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  • #16
    My apologies. I'm a retarded fool for forgeting about the A and B after the weaponskills *Jumps off the cliff*

    Sorry ZQM, didn't know ^^ What can I say? English is <impossible to gauge> ^^

    Anyways, last night we hit 24 ^^ Yay! Okay, now onto a more serious note.

    Well, currently I think we should be doing Frostbite ~> Sturmwind for Fragmentation where the 3 BLMs are using Aeroga for MBing, but then I realize that Mandys are weak to every damn elemental....well at least I think they are so I was wondering if we should be doing Sturmwind ~> Sturmwind for Reverbetation for a 3 BLM MB of Waterga. Only reason I'm using -ga spells is well it's just more damage and they have tons of juices to use anyways so might as well make the most of it ^^ So which one do you think is better? Last night i had a little time to use the great sword and my damage was only hitting in the 20 range where as my great axe was in the 30s and 40s. So that's why I'm confused on the weapon choice.

    A) Go with GS for a Fragmentation SC


    B) Go with GA for a Reverbetation SC and more damage over time

    BTW when do those Goblins at the outpost become viable? I remeber fighting them in the 27 or 28 range but that's also the time to go to the other jungle.

    Oh and last night mandys were only hitting for me for like lower 20s and upper teens. So I guess my equipment is alright. I was a happy guy .... until a goblin decided to whack me with like 70 - 80 some damage *curses the goblin*


    • #17
      With that A and B thing, how will Sturmwind create disto?? I'm still at a loss on that.


      P.S. Grats Zemp on getting to 24 .

      brave; integritous; commanding
      New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
      75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
      ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)


      • #18
        Originally posted by JP_Ikari
        With that A and B thing, how will Sturmwind create disto?? I'm still at a loss on that.


        P.S. Grats Zemp on getting to 24 .
        I CAN'T understand your launguage.:mad:
        Don't F**K with a Pirate!


        • #19
          Originally posted by JP_Ikari
          With that A and B thing, how will Sturmwind create disto?? I'm still at a loss on that.


          P.S. Grats Zemp on getting to 24 .
          I _think_ WS that start Distortion but not Reverberation allow Sturmwind to close distortion. I haven't looked at a renkei chart in a while, but while I was lvling in Kazham these n00b BLMs kept telling me to close with Sturmwind, and the SC they listed I knew for a fact was Reverberation, when they were looking for Distortion.
          There is no knowledge without experience.
          San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
          Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


          • #20
            Originally posted by Darkedge
            I _think_ WS that start Distortion but not Reverberation allow Sturmwind to close distortion. I haven't looked at a renkei chart in a while, but while I was lvling in Kazham these n00b BLMs kept telling me to close with Sturmwind, and the SC they listed I knew for a fact was Reverberation, when they were looking for Distortion.
            YOUR the noob retard! Don't be talking shit ass bitch ass shit bitch about other people when your a GIMPIE NOOBIE PEICE OF SHIT!:mad:
            Don't F**K with a Pirate!


            • #21
              Hey, you might want to ease up on the stupid pills there, Homer Simpson.


              • #22
                Originally posted by DirtyPirate
                YOUR the noob retard! Don't be talking shit ass bitch ass shit bitch about other people when your a GIMPIE NOOBIE PEICE OF SHIT!:mad:

                cool ^^ *tosses holy water to cool the flames*
                "If silence is golden, then maybe more people should shut up and get rich 0o"

                me @ cosplay 2004

                me normal


                • #23
                  Sturmwind will never end Distortion. It will either create Scission, Reverbiration, or Fragmentation.
                  All spells obtained!
                  Homam Gear: 2/5


                  • #24
                    Ok, thanks LadyPeorth for pointing that out. I think I got the hang of what A and B means hehe. And as for that Dirty Pirate guy, dude, um, why don't you like stop your nonesense cause you'll just end up closing this thread and it's for Zempten asking questions to all the real wars, not to some ass like you.


                    brave; integritous; commanding
                    New sig. Thank you Graelinn of BeastInTheSack (Garuda)
                    75 ナイト, 37 戦士, 31 忍者, 18 シーフ, 16 モンク, 8 侍, others: level 1 T_T.
                    ナイト 怒 (いかり)(Level 75 ナ/Level 37 戦)


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by JP_Ikari
                      Ok, thanks LadyPeorth for pointing that out. I think I got the hang of what A and B means hehe. And as for that Dirty Pirate guy, dude, um, why don't you like stop your nonesense cause you'll just end up closing this thread and it's for Zempten asking questions to all the real wars, not to some ass like you.

