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WAR suggestions

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  • WAR suggestions

    I love my WAR. I have no trouble finding pts, nice DEF, and good attack. I'm going to become a PLD but I'm having touble picking what advance job to really go for. Is PLD the next closest thing to a WAR? One more Question, if a DRG weapon is the Polearm and the WHMs, the staff, then what is the PLDs weapon? I know axe is preffered by other ppl, but is it a Sword or an Axe?
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  • #2
    Re: WAR suggestions

    why go for an advance job if you like WAR so much? Stick with WAR then (lvl /nin and /thf for subs).
    then what is the PLDs weapon?
    PLDs use swords.

    Thanks Yyg!


    • #3
      Re: WAR suggestions

      Don't think about 'advanced' jobs as if they give you anything better than the basic jobs do. If you enjoy WAR, stick with it. Warriors get to fill a number of roles in a group depending on their subjob, where a PLD can really only fill one. PLDs are built to take hits and nothing but. Unless you're perfectly ok with resigning yourself to taking hits all the time and doing nothing else, then it may be wise to stick with WAR for a while longer to get a taste of its many different playstyle options. At the very least, you'll figure out what other jobs you'd be most interested in playing later based on what role you find most fun to play as WAR.

      WAR is a good job to start out with in FFXI. Once you get to about level 35 you'll find that you can explore many different playstyles, so I suggest you stick with it for a bit until you're more sure of what you want to do with your character. I should have stuck with it from the beginning. I ended up playing RNG to 55, SAM to 41 and MNK to 34 before I went back to WAR and played it again for real. It was more or less a waste of time fooling around with jobs that could only do bits of what I wanted. WAR does it all. I should have stayed where I was.
      Last edited by Deviantkat; 11-30-2005, 09:55 AM.

      65 WAR TP WS - 62 THF TP WS - 55 RNG - 41 SAM - 37 DRK - 37 MNK - 37 NIN - 27 RDM - 18 BLM - 18 DRG


      • #4
        Re: WAR suggestions

        war ownz at higher lvls, more possibilities than pld imo, but its rather hard to lvl imo...i had to make all my PTs 50-66 practically, but its worth the effort
        pld use greatswords/swords/staffs <_< staffs for spirit taker later on, sword for spirits within and GS for spinning slash dmg :D
        WAR75/ MNK45/ WHM38/ RDM6/ DRG13/ RNG42/ BLM21/ THF45 /SAM22 /NIN53 /BRD64 /DRK11 /SMN12/BST28/ PLD13/18 BLU/17 COR/1 PUP

        "The man all the ladies want."


        • #5
          Re: WAR suggestions

          My suggestion is to stay Warrior until you are comfortable with it then go for the sub or main job you want thats wat I did other than that most of the Paladians I know use Axes if tht helps any. Good Luck getting the job you want!


          • #6
            Re: WAR suggestions

            Originally posted by PeteZeHut
            My suggestion is to stay Warrior until you are comfortable with it then go for the sub or main job you want thats wat I did other than that most of the Paladians I know use Axes if tht helps any. Good Luck getting the job you want!
            Most of the PLDs you know use Axe??? PLD has no skill in Axe. At Lv.75, PLD would only have a Lv.114 Axe Skill, and that's due to a WAR sub.

            It's a rare occasion that I've seen PLD use anything other than Sword. It's their A rated weapon. I've only had 2 parties where the PLD used an Earth Staff to tank with. I've seen one PLD use a Great Sword for doing Coffer key hunts.
            PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
            RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

            Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
            SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


            • #7
              Re: WAR suggestions

              A PLD's prime weapon to use is the Sword/Shield combo. Both "A+" skills, and PLD get access to the EX weaponskills (Red Lotus Blade, Seraph Blade, Vorpal Blade).

              PLD also have high skill in Great Sword (B) and Staff (A-). n Neither of these weapons are very popular for normal Exp Pts, but there are situations where a PLD tanking with an Earth Staff (physical damgage taken: -20%). Durring "End Game" parties, you might see "DD PLDs" using staves/GSWDS more often. I'm currently in a static pt with both a nin and pld. Both are set up for DD/Att gear, and hate can easily bounce between the two of them.

