Yes, I've read all the threads I can find on the Sarashi but I'm still not completely satisfied with the answers. From what I read some people thought you recieved a 5% haste, as opposed to the 1% haste Applepie brought up. Everybody agreed Applepie is right and the subject was forgotten.
In the description it states it enchances the dual wield 'effect' but what exactly is that effect? The level ten passive abilitiy only allows you to dual wield from what I've read; no delay decrease, accuracy increase while dual wielding, or anything else. At level twenty-five you're given a decrease in dual wielding delay. Would it be at this point (50/25) that we see more of an effect? Are there any other effects that the Sarashi enchances that Applepie didn't mention?
Why would SE create a belt that required a ninja sub to decrease your delay by 1% at level 30, when there's a belt with a 2% haste at level 41 that isn't limited to dual wielding and the ninja sub job? On Seraph the Sarashi is 400k while the Quick Belt is 300k. I find that a bit odd.
On a personal note I notice a large difference in efficiency while equipping the Sarashi. Currently I'm only level 40, but when I equip a great axe I see myself doing a lot less damage. Dual Combat Caster's Axes, and a Horror Voulge is what I'm swinging. Maybe it's just the +10 attack and increase speed and double strike effects that kick in with it, but I'd say I tank and DD 30% better dual wielding with a Sarashi than with a Horror Voulge.
Any input is helpful and welcomed. My person experience isn't documented with a parser or anything so it could just be my imagination. I'd use a parser but I don't trust anybody enough to download it. Too many people are trying to sneak keyloggers in these 3rd party programs.
In the description it states it enchances the dual wield 'effect' but what exactly is that effect? The level ten passive abilitiy only allows you to dual wield from what I've read; no delay decrease, accuracy increase while dual wielding, or anything else. At level twenty-five you're given a decrease in dual wielding delay. Would it be at this point (50/25) that we see more of an effect? Are there any other effects that the Sarashi enchances that Applepie didn't mention?
Why would SE create a belt that required a ninja sub to decrease your delay by 1% at level 30, when there's a belt with a 2% haste at level 41 that isn't limited to dual wielding and the ninja sub job? On Seraph the Sarashi is 400k while the Quick Belt is 300k. I find that a bit odd.
On a personal note I notice a large difference in efficiency while equipping the Sarashi. Currently I'm only level 40, but when I equip a great axe I see myself doing a lot less damage. Dual Combat Caster's Axes, and a Horror Voulge is what I'm swinging. Maybe it's just the +10 attack and increase speed and double strike effects that kick in with it, but I'd say I tank and DD 30% better dual wielding with a Sarashi than with a Horror Voulge.
Any input is helpful and welcomed. My person experience isn't documented with a parser or anything so it could just be my imagination. I'd use a parser but I don't trust anybody enough to download it. Too many people are trying to sneak keyloggers in these 3rd party programs.