                      Thanks ^^

                      Just in case anyone missed it, could I please get an answer to...

                      A) Go with GS for a Fragmentation SC ( 3 MB burst Aeroga)
                      Frostbite ~> Sturmwind


                      B) Go with GA for a Reverbetation SC ( 3 MB burst with Waterga) and more damage over time
                      Sturmwind ~> Sturmwind

                      Note: Don't need to worry about thier MP, they drink MP and MP potions like water ^^

                      BTW when do those Goblins at the outpost become viable? I remeber fighting them in the 27 or 28 range but that's also the time to go to the other jungle. Also with just 3 BLMs in PT would it just be better to have both WARs (including myself) sub NIN instead of MNK? I know I should probably grab a real healer, but I will try to work my best on grabbing what i have avaliabe and making the most of it, plus the BLMs are keeping us alive so far ^^


                      • #26
                        If you have 2 WAR/NINs...feel free to take the Furriers as early as 24. They're great EXP, and cause you're both subbing NIN, it takes them a while to go through Utsusemi.

                        For your SC, I'd take Frostbite -> Sturmwind. While Frostbite is weak, Fragmentation is a level 2 skillchain, much less likely to be resisted. Also, Aero is generally a slightly stronger spell than Water
                        All spells obtained!
                        Homam Gear: 2/5


                        • #27
                 ^^ 24 ^^ That was not the number I was expecting ^^ But okay ^^ I'll try it out thanks a ton ^^


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Unholy Prince
                            go with Axes, past 30 the gap between B and A weapons becomes too great, there are some really nice axes out there as well.
                            Are you sure? I used to use Centurion's sword quite frequently; the +ATK +ACC bonuses were too much to pass up imo. I'm also considering Viking/TM Espadon at least until Darksteel+1 is available.

                            I guess this brings up a question for me. I don't know the actual equations, but for all the weapons there's a DMG and Delay stat. I was never sure how to compare two similar delay weapons, one being lower damage with +ATK, the other being higher damage w/o +ATK. So I ended up just making a rough comparison with (DMG+ATK)/Delay vs. DMG/Delay and making a purchasing decision from there. Is this wrong? Take these two weapons for example:

                            Tactician Magician's Espadon +2
                            Dmg: 39 Dly: 257 Attack: 12 (Outside Nation's Control: HP+20)

                            Darksteel Axe +1
                            Dmg: 43 Dly: 281

                            I'm confused here. I know Darksteel +1 is a very popular choice, but ignoring skillchain relevance, would the +ATK bump the sword ahead in terms of DoT? Maybe should ask Apple Pie.
                            Tomatoes & Tomatopotato @ Pandemonium
                            My Taru Blog / Wiki Page

                            Play golf? Check out my items.


                            • #29
                              Also, consider at level 50 (assuming unlimited gil supply ), you can potentially have +41-42 ACC from items (including Combat Caster's Boomerang +2 and Republic Greaves), not counting your main and sub slots. Throw Aggressor into the mix and perhaps Dual Vikings becomes Accuracy Overkill.

                              Anyway, what i'm getting at, is whether Darksteel +1 and Tact. Mag. Espadon +2 in the offhand is a viable or maybe even superior combination compared to DS +1 / Viking. Comments?
                              Tomatoes & Tomatopotato @ Pandemonium
                              My Taru Blog / Wiki Page

                              Play golf? Check out my items.


                              • #30
                                I'm not a professional. or even high level.

                                But for me it's always been DMG > everything else a weapon has to offer. I'd take one higher dmg over attack +5. I think my best example would be monks ditching kote after 57 or so when they don't 'feel it' anymore and STR is more useful. Of course that's monk and they're odd creatures who get lots out of Strength. But Ochiudo's Kote DEFINATELY aren't Damage +20. take what you will from that.
                                "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"

