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  • Suggestions/Advice

    This is just going to be used as a "fyi" for me when i get there, but i was hoping for some advice on upcomming equipment.

    Equip Now: (64)

    Fransisca, Darksteel Axe, Viking; Colossal +1
    CC Boomerang +2, Lightning Bow
    AF head
    Royal Guards Coller (Spike Necklace)
    Assault Earring
    Coral Earring
    Haubergeon (AF if tanking)
    AF Hands
    Sun Ring x2
    Amemit Mantle
    Life Belt
    AF Legs
    AF Boots

    Equipment Aiming For: (at roughly 69/70ish)

    Acha d'Armas, Nadziak (Juggernaut and Rune Axe at 70 hopefully)
    CC Boomerang +2, Lightning Bow
    Celata (possibly Optical at 70)
    Royal Guards Coller (Spike Necklace)
    Assault Earring
    Coral Earring
    Thick Mufflers
    Sun Rings still if i can't upgrade
    Amemit Mantle
    Life Belt
    Thick Breeches
    Thick Sollerets (AF Boots mostly)

    [will try to get the +1 of the celata and the thick set if available]

    does this look like a feasible upgrade of equipment?

    i'm sort of looking for a "rank my gear" type of response but i'm not a big fan of those threads as i'm sure you're not, but i'm throwin this out there anyhow.

    Any tips for my gear now, or the gear for upcomming levels would be appreciated. thanks.
    75war / 67nin / 37thf / 37mnk / 37sam

    San'Doria Rank 10


    LS: Virtue

  • #2
    eh, looks alright..... really isn't all that many options at 69-70 as far as upgrades. I'd pick up the thick set, everything but the sollerets. I think the AF boots are better. Also, I carry the thick stuff with me, but usually use the Barone legs and AF hands when lvling, unless i'm really having problems hitting for some reason, then i'll toss on life belt and thick gloves and legs. I've got my ACC macro, my Standard macro, and my tanking macro for equip changes. Also, if you've lvl'd sword at all, pick up a company sword. Its really good dmg when in a pty and is a great off hand weapon at 70.



    • #3
      Everything the last poster said.. except that our AF pants actually add one more accuracy then thick set. so~~ i dunno. I usually use barone pants and switch to af when i have acc problem instead of thicl pants.


      • #4
        the only thing i can say is upgrade the darksteel axes to +1 versions, switch the viking axe out (dont need it so badly after torama) for another darksteel or fransesica and try for dual snipers , if not the Sun Rings are just as good.

