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Just a quick question about lvling....

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  • Just a quick question about lvling....

    Been playing a little now as monk, and it has been fast lvling soon reaching the goal of 18. So im thinking of the going War/Mnk till like 37. Im just curious, do warriors also have it easy lvling the first 15 levels?

    Ive just heard that levelling monk is very fast in comparison to others, i was just curious how it is for warriors. ^^

    Thank you for your answers =)

  • #2
    Re: Just a quick question about lvling....

    I dont recall having any real troubles with it. It will probably a little tougher than MNK for the first 10 or so levels before you start pt'ing. But its no big deal and should be a breeze.
    I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

    PSN: Caspian


    • #3
      Re: Just a quick question about lvling....

      alright, so is it easier to solo with mnk than war?


      • #4
        Re: Just a quick question about lvling....

        you should be able to level real fast as war

        you can:
        - take axe/shield and should be all right, you can tank since you reach level 5
        - take gaxe and deal some awesome dmg in those levels
        - take hand to hand weapons till about level 10 and get benifits from your mnk

        but after level 10 you often has to act as tank, so axe and shield will be your friend
        if you have not to be the tank, yeah take some gaxe (or h2h) and kill kill kill

        with war/mnk you will be able to hold hate, provoke/boost all the time when acting as tank
        after level 20 you maybe asked to main or backup tank most of the time

        in the end, you can say that war is wide range job, and you have the potential to fill a role in most of the pt, so levling should go fast



        • #5
          Re: Just a quick question about lvling....

          Alright thank you all for you answers! =)

          Btw i heard that pts dont invite war/mnk that that true? if so, why is that?


          • #6
            Re: Just a quick question about lvling....

            Originally posted by Nemesismo
            Alright thank you all for you answers! =)

            Btw i heard that pts dont invite war/mnk that that true? if so, why is that?
            War/Mnk is best combo till (and some times after) 24. At 24 you can sub NIN and get Utsusemi:Ichi and be able to Duel Wield Axes and pump out the DPS.
            Sence this is proubly your first time leveling you should stick with War/Mnk till 30 then quest the NIN job and Utsusemi:Ichi. At level 30 it is (imo) a toss up between doing War/Nin for Duel Axes and War/Thf with Great Axe.

            No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
            Rest of my sig


            • #7
              Re: Just a quick question about lvling....

              war/mnk will lever *slightly* slower than mnk/ no sj. but you took mnk to 10 in two days. war/mnk might take you two days plus 5 minutes

              actually, i think you will get your war/mnk levelled a little bit faster, now that you know what you're doing a little more

              ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
              Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
              I live to entertain!


              • #8
                Re: Just a quick question about lvling....

                I still feel that the DPS is negated by the cast time of Utsusemi Ichi(and if you arent tanking its not THAT useful...Utsusemi that is, but i rather sub THF then for SA Sturmwinds). WAR/MNK i feel is a great tank til the 50s, afterwards WAR/NIN with a BRD vs particular mobs can be an excellent tank. I still feel that WAR/MNK can tank low ITs(LOW ITs!) without much problems at higher levels too, and i prefer /MNK due to better hate job abilities over /NIN(which besides Damage, Ichi, and Provoke...offers less /ja) depending on the type of mob at higher levels. Obviously if the mob double attacks alot /NIN isnt going to be as uber as it can vs say a Beetle which is slow to begin with.

                The reason why WAR/MNK isnt as invited much? I personally feel its because of player mentality that /NIN is better in every single way vs a MNK sub, which i feel is obviously not true. /NIN and /MNK both have their parts(thats not limited to pre-24 for MNK) and i feel people are really underestimating MNK sub when tanking vs particular mobs.


                • #9
                  Re: Just a quick question about lvling....

                  I forgot to mention the difference between tanking and DD.
                  I would defently go /MNK for a tank, the extra VIT and Dodge is alot better over Utsusemi.
                  As far as DD goes, if you like G.Axe then go /THF and if you like Axe or if you will be pulling then go /Nin. Utsusemi also goes a long way when you have a THF in your pt post 30 and you need to grab hate for WS. With /Nin you can get bersek on voke then WS and with any luck you wont take a hit while the THF SATA on to the main tank, just remember to recast Utsusemi before you pull hate.
                  I personaly tanked with /Nin through the Kazham levels, the Mandys hit so weak that with defender I was still not takeing mutch dammage, but in hindsight I should have subed MNK for those levels.

                  Edit: I know I only have 35 levels of experience as a WAR but I'v done lots of looking around on other fourms to get my information. I plan on leveling WAR full time after the first of the year now that RDM is 75.

                  No Ifs Ands or Buts about it.
                  Rest of my sig

