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Warrior/Whitemage, a good choise? (Elvaan)

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  • Warrior/Whitemage, a good choise? (Elvaan)

    Well, is this a good Job selection?
    Or can you guys give me a better one?

    Or maybe I'll be Tarutaru Blackmage/Whitemage or something...
    Character Name: Zedou
    Race: Tarutaru
    Jobs / Level: BLM18 / WHM22 / WAR8 / THF8
    Nation: Windurst
    LinkShell: Soldiers of Mist
    Server: Ragnarok

  • #2
    it depends on what you want..if you want white magic be a paladin/warrior...
    Player Name:Sebastian the Bard
    Main Job/Sub Job:Bard/White mage
    Clan:Alexandrian Knights


    • #3
      I wanna be an elvaan warrior/white mage as well so i think its a good choice but what do you mean be apaladin,can they use white mage spells or something??

      75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
      Woodworking 91.9+2
      ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


      • #4
        Paladin is a warrior and a white mage mixed with a lot of vit.
        With a war subbed you will be a tank and will guard your whole team by taking damage.
        Basically you take damge heal yourself after the battle.
        You'd get way more PT picks than is you were a warrior/whitemage though, and would generally be more helpfull.


        • #5
          Erm, I think in high level PTs a PLD/WAR will almost always be picked over a WAR/WHM - the reason being that at such high levels, you can't be confused about what you want to be. You're either a tanker, or a caster, no exceptions.

          As a 'transition combo,' however, WAR/WHM is an excellent combination - somethng to use for odd jobs, leveling, etc., but as far as a long-term/permanent partying job, go with PLD/WAR.

          Also from what I head, WAR/WHM is an -excellent- newb service job combo. You can take them all to Jeuno and have them bow down to you because of your 1337ness. :p

          Ille deus Morpheus non est Morpheus de Matrice, sed Morpheus, deus somni et mutantis!


          • #6
            Thnx for your words!
            Character Name: Zedou
            Race: Tarutaru
            Jobs / Level: BLM18 / WHM22 / WAR8 / THF8
            Nation: Windurst
            LinkShell: Soldiers of Mist
            Server: Ragnarok


            • #7
              Personally? I've never PT'ed with a WAR/WHM... Nor would I... The WHM would lower the damage the war would do to the monsters, and make him take more damage from the monster. Also his magic would be at half his base lvl, making it's useage very limited in combat. Also he will have next to none hp... So unless you want to help a friend who's alot lower of a lvl then you, WAR/WHM is not as usefull as you might think... I know I have never PT'ed with a WAR/WHM, and I'm sure I would never take one in my PT either. PLD/WAR would be picked even over a WAR/MNK. PLD's are a really great addition to a PT, WAR/WHM is a worthless one...
              Lavian Vermillion
              Ragnarok Server
              Deviant Art - GT Ranma


              • #8
                The reason why most players discourage warriors subbing white mage is because when they heal, they normally have to sit down after battle in order to recovery MP so they can heal again for the next battle. However, sitting down reduces the TP you've accumulated during the course of battle, and without TP you can't be in renkeis. If all you do is sit-sit-sit, then you'll lose a significant amount of TP every time, and it slows down EXP gaining since less renkeis = less kills.

                Healing after battle is done by the real mages. This way the melee is can stand and the mages can sit since mages don't need to store TP anyway.

                At low levels between 1~20, a warrior can probably get away with subbing white mage and still be picked for parties. Eventually, you'll notice how inferior subbing white mage will become at higher levels and it's best to move on to something more beneficial.
                WAR20 MNK12 WHM28 BLM31 RDM60 THF21 PLD14 DRK20 BST6 BRD42 RNG16 SAM11 NIN40 DRG10 SMN10


                • #9
                  Yep, I agree. I think that a WAR/WHM would be good for Soloing until about Lvl 20 when you have all those healing spells and all that, then switch to something that would benefit your class more.


                  • #10
                    I think that if you want a white mage's magic and a warrior's strength you should get paladin, you could also make a PAL/DRK OR DRK/PAL to get more magic power and black magic abilities.


                    • #11
                      What if you were a DRK/PAL. You would get BM and WM, correct? And I believe the DRK/PAL combo is better for attack, if I remember correctly.


                      • #12
                        Yeah, that's true, but the white and black magic woudn't be very strong...(not weak either).



                        • #13
                          Can you raise your Mind, Int, etc, in a job, other than what it goes up? IE: You could make a Dark Knight have magic power as strong as a Black Mage at the same level.


                          • #14
                            You can artificially raise stats through equipment.

                            I'm not sure if you can make it as strong as a black mage, as their equipment is more magical oriented I would think. And a DRK's would be more physical oriented. However I suppose you could come close with a bunch of rings and hats and stuff. But I don't know why you would want to do this, as a DRK's strength lies in its attacking power. But to each his own I suppose.


                            • #15
                              Lately since I got Paladin I've been in qufim for the past few days and I've seen a lot of War/Whm sprouting up. What I don't understand is why they would make War/Whm as a regular job. I heard that if you have a mage as a subjob then those specific skills used don't go up, which defeats the purpose of using whm as a sub to "level up your magic skills" when you get Paladin as a job.

                              The War/Whm that I have partied with had very little mp about enough to cast cure 4 times at most or one cure and a cure II. I can understand why people would wanna solo a lot, I actually think it's a good idea to do it that way, but most people whom I have seen keep their subjob level at 7 when they're a warrior at level 25. This also doesn't keep your whm skills at it's full potential. At level 10 you get a magic defense power up ability, which works well against many of the magic spells that are cast against you in Qufim and later parts of the game, and at level 20 you get clear mind if you want to do it, but still your mp is still going to be pretty low and at level 15 (when warrior is level 30) you're only going to be able to do, cure II a few times and that's not going to help you very much when the monsters that you're fighting against the ITs who do can easily deal more than what you're capable of restoring.

                              I had considered a lot of the disadvantages to the class and to sum it all up for you:

                              Cons: Not enough Mp to act as a support character from level 20+
                              A very limited list of magic skills (Highest possible at level 70 is a level 35 whm).
                              Doesn't get a lot of the good whm spells until reaching very high levels.
                              Serves as a "wasted subjob skill" since it doesn't support much in the offensive categories or stats.
                              Slow to level up as a main.
                              Only time when you can make a war/whm is at level 18 and by then you're in Valkurm where monsters can dish out some serious pain.

                              Pros: Good class to start out new jobs with and to solo but is limited.
                              Ability to give youself Protect and Shell.
                              Magic Defense increase.

                              That's just my 2 sense.
                              (Equips Flame Shield)
                              Pure genius is the ability to convert thoughts to actions.
                              -F. Scott Fitzgerald.

