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Role as War/Nin pre 74?

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  • Role as War/Nin pre 74?

    Hey guys

    I'll make this short and to the point:

    I understand that at lvl 74/37, war/nin becomes one of the best tanks in the game. I am planning on doing war/mnk until level 30 and then raising my nin up to 37, and then clean sweeping war/nin to endgame. This is my goal this time and I think I'm going to do it with Galka as I always loved Galka wars (i'm coming back...played for about a year or so HEAVILY, and will be starting back up with my fiance on monday)

    what exactly is the role of a Galka War/Nin from 30+, before 74 when you become a tank??

    DD? if so, how effective should I expect to be as a DD in the 30's, 40's, 50's, etc?

    Thank you for any advice you can give

  • #2
    I really dont know how anyone can tank with just Utsusemi: Ichi before 60(BRD gets Carnage Elegy) but it still doesnt seem to help. WAR dont seem to have the methods to keep hate like a NIN or a PLD. I prefer to be dmg dealer when i play WAR, only because its more efficient.

    And for the subs
    1-30 WAR/MNK
    30-55 WAR/THF
    55-60 WAR/NIN
    60-75 WAR/NIN WAR/THF

    Best thing about WAR is being flexible, so have all possibble subs lvled (I have just about every Melee sub avalible for my WAR)

    Make sure to keep both Gaxe and Axe capped as well, i had to go through 2 weeks of skill up pts to hit 200 Skill for Raging Rush.


    • #3
      WAR/NIN at 50 is great, cuz dual viking axes are in there prime at that lvl, in combination with dual weild 2.


      • #4
        Do as much damage as you can and hate won't leave your side.

        It's up to the mages to keep you alive, and it's not hard unless they suck. Slow, Paralyze, Flash, Stun...Elegy isn't "needed" for a Warrior to tank, it just makes them a lot better.

        The way I view it, the tank's job is to keep as much hate as they can and the mages job is to keep them alive. This is why I generally don't like PLDs and NINs, because most of them focus too much on "solo tanking" and do things like buff up nothing but defense/evasion. This isn't a "solo" game, it's a party.

        Unforutanetly, most mages suck in pick up parties.


        • #5

          Unforutanetly, most mages suck in pick up parties.
          "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


          • #6
            Re: Role as War/Nin pre 74?

            well 50+ they are very good DD w/ nice accuracy from vikings + lifebelt , minimum of 30 acc
            and with DW2 they attack faster . They can tank , but better to do dual war/nin tanks. 1 war/nin absorbs 6-9 shadows , the other vokes absorbs same , rinse repeat (well at least i think thats what you do XD)

            58WAR/36NIN/31THF/24MNK/32SAM Rank6

