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Quick Questions

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  • #31
    Re: Quick Questions

    Originally posted by Babylonian
    Oh, and I cant get the Moth Axe because they're sold out at the ah, plus they were selling for 17k....

    Edit: I've run into a new brick wall... I just realized that I'm going to have to choose a sub-job at the next level (18). Does that mean I'm going to have to sell all my armor and buy the armor appropriate for the sub-class? Will I still have my health and skills? Will I still use the same weapon as I am with my warrior? Oh and what sub-job should I choose? I'm planning on becoming a DRK as soon as I hit 30, so if you guys would recommend one that would benefit that class it'd help. (I know I asked the last question in my first post, but I personally didn’t understand your responses that well.)
    As for the money making solution, at the early levels, crystals are definitely the way to go. Look at your AH for which types of crystals sell for good gils, as well as crystals that sell fast, and go out and hunt for these crystals. Keep in mind that crystals only drop from mobs that check 'Easy Prey' or higher.

    Also, if you have been to the Valkrum Dunes, you might also want to check out San D'oria. Look for the La Theine Pleateau exit on the map, and eventually, West Ronfaure (sp) -> South San D'oria. Who knows, they might have different items that you were looking for up for sale in the AH, and maybe even better price.

    As for the subjob, right now, your best bet (though not limited to) is to try Monk. When you change your job to Monk in your Mog House, you won't be able to equip a lot of your old stuff. Simply store them in your Mog Safe. MNKs can wear some stuff that WARs wear, but not a lot of it (they can't wear the "heavy" armors). So this means, unfortunately, you might have to pour some gils for new equipment.

    An alternate subjob would be THF. This will save you some time when you have to sub this for your future DRK. Generally, subbing THF doesn't benefit you nearly as much as subbing MNK at early levels. WAR and MNK goes hand in hand nicely pre-30, imo. It's really up to you. Try out both, and see which one you feel more comfortable with.

    As for your WAR, don't worry. When you're done levelling your MNK, and switch back to your WAR, you'll still have the same stat and abilities that you left it with, and you can get your equipment out of your Mog Safe.


    • #32
      Re: Quick Questions

      there is no penalty for switching jobs. i do it all the time. when you switch your job back, you will find it just as you left it.

      if you need money, talk to your moogle. ask him to switch your job to any level 1 job. level that job to level, say, 6 or 7 with signet on the entire time and sell the crystals you find. it's a good way to make some starter cash.

      oh, and levelling monk is easy. you won't even need any gear at first. monk fights bare-fisted until it starts the party levels.

      i'm going to try posting some links to some other threads similar to this one. maybe you can get some ideas from there.
      Last edited by aegina; 01-29-2006, 08:27 AM.

      ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
      Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
      I live to entertain!


      • #33
        Re: Quick Questions

        You guys just saved my ass, literally. Though you forgot to mention anything about a quest to attain a sub-job. I've recently realized that I must first find 3 items to give the kupo in my house to attain the right to a sub-job. That's all fine and dandy, except, the skull is an extremely rare drop. And when I say rare, I mean mind bogglingly rare. I spent 5 real life hours looking for one with no avail. I've passed level 18 and now I'm 19, so If I don't find it quick my whole plan goes to waste. Got any pointers on how I can speed up my search? And yes I do already know I cant buy it.

        Edit: Oh and about the gil subject, crystals don't sell for anything in the beta server. You'd be lucky to even get 15 gil for one wind crystal; and I already had traveled to San'Odria to check the prices of the items I needed before I posted my last post, and they were the same. I also had a friend check the prices over at Windurst, same thing there too.
        Last edited by Babylonian; 01-29-2006, 03:37 PM.


        • #34
          Re: Quick Questions

          The skull is easy to get if you have higher level help (which I understand can be hard in a completely "fresh" server.) Head to Gusgen Mines (entrance is hidden on the far East of Konschtat Highlands, not too hard to guess) and get a 30+ or so player with you, you'll be able to find plenty of Ghouls to kill and they respawn constantly, unlike the ones in Valkurm which only appear at night. Getting a bunch of level 20 people would work too. As for money, if crystals are worthless, hoarde them, they may increase in value or you can use them for crafting some time in the future. Also, I found the Crawler quest in Windurst to be a great source of gil way back when gil was actually worth a lot. Go the Dhalmel Farm in Windurst Woods, the Mithra there will pay 600 gil for 3 Crawler Calculi or Silk Threads. Hope that helps.

          Oh yeah, and you give the sub job items to Isacio in Selbina, not to your Moogle.


          • #35
            Re: Quick Questions

            Originally posted by Armando
            The skull is easy to get if you have higher level help (which I understand can be hard in a completely "fresh" server.) Head to Gusgen Mines (entrance is hidden on the far East of Konschtat Highlands, not too hard to guess) and get a 30+ or so player with you, you'll be able to find plenty of Ghouls to kill and they respawn constantly, unlike the ones in Valkurm which only appear at night. Getting a bunch of level 20 people would work too. As for money, if crystals are worthless, hoarde them, they may increase in value or you can use them for crafting some time in the future. Also, I found the Crawler quest in Windurst to be a great source of gil way back when gil was actually worth a lot. Go the Dhalmel Farm in Windurst Woods, the Mithra there will pay 600 gil for 3 Crawler Calculi or Silk Threads. Hope that helps.

