to back them up. If your pt is doing ok but another pt in the alliance is taking a beating, then you may help them out and target them.

                        I play using the Number pad, and I am used to pressing it because of it's closeness to the rest of the keys. With the Num. pad I can move around, move camera, select targets, heal, run/walk, goto firstperson view, zoom in and zoom out. All with one hand. But that is just how I play ^^
                        Full Cursed= O
                        Full Str Gear= O
                        Apocalypse= ; ;

                        DRK - /war /thf /nin /sam /whm
                        1-year break.. everything so cheap O_O


                        • #13
                          menu-only keys for targetting alliance members

                          If you go to your keyboard config, then the movement keys, look for the set of binds for controlling the menu but NOT the camera. If you set up keys for these controls, you can use them to scroll thru party members, or alliance members.

                          I personally use this method, rather than a separate macro for each party slot and cure spell. I have up/down menu-only keys (didn't bother with left/right, since that won't scroll through party members) for targetting the correct player, then I use my Cure <t> macro.

                          For targetting the monster, I normally use <bt>. The drawback here is when there are multiple mobs. Also, when your alliance member is pulling, and no one in your party has attacked yet, the <bt> macro won't target. But for normal usage, it works fine. =)

                          Hope that helps everyone with keeping those flimsy fighters going! =)

