Hey, i really wanna be a high lvl warior but im WAY to poor to sub NIN or even lvl up nin ; ; Does anyone know if just go war/mnk if i would still make it into PTs? thank you
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Subs for WAR
Re: Subs for WAR
Check it out. You'll find that War/mnk is actually a really potent combo, but people don't like it because in general, people are stupid."And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"
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Re: Subs for WAR
WAR/MNK will last you very well if you're just leveling WAR to 37. If you're leveling it higher than 37, you should consider /NIN /THF or /DRG though. /NIN for the safety of shadows, /THF for Sturmwind+Sneakattack+OMFG, /DRG if you can afford the +Haste earring.
i'm sure it's still a powerful job combo at 37+, but /THF seems like it would give a greater boost for GAx users, and /NIN for Ax.
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