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Dai - Effects?

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  • Dai - Effects?

    i know that Dia does some measly damage and is supposed to drop the targets defense yet i dont seem to be doing any extra damage

    what exactly does Dia do? am i just too low and weak to notice the difference?

    btw, i am a Taru 9 WHM

  • #2
    Dia lowers the target's Defense by 5, and deals 1 damage per 3 seconds. In general, that means you'll do about 1 more damage per hit on average, depending on circumstances.

    Keep in mind that Dia does not stack with itself - you can't cast it multiple times to have it deal more than 1 damage per 3 seconds, or to lower Defense by more than 5.



    • #3
      excellent, thank you very much for the info, i will start casting it now i think


      • #4
        I have tested it and found I hit more often with it than without.

        You won't do more damage because damage is based more on your weapon and strength.

        I'm sure there are some number crunchers who have the formulas down. All I know is if you want to hit more often, use it.


        • #5
          So, from what you guys are saying, it seems like a waste of time to cast Dia multiple times on the same enemy. Is that true?
          If so, Dia seems to be a good opening attack, followed up by melee damage.

          Also, do the effects of Dia wear off (losing 1 hp every three seconds, lower defense) or do they last until the monster (or you) is dead?

          I'm a lowly level 1 red mage, and Dia is my only spell, so I want to know all about it!:spin: :spin:

          Merit Count : 26
          Current Merit Target : Critcal Hit Rate @2 (1/2)


          • #6
            You'll see a message

            Dia does last a fixed ammount of time. You'll see a message that says "(Monster)'s Dia spell has worn off."

            I'm very supprised to hear it only does 1 damage per 3 second intervals. As I've seen it kill a lot of critters before I could swing my weapon. You guys sure it's not related to enfeebling magic skill?
            Zakarth of Midgardsormr - 12 WAR/4 MNK, 10 BLM/1 WHM, 1 Rdm/6 THF

            Zagreus of Siren - 11 WHM


            • #7
              That's correct, Imp King. You'll want to cast Dia as early in a fight as possible. It lasts a while, depending on the Light Elemental resistance of the target, but it will eventually fade (at which point it should be re-cast if the monster isn't almost dead).

              I'll have to disagree with the above post about the increased accuracy. As far as I know, however, Dia does not affect how often you hit a target, only the amount of physical damage you do. Hit percentages are governed by your Attack skill and the target's Evasion/Agility. This is why when you use the "Check" command on a monster you'll often see something like:

              "The Blahblahblah is an even match. It seems to have high evasion, but low defense."



              • #8
                ok, let me recant what I said earlier. Although I'm sure I a easier time hitting the mob, my damage does go up a bit. But it's very little, like 1 or 2hps.

                Granted I'm only lvl 9, I am assuming that your attack rating is calculated against the monsters defense rating in order to calculate the 'to hit', 'damage' and possibility of striking a 'critical blow'

                Almost every game every created uses this type of base calculation. They just tweek it alot and create some huge abstract formula that takes into account level, armor, weapon type, etc.

                I don't know for sure what is calculated when fighting a monster. But I do know that I hit more often after casting the spell and maybe a extra point damage as well.

                Attack and defense ratings I assume are a calculation of multiple things. Like armor, weapon type, levels, skill, etc.

                Either way, I don't care. The spell is worth casting that's for sure.


                • #9
                  Dia doesn't effect how fast you can hit something... its your weapon speed. The only spell that can increase your speed in attacking is Haste. Again, Dia does not effect how fast you hit something its your weapon speed.
                  "From the void all things are born.
                  To the void all things return."

                  -philosophy of the Walahra


                  • #10
                    Dia doesn't effect how fast you can hit something... its your weapon speed. The only spell that can increase your speed in attacking is Haste. Again, Dia does not effect how fast you hit something its your weapon speed.

                    I agree

                    Let me put it another way. When I use Dia, it appears I 'miss' alot less then when I don't.


                    • #11
                      Defense does not appear to have any impact on how often you are hit, it only affects the damage you take. That is governed strictly by Evasion and Agility (and any applicable effects, like a Thief's Evade Up trait or a Monk's Dodge ability).

                      While it is theoretically possible that monsters use a different calculation for avoiding attacks, I have never noticed that attacks land any more often with either Dia, or its more powerful cousin Dia II.



                      • #12
                        Dia does DOT = to what the spell initially hits for, I believe. Sometimes 1 sometimes 2.

                        It has saved me more than a few times. Often my toon goes on a streak of misses. I have missed on attack five times in a row, but dia was there chipping away the whole time.

                        It gives you that extra edge, makes life just a little easier.

                        I start battles with paralyze since it takes so long to cast, you can't do it in-battle if you're solo. Then hit em with dia really quick, and then bear down for a slugfest, healing myself when my HPs start falling faster than the enemy.


                        • #13
                          The initial damage on Dia has nothing to do with how much damage over time it deals. The DOT effect is constant - always 1 damage per tick (roughly 3 seconds). It's possible (especially at high levels) for Dia to hit for 0, yet still deal its damage over time, as well as give its defense penalty.



                          • #14
                            When using Dia you have to consider whether that extra +1 damage offsets that you miss attacking once with your weapon, which initially is like 4-6 but increases later on. If you're doing 12 points of damage on a hit, your combat needs to go roughly 16 rounds (assuming a few misses) for Dia to just even out.

                            In theory Dia would be great if you're in a large group so everyone gets the benefit of it, but hardly anyone groups that early.


                            • #15
                              As d0qtrX posted earlier, cast Dia before you get into the battle. Similar to d0qtrX's method, I "attack" the target so that I take out my melee weapon and have it ready. Then I cast Paralyze on it from as far away as possible, and have Dia targetted and ready for as soon as Paralyze hits. While the monster comes running at me, Dia is cast, and I don't lose any initiative. This, of course, is from a solo perspective.

                              75Brd . 37Whm . 22Smn

                              "Seeing or hearing things the same way isn't important... Sharing the same moments in your life is." - Romilda, Port Bastok.


