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Do BOTH weapons affect WS damage?

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  • Do BOTH weapons affect WS damage?

    Hypothetically speaking,

    If player A has a Juggernaut + Kraken Club.

    Player B has Juggernaut + another axe(I would say woodvile and juggernaut, but I'd like to keep juggernaut on main for comparison purposes)

    Would player As WS damage(I specifically thinking rampage) be lower than player Bs?

    I've read a post by apple pie in this section where somehow the damage of the off-hand weapon gets counted as well, plz enlighten me, thanks.

  • #2
    in a sense yes, do this, equip Jugg and Woodsville, and look at attack then equip Jugg and some sword close to the level of the woodsville, and look at the decrease in attack. that makes a difference on WS damage. but to be perfectly honest I would load up on the WS modifiers for Axe and work it out like that. for instance with GAX STR and VIT affect WS damage, so when I do Gods and such I load up on as much +STR and +VIT items as I can get my greedy little hands on. That helps me do 1600 Steel Cyclones on Seiryu while the little puny DRK is only doing 1400 Spiral Hell's. any other questions ask someone else, cause then I'd have no idea.



    • #3
      Your weapon skill damage is generated by your main hand weapon. During your weapon skill, your offhand weapon can attack as well, but its a separate attack in my experience. If you have a woodvilles and juggernaut offhand, and a juggernaut with kraken offhand on warrior B, assuming their STR and food and other equip is equal, then the warrior A will theoretically do more on rampage. But then again, rampage is a "number of swings that landed" based WS, so its random.

      In the above example, woodvilles axe has a base damage of 4 more than juggernaut. Both Warriors have juggernauts bonus att and STR modifiers, but warrior B is missing out on the base 50dmg and +4str from woodvilles. So Warrior A would have a higher dmg rampage in my experience.


