Currently im a level 40 warrior and im wondering what would be the best armor/weapons for me and some of the upcomming levels that I should really look into. any suggestions?
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Warrior suggestions
Re: Warrior suggestions
At Lv.40 I used two Woodsman Rings, Tilt Belt, and Horror Voulge. I sub'd THF, and loaded up on STR for WS. Two Puissance Rings, Gigas Bracelets, and a Brave Belt. Outside of the Woodsman Rings I bought, most of those items were pretty cheap.
As far as body items. I'm a pack rat, so I have TONS of gear for all kinds of levels. I used the Lv.40 Iron Musketeer's feet since there wasn't much else as an option, Ryl. Sqr. Mufflers for the Acc, Chainmail again because there weren't really any other options.
If you're tanking there are other items you'll want to pick up. I didn't tank at all past Lv.25 outside of the rare cases that my static PLD would bite the dust. (I'm ashamed to say that I wore Lv.24 Silver stuff until Lv.40 to save space and gil. I didn't take many hits, so it didn't effect me much.)
I wore most of that stuff to Lv.50, but at Lv.45 you can go for Brigandine but I really hate the Checker board look, so I completely skipped it. At Lv.43 Swordbelt +1 is very nice, but Vanguard Belt will last for WS until Lv.71 when you get a Warwolf Belt.
So some of these items may be expensive, but a number of them will last you quite a while so look at them as an investment. I spent just over 2M each for the Woodsmans, I spent 500k total for the STR+3 rings, Vanguard Belt cost me 250k, Swordbelt +1 was only 100k. A lot of the other items I bought LONG ago when prices weren't nearly as high, and just decided to save them for BCNMs, or the chance I'd level other jobs that could use it. (Which if you check my signature, the odds are I have and/or will.)Odude
PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4
Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1
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Re: Warrior suggestions
Thanks a ton, I have most of the gear you have said so I know im going in the right direction, I have been looking into woodmans rings (850 - 900k) I have a venerer ring, a Puissance Ring for now. I also have a Life belt still from my mnk. Should I keep it and use it at lvl 48 or just go right for swordblet +1.
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Re: Warrior suggestions
As far as weapons go, lvl40 is the Combat Caster's Axes. +5Attack each. These should last you till lvl48 Viking's Axes with a whopping +10ACC each, combine this with a life belt introduced at the same lvl. Even the most modest, gil-poor war will output plenty of DoT and TP Build (assuming you use sushi or rice dumpling)
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Re: Warrior suggestions
The posters above have good advice.
I am not sure about the price of Tilt Belt on your server (lvl 40, acc +5, eva -5), it used to be very cheap on my server (3k couple months ago). If you need acc+ fom gear you may try Tilt Belt until level 48 for Life Belt. Swordbelt or Sowrdbelt +1 is okay too, depends on your food/gear setup. There is a mask at level 43 for +7 or +6 attack (depends on which verison you buy). There is also a lvl 47 mantle that has +3 attack.Server: Quetzalcoatl
Race: Hume Rank 7
75 PLD, 75 SAM, 75 WAR, 75 NIN, 75 MNK, 65 BLU
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Re: Warrior suggestions
I'm going to assume you dont have access to Riverne Site #A01, but if you can get a few SMN friends to go kill Carmine Dobsonfly, Voyager sallet is a great piece of gear. Lasts you clear to 70 if not 75 for a WS piece at least.
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Re: Warrior suggestions
Originally posted by TokitokiI'm going to assume you dont have access to Riverne Site #A01, but if you can get a few SMN friends to go kill Carmine Dobsonfly, Voyager sallet is a great piece of gear. Lasts you clear to 70 if not 75 for a WS piece at least.
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Re: Warrior suggestions
Yea they drop more often than sallet. Got me both of em.
Actually you can bribe SMNs and friends of yours with the idea of getting a ring ;p
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Re: Warrior suggestions
Originally posted by TokitokiI'm going to assume you dont have access to Riverne Site #A01, but if you can get a few SMN friends to go kill Carmine Dobsonfly, Voyager sallet is a great piece of gear. Lasts you clear to 70 if not 75 for a WS piece at least.
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Re: Warrior suggestions
Sick information guys! Yah I just quested a brown belt, gonna try selling it and get woodsman/snipers. I have a lifebelt and 2 vikings so far and im lvl 45(too a break for a bit)
Ive been mining alot so hopefully ill get lots of gil to get 2 snipers
thank you for information.
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