            Oh yeah, and you give the sub job items to Isacio in Selbina, not to your Moogle.
            Believe it or not, but there are already some people who are 60+. I find it hard to believe too... Anyhow, I do already have a mission that gives me 1k for completing it, and it is re-doable. Though the parts I need to find take a lot of time, meaning 1k per 5 hours real life time. Not that I'm not appreciative of that option, it's just that I like to think realistically. As for the Gusgen Mines, I've already been there whilst in a team of all level 18+ members. We got our asses handed to us and we fled like we're oh so used to and good at doing. Most of the 30+ members are Japanese, so trying to get them to help you is like trying to tell a tree to fall on a Goblin. It just won't happen.


            • #36
              Re: Quick Questions

              Go to Gusgen Mines in Konschtat Highlands and shout: <Help me out!> Skull <Can I have it?>


              • #37
                Re: Quick Questions

                Originally posted by bikkebakke
                Go to Gusgen Mines in Konschtat Highlands and shout: <Help me out!> Skull <Can I have it?>
                I tried that out yesterday, but I was abruptly put in my place when someone used this macro on me: "Attempts to steal your dignity, but then realizes that you had already thrown away what little you had".

                I fear that the only way I'll ever get that skull is if I sell my body to the Mithra, or just stick to it with a party of 20+ members.


                • #38
                  Re: Quick Questions

                  I had a lot of trouble getting my Skull as well. I was damn near Lv.19 when I finally got mine. A PLD50 just so happened to be running by and saw we were having problems. So he escorted use to the mines and got 8 of us our skulls. Just hang in there. It will come. In the mean time, you can take a break from the hunt, and level your MNK subjob.

                  I don't know if anybody's addressed your question about crafting, but I think it depends on whether you'll get to keep your account once X360 beta is over. I beta tested the PS2 version, and I didn't get to keep anything save the name. So I didn't bother crafting anything past Lv.10.

                  So I would suggest you just spend all your gil on your gear. Get the hang of the game so when then retail version is released you'll fit in with your new server easier. Then find a gil making scheme and take up a craft.

                  As far as becoming a DRK later. I would suggest "Power leveling" the weapons before you take up DRK. Once you're Lv.30, buy a low level Scythe and Great Sword, then kill mobs to level up those weapons. I'd say level both of them to Lv.45 would be fine. You could then use either weapon up to Lv.15 range. At which point you can cap them while partying.
                  PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                  RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                  Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                  SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                  • #39
                    Re: Quick Questions

                    Weird, whenever I do that I get an invite then a skull in within like 15 mins.


                    • #40
                      Re: Quick Questions

                      And of course now, if i'm out farming in and run into a one of those Bone mobs, they drop the damn skull 100% it seems. OR when I'm actually leveling in that area, and we get one pulled, it drops when all 6 members has a subjob.

                      But I've always thought the Selbina Sub job quest was easier to get items for. I know a few people in my LS got theirs that way. 3 people running around killing the 3 mobs and the drops were done inside of 10 minutes.
                      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                      RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                      Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                      SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                      • #41
                        Re: Quick Questions

                        Originally posted by tdh
                        I had a lot of trouble getting my Skull as well. I was damn near Lv.19 when I finally got mine. A PLD50 just so happened to be running by and saw we were having problems. So he escorted use to the mines and got 8 of us our skulls. Just hang in there. It will come. In the mean time, you can take a break from the hunt, and level your MNK subjob.
                        How can I level my mnk sub-job if I need the skull to get the sub-job?


                        • #42
                          Re: Quick Questions

                          change your main job to monk and just level it.

                          jobs only level when it's currently set as your main job abyway.

                          ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                          Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                          I live to entertain!


                          • #43
                            Re: Quick Questions

                            Hey guys I'm glad to tell you all that I've finally reached level 25. lol.. Though there is a serious problem hindering my leveling abilities, and that is attaining enough gil to keep up with the armor/weapon train each few levels bring. I'm still using scale for my legs and feet, lizard for my body and head, and San'Odria (sp) gloves for my hands. I still got that Great Axe that requires me to be level 10/12 to use (cant remember), and I'm still using the Bastok ring I got from the start along side an empress band. I got a fang necklace or whatever it's called on my neck, and one beetle earring. No belt on my waist and no cape on my back... And that's about it. I know many of you upon hearing this are laughing and possibly even yelling out profanities such as "******* noob", and that's all understandable, but the reason why I'm posting this is not to get flamed. Instead all I'm actually and quite certainly hoping for are as helpful responses as you've given me throughout my past experiences on posting questions here. And such.

                            So yeah, that's my question. Please don't tell me to sell crystals because that does NOT work in the beta server. I could make more money killing 2 qudavs in SG than I ever could just selling crystals for an hour.


                            • #44
                              Re: Quick Questions

                              Well, I don't know what the economy is like on the Beta servers. You just have to sell what sells well in the AH and farm those items. I know on the normal servers items that sell well and are easy to farm consist of silk, beehive chips, seeds, sheep leather, and lizard skins as well as some things that sell decently like rabbit hides, pots of honey, and wild onions. You just have to find out what is selling well in AH and farm those items.


                              • #45
                                Re: Quick Questions

                                Silk Thread is the only thing that sells for a decent amount of 400 gil, everything else you mentioned would be around or under the 100 gil range. And even though 400 gil is pretty good for something that drops somewhat regularly (1 per 2/3 kills), the armor piece I need alone is 20k+. So thinking logically for a second, it's impossible. I'd probably die trying.

