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WHM at high lvls as a main?

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  • WHM at high lvls as a main?

    How high demand are WHM in at higher levels compared to other jobs? Seems to me...and a few other people while ive been reading, that rdm and whm as a sub get alot...even most of the important whm spells.

    Id gladly play a whm, but is it redundant as a main class at high lvls or are whm as a main still in high demand? Why?


  • #2
    Re: WHM at high lvls as a main?

    Originally posted by Radamvice
    How high demand are WHM in at higher levels compared to other jobs? Seems to me...and a few other people while ive been reading, that rdm and whm as a sub get alot...even most of the important whm spells.

    Id gladly play a whm, but is it redundant as a main class at high lvls or are whm as a main still in high demand? Why?

    IMO, at higher levels, you will always need a dedicated/main job WHM, for 2 reasons. One is the Raise 2(75% raise) and eventually Raise 3. 2 is the higher Curega spell, a group heal, which is WHM only. This sounds like it could be a critical spell(but then again, I didn't play beta).


    • #3
      I understand what you mean because a WHM sub for a SMN or BLM or a RDM can do the job very well but a WHM is still by far the best imo.

      WHM has the highest cure skill for the most efficient curing. And there are many useful buff spells a WHM gets which are extremely useful such as Erase, Regen II, Haste etc. A RDM can get some of these spells but at a higher level and the effectiveness is lower then. Buff spells are useful immediately and are most effective at the given spell level relative to foes.

      WHM also has the WHM only Protectra range which is a cast of Protect X for all PT members in range while RMD can only self cast. Same goes for bar spells to protect vs elements and status effects. May seem trivial but it is really annoying to have a rdm individually cast, plus bar spells can wear shortly so it is good to have everyone buffed quickly. THe Protectra X spells are most effective at the given so using a sub WHM for Protectra isn't very good because the spell is so low level for the foes faced.

      Most important WHM only spells are the "na" range which removes status ailments like paralyze, petrify, poison, curse, virus etc These are WHM only and the strong ones like Stona are relatively high level. You have to sub WHM for them and by the time you can use the spell itwould have been required far earlier.

      WHM is still the best healer in the game. The reason why BLM and SMN should sub WHM is to support heal, not to be main healer. A RDM is pretty good but lacks the group buff spells and the status removal spells.

      Raise II and Raise III are also very useful and make a high level WHM a treasure. The Curaga line is also pretty useful in many situations but sometimes there is too much hate involved to make it practical to cast in battle.


      • #4
        here's a scary situation for you:

        a member of your party walks up and aggros about 5 rumble crawlers all same level or hard (Ž©•ª and ‚‚æ). everyone panics. that person dies and these rumble crawlers run at the party.
        what do you do?

        a.) run like mad hoping you don't aggro the rest of the room and train a bunch of crawlers and exorays and what have you to hopefully make it to the enterance and, of course, most likely kill a bunch of low level parties closer to the enterance on your way to save yourself..? (you'll most likely die
        or do you:
        b.) ask your whitemage to teleport the group to one of the crags?

        you can't save your party if something like that happens without a whitemage XD

        (this happened to me last night)
        look at it like this:

        #1 redmage MP with alot of MP boost equipment at 50ish:
        around 350-400 (depending on race)
        whitemages MP with boosted MP equipment at 50ish:
        around 630 of course, also, depending on race (I'm a level 53 mithra whitemage, i have 634ish MP)

        #2 raise2 = good (getting a normal raise over 55 means losing about 500 xp >_< give or take a few xp)

        #3 erase = good


        • #5
          Re WHM Main class?

          Originally posted by Surfer`
          I understand what you mean because a WHM sub for a SMN or BLM or a RDM can do the job very well but a WHM is still by far the best imo........

          ....... is too much hate involved to make it practical to cast in battle.

          Cause of all those fact... I'll be a White mage all the way :D How about a WHM lvl 70? OMG I wonder if I can make it... *think of playing FFXI for 2 years ahead before she reach that level* Please god help me :sweat: lmao

