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  • "Weeding"

    Hey i dont want the amount of characters I have to pay for to betoo big. So i need help weeding some out.

    Which one do you think would be more useful throught the game

    Black Mage/Red Mage
    Bard/White Mage

  • #2
    i would go with black mage/red mage
    just my can have whatever combo you want


    • #3
      Actually, from what I hear, they'd come out about even. Blm/Rdm is the offensive caster that parties need for damage; Brd/Whm is for support. Parties need both.

      So, go for whichever one you think you'd have the most fun playing. And if it doesn't work out, try the other combo. Don't forget that you can switch jobs whenever you like.
      I'm not even here


      • #4
        Both are good, solid combinations.

        Black Mage/Red Mage after level 40 becomes the best offensive spellcaster in the game - with a combination of Fast Cast with MP Conserve, and the extra Magic Attack Up bonus from RDM, they deal out a lot of punishment in a hurry, and can also provide a bit of healing magic when needed (though they lose access to the Curaga/Protectra/Shellra series, but at higher levels, you generally want a dedicated WHM to cast the higher level versions of those anyway).

        BRD/WHM is also very good - Bards are just really rare, and exceptionally handy to have around, sine they almost never have to rest, and make everyone else's lives a lot easier with their regeneration songs like Army's Paeon and Mage's Ballad.