              Also, my HNMLS is 'expirimenting' with a "Paladin Party". Consisting of 4 PLD's (using Kinkobo's and pamama's to unlock the latent) and a BRD and WHM or RDM. Pwning bones in KRT, and spamming either Retribution or Spirit Taker (when using MP for Banish/Holy/Flash)
              Alauna >> : yea.. what do TC majors do, anyways?
              >> Alauna : we are capable of doing lots of things, but aren't really experts in anything :-p
              Alauna >> : oh, so your a RDM?
              >> Alauna : yeah...


              • #8
                Re: WAR suggestions

                if you like war, stick with it. there is no reason to quit for an unlockable job if you like the one you're doing now.

                the whm weopon, btw, is not a staff, it's the wand. the pld weopon is a sword and the war's weopon is the great axe (though one-handed axes work too).

                the reason why war's shouldnt use swords is because axes are better. they do more damage and you'll land hits more often (due to higher skill). the wars you see using swords are new, and just dont know any better.

                ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                I live to entertain!


                • #9
                  Re: WAR suggestions

                  Originally posted by aegina
                  if you like war, stick with it. there is no reason to quit for an unlockable job if you like the one you're doing now.

                  the whm weopon, btw, is not a staff, it's the wand. the pld weopon is a sword and the war's weopon is the great axe (though one-handed axes work too).

                  the reason why war's shouldnt use swords is because axes are better. they do more damage and you'll land hits more often (due to higher skill). the wars you see using swords are new, and just dont know any better.
                  ...or like variety more than efficiency, or are practicing for another job. I solo WAR w/ a Claymore. Not the only weapon I use, but I like to keep GSword skill up. In practical terms all it'll mean is a slightly easier time w/ the DRK flag quest and having GSword pre-capped for my first several levels of DRK (which isn't a bad idea anyway as it means I can skill Scythe w/out worrying for a while about keeping GSword up). I tend not to use Sword mainly because it's already capped by THF and I have plenty of weapons I can actually skill on.
                  Kumei, pickpocket of Midgardsormr(Bastok Rank 10)
                  Alchemy 72, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 48, Leathercraft 23, Fishing 20
                  Koren, San d'Orian Adv.(Rank 10)
                  Woodworking 29,Cooking 20
                  All celestials(Trial-Size), Fenrir, Diabolos, Alexander, Odin
                  Myrna, Windurstian Merchant
                  Clothcraft 24
                  Nyamohrreh, Windurstian Adv.(Rank 6)


                  • #10
                    Re: WAR suggestions

                    Originally posted by Lunaryn
                    ...or like variety more than efficiency, or are practicing for another job. I solo WAR w/ a Claymore. Not the only weapon I use, but I like to keep GSword skill up. In practical terms all it'll mean is a slightly easier time w/ the DRK flag quest and having GSword pre-capped for my first several levels of DRK (which isn't a bad idea anyway as it means I can skill Scythe w/out worrying for a while about keeping GSword up). I tend not to use Sword mainly because it's already capped by THF and I have plenty of weapons I can actually skill on.
                    She means as their primary weapon. Of course people like to keep other weapons skilled up. Nothing wrong with that. There's just something wrong with using an inappropriate weapon as your primary choice of weapon. That being that you usually suck with anything other than A rated weapons on IT monsters, so its a waste of effort to try using anything but A weapons for exp parties. Hell, right at the moment I'm on a mission to bring any combat skill WAR uses up over 100. As it stands I'm skilling sword to 200 at the moment, with Axe and Great Axe capped or close to it. Hand-to-hand is near cap as well, and then after sword I plan to raise Scythe, Great Sword and Polearm all to 200, just to say I did. I'm glad I like skillup parties. lol
                    Last edited by Deviantkat; 11-30-2005, 09:50 AM.

                    65 WAR TP WS - 62 THF TP WS - 55 RNG - 41 SAM - 37 DRK - 37 MNK - 37 NIN - 27 RDM - 18 BLM - 18 DRG

