Re: Quick Questions
As for the money making solution, at the early levels, crystals are definitely the way to go. Look at your AH for which types of crystals sell for good gils, as well as crystals that sell fast, and go out and hunt for these crystals. Keep in mind that crystals only drop from mobs that check 'Easy Prey' or higher.
Also, if you have been to the Valkrum Dunes, you might also want to check out San D'oria. Look for the La Theine Pleateau exit on the map, and eventually, West Ronfaure (sp) -> South San D'oria. Who knows, they might have different items that you were looking for up for sale in the AH, and maybe even better price.
As for the subjob, right now, your best bet (though not limited to) is to try Monk. When you change your job to Monk in your Mog House, you won't be able to equip a lot of your old stuff. Simply store them in your Mog Safe. MNKs can wear some stuff that WARs wear, but not a lot of it (they can't wear the "heavy" armors). So this means, unfortunately, you might have to pour some gils for new equipment.
An alternate subjob would be THF. This will save you some time when you have to sub this for your future DRK. Generally, subbing THF doesn't benefit you nearly as much as subbing MNK at early levels. WAR and MNK goes hand in hand nicely pre-30, imo. It's really up to you. Try out both, and see which one you feel more comfortable with.
As for your WAR, don't worry. When you're done levelling your MNK, and switch back to your WAR, you'll still have the same stat and abilities that you left it with, and you can get your equipment out of your Mog Safe.
Originally posted by Babylonian
Also, if you have been to the Valkrum Dunes, you might also want to check out San D'oria. Look for the La Theine Pleateau exit on the map, and eventually, West Ronfaure (sp) -> South San D'oria. Who knows, they might have different items that you were looking for up for sale in the AH, and maybe even better price.
As for the subjob, right now, your best bet (though not limited to) is to try Monk. When you change your job to Monk in your Mog House, you won't be able to equip a lot of your old stuff. Simply store them in your Mog Safe. MNKs can wear some stuff that WARs wear, but not a lot of it (they can't wear the "heavy" armors). So this means, unfortunately, you might have to pour some gils for new equipment.
An alternate subjob would be THF. This will save you some time when you have to sub this for your future DRK. Generally, subbing THF doesn't benefit you nearly as much as subbing MNK at early levels. WAR and MNK goes hand in hand nicely pre-30, imo. It's really up to you. Try out both, and see which one you feel more comfortable with.
As for your WAR, don't worry. When you're done levelling your MNK, and switch back to your WAR, you'll still have the same stat and abilities that you left it with, and you can get your equipment out of your Mog Safe.
