Alright, I have been lucky enough to lay my hands on this sweetheart. Thanks to our LS for the continued help in camping the flamethrowing nastiness.
Anyway, now after having some time to test it out, I came to a rather unpleasant observation. With Ridill equipped in both main- or offhand, the double attack rate of the respective other hand drops by a lot (latest parsing examples about 60%). That is quite noticable even with Double attack merrits pumped up.
20 Rampages with Ridill in offhand, Axe in mainhand resulted in only one Rampage returning 16+% TP (e.g. Double attack kicked in).
20 Rampages with 2 axes equiped resulted in 9 Rampages returning 16% or even 17% TP return meaning one or even two double attacks kicked in.
Did anyone else using Ridill in off- or mainhand notice that effect?
Anyway, now after having some time to test it out, I came to a rather unpleasant observation. With Ridill equipped in both main- or offhand, the double attack rate of the respective other hand drops by a lot (latest parsing examples about 60%). That is quite noticable even with Double attack merrits pumped up.
20 Rampages with Ridill in offhand, Axe in mainhand resulted in only one Rampage returning 16+% TP (e.g. Double attack kicked in).
20 Rampages with 2 axes equiped resulted in 9 Rampages returning 16% or even 17% TP return meaning one or even two double attacks kicked in.
Did anyone else using Ridill in off- or mainhand notice that effect?