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War/Drg (humor me)

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  • War/Drg (humor me)

    I've been leveling Dragoon a lot lately and I've been using Warrior to complete COP missions, and I'm starting to miss it. I've been contemplating leveling both and I've been deciding on what sub I'd use if I were to level War again. I know Thf offers Sneak Attack which is only useful for WSs, Ninja offers dual wield and blink for tanking, and Monk offers HP and other precious skills to aid in tanking. What about Dragoon?

    At level 40 you'd recieve Jump and an Attack bonus. Not having a Wyvern isn't troubling at all, at level 20 it wasn't that strong anyways. I would be able to use the Wyvern Earring (Haste+5%) and Wyvern Mantle (Atk+6) for some pretty nice buffs. Of course I wouldn't be tanking but with the right gear this could really work.

    Imagine Wyvern Earring, Speed Belt, and Panzer(?) Mask. I think that's about +14% haste but I'm not too sure. Would that amount of haste while using a great axe constitute using Drg as a sub? At 60 you'd recieve an Accuracy bonus, and at 70 High Jump. As a Dragoon I've been able to score 250+ on a single jump which can be stronger than any WS any other person can dole out at that level. Stack on Haste and Marching song and you'd be quite fast. Double attack would kick in every once in a while, and you might be able to bring Ancient Circle and Dragon Killer to an HNMLS.

    Any insight from high level warriors would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. I hope this isn't a completely retarded idea.

  • #2
    Yeah cause speed belts are just so cheap and common these days....15mil on Shiva

    Windurst Rank 10. ZM14. CoP M5-2.
    RDM->62 (AF Completed), MNK->62 (AF Completed).


    • #3
      i guess with millions and millions of gil anything could work, its just other things are much better. go /nin or /thf depending on the situation


      • #4
        So you guys have nothing worthwhile to contirbute?

        Where's ZQM when you need him? -_-


        • #5
          for lower levels like 30-50ish it sounds like it could be good for a DD war. You lose dmg on your sturmwind without SA, but the haste increases your DPS. Also the extra attack is always nice before amemet. it seems though in the 50s, what the other subs have to offer is /probably/ better than the haste+5%, attack+6 and jumps.
          Calin - Ragnarok


          • #6
            um... yesterday in Uncapped Ballista was a War/Drg and he was pretty good at what he did.

            he got most of the equip you mentioned, speed belt i dont know.
            the jump TP-bonus helped him to fire off rampage alot more often then other wars

            CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
            Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.


            • #7
              From the sound of it...if you're rich... WAR/DRG might become a new standard
              All spells obtained!
              Homam Gear: 2/5


              • #8
                stastically, war/drg is the best DD war from 20-30. at 30 the war's attack bonus won't stack with the DRG one if I remember right. After 30, I guess with said equipment, the DoT of war/drg is likely higher than that of a war/thf (and don't give me that war/nin shit, I've never seen any evidence that war/nin does a damn thing for DoT 'til 48). compared to the lovely SA sturms though... I dunno, it's interesting though. If any War/Drgs had the right equip, I'd invite 'em.
                "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                • #9
                  If I can get an invite I'll parse the battles and post them here.


                  • #10
                    /MNK still much more practical. The added str, boost , counter, and HP. I think all that out weigh's /DRG since DRG get no special JA beneficial to Warriors if subbed. Double Attack + Counter.


                    • #11
                      I'm not a big fan of WAR, well, more not a fan of tanking, but I am leveling it to sub to DRG. In the meantime I've been subbing DRG because I just don't want to take the time to level MNK to sub to my sub. All in all, it's not bad at all so far at level 24.

                      I get the Attack Bonus 10 levels sooner. Right when WAR gets the bonus, you can equip the 5% haste--1 free attack every 20. I already get one free attack every battle or so. Granted counter could be more useful depending on how often it goes off, but I find Jump is good for hate control. If I'm down to my last few seconds before Provoke is ready, and a mage steals hate, Jump is perfect for those situations. I'm also doing fine with WS's thus far, almost always ready before anyone else.

                      I've been playing a Great Axe and putting in my comments that I'm equipped for DD. Things may change by the time I hit Kazham, but I find if the party wants me to tank, a fishkabob and milk work wonders.

                      On the note of different subs, I want to find a static so I can do DRG/BRD in higher levels. I'd be able to Ballad, Paeon between fights, heal myself, AND activate the latent effects on those song earrings. It would almost be like having a DD BRD. I don't see how people would think it's gimped that when all the DD's have Minuet and +3 ACC from the Titanis Earring and the mages have Ballad. It's like the people who say Ballad sucks in comparison to Refresh but forget that Ballad is AoE while Refresh requires casting on each target individually. A song wouldn't make up for what other subs offer me, but I'm not the only person benefitting from the song either.
                      4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .


                      • #12
                        The best players I've spoken to have all had good (if rather surprised) reactions to the rare WAR/DRG they've partied with in the 20-30 range.



                        • #13
                          boost pulls a fair amount of hate every 10 seconds, and counter goes off alot when tanking.


                          • #14
                            Boost is 15 second recharge, but yes it grabs hate quite well, especially at lower lvls. I don't know what lvl you are now but tanking as WAR/MNK in jungle is quite nice because mandies dont hit hard to begin with and now you have more hp/vit. You also counter for first jungle and dodge in second jungle. Ive found it betetr than /NIN because mandies are MNK type so they eat shadows so easily.

                            Now I've never seen/PT'd with a WAR/DRG (though Rai has seen one on our server), but i have seen THF/DRG. He gained PT pretty quickly, had jump to do some extra damage/get that last bit of TP, but it was at 30 so i dont know how it would work later on.

                            Warrior TP Warrior WS


                            • #15
                              the guy (war/drg) often comes to Ballista Uncaped on weekends
                              i guess he will be come this weekend too i take some screenshots^^

                              CoP=Complete RoZ=Complete ToAU=Mission 8
                              Blade:Jin, a wicked badass 3-fold skill that totally outparses ridill WARs and Blackbelt monks and averages 700-1300.

