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  • Hm.......

    That was interesting. That's the first time a thread of mine got closed and I'm still not sure what I did wrong. All I did was ask for information like any other player......just strange.

    Still I want to know if I do sub a NIN wether I will be Dual Wielding Swords or Axe or a combination of both?

    Once again thanks for the help and I hope this one doesn't get closed

  • #2
    go with Axes, past 30 the gap between B and A weapons becomes too great, there are some really nice axes out there as well.
    BLM 75 | WHM 38 | RDM 37
    WAR 38 | NIN: 37| RNG 15| MNK 15 | THF 25
    Clothcraft: 94 | Leather: 33 | Smithing: 34 | Fishing: 55 | Cooking: 60


    • #3
      Just a friendly reminder, just because you're /NIN doesn't mean you have to or should Dual Weild. I'd take Shield Break or Sturmwind over Raging Axe and Gale Axe any day If you're going to Dual Weild though, go with Axes.


      • #4
        It depends, some swords have very nice stats, personally I used axe in main + cent sword in offhand at about 30 till I got my next set of axes, and plan on getting a bloodsword to go in the off hand when I can afford it.

        So really dual axes and axe in main + sword in offhand for certain swords.

        Linkshell(s) : BritishGeezers, SoulPirates, ThreadsOfFate - Roleplaying LS of Ragnarok, and Anzana HNMls.


        • #5
          Yeah, I've really noticed how great Shield Break can be. Can you give me some weapon combinations around level 21 please? Thank you


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zempten
            Yeah, I've really noticed how great Shield Break can be. Can you give me some weapon combinations around level 21 please? Thank you
            I'd go with G Sword, G axe is good but... the delay is so horrible, then if you miss you need to wait another three turns XD

            my War is'nt that high of a lvl so I would'nt really know but I sub nin and dont duel weild, see you dont have to use a sheild to tank, you can tank like I do and use your damage as a way of holding hate ^^

            Plus you get to run around with sexi G sword on your back :3
            "If silence is golden, then maybe more people should shut up and get rich 0o"

            me @ cosplay 2004

            me normal


            • #7


              you can use some swords in the higher levels as well


              • #8
                It is best regardless to have Great Sword leveled and one with you at all times. Just in case you get a Thief in your party and no one else can chain with them.
                All spells obtained!
                Homam Gear: 2/5


                • #9
                  Great sword is also great when you start fighting Gods and you need a Fragmentation WS to make Light with RNG on Genbu (And possibly Byakko if you aren't already doing a Dark skillchain). Savage Blade is horrid damage.

                  Though soloing Steel Cyclone is funner. :spin:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ZQM
                    Great sword is also great when you start fighting Gods and you need a Fragmentation WS to make Light with RNG on Genbu (And possibly Byakko if you aren't already doing a Dark skillchain). Savage Blade is horrid damage.

                    Though soloing Steel Cyclone is funner. :spin:
                    Hm....well....I think I'm a bit low level for that ^^

                    Anyways, I realize the delay on the Great Axe is unbearable.....well for me at least ^^ But I'm really enjoying how I've been countering some attacks and dealing 41 damage ^^ I think that is the highest I've done yet. BTW, this makes me wonder about my earliar idea of subbing a NIN. I'll explain in the next paragraph before I get yelled at for grammer or something along those lines ^^

                    Anyways, I'm 23 and I was thinking about bringing the PT to ol Kazham ( Train Heaven #2 lol ). As we all know I have been talking about WAR/NIN so I can avoid some damage and between 2 WAR/NIN it would be pretty decent until I just realized something.......mandys like to eat shadows all day and night and for snacks as well ^^ So I think I might just stick it out with WAR/MNK for the counter bonus mainly. Then after 30 or 31, I was going to do WAR/NIN for the weapons in Sauromaunge Champaing ( or however the hell you spell it ^^ )Does this sound like a good idea thus far?

                    Oh and here is my armor as of now:
                    Main: Neckchopper
                    Range: Crossbow +1
                    Ammo: Crossbolts (I'm going to start using Acid and the ones that Drain soon enough, which I have a question about later on in this post ^^ )
                    Head: Beetle Mask (Upgrading to Emp. Hairpin in next level)
                    Neck: Wing Pendant (Upgrading to Tiger Stole in next level)
                    Earring: Bone Earrings +1 (2)
                    Body: Beetle Harness
                    Hands: Bastokan Mittens
                    Rings: Balance Rings ( 2 )
                    Back: Traveler's Mantle (Upgrading to Nomads Mantle in next level)
                    Waist: Warrior's Belt
                    Legs: Beetle Leggings
                    Feet: Beetle Boots

                    Defense is at 146 or something with Boiled Crab

                    Question #1)
                    Should I wait until I reach level 24 before I head over to Kazham to fight Mandys? The reason I am asking this is because the next armor upgrade is at lvl 24 and I was wondering if I should go now with my current setup or wait till 24, upgrade, and then head on over to Kazham.

                    Question #2)
                    Is the Bastokan Mittens going to be okay to keep? I am liking it for the +3 to attack it gives, but I was wondering if I should get the chain gloves instead

                    Bastokan Mittens
                    Level: 15
                    Defense: 4
                    HP +2 , MP +2 , Attack +3

                    Chain Mittens
                    Level 24

                    Question #3)
                    Since I am the main tank of the PT, I was wondering if I should get either....

                    Beetle Earring +1
                    Level: 21
                    Attack +3, Evasion -3


                    Shield Earring
                    Level: 20
                    HP +10, MP - 10

                    Question #4)
                    I was wondering if using Bloody Bolts for the HP drain effect would give me a ....

                    A) a bit more aggro
                    B) help towards the mages on curing
                    C) Both

                    My goal is to get as many exp chains as we can and I just thought using Bloody Bolts will help casters to lessen the need for curing me too much. Of course I am not going to be shotting Bloody Bolts like no tomorrow. I mean basically using Bloody Bolts for like a few seconds at the beginning of the fight and at the end of the fight. Oh and i'm using Acid Bolts as well. Also an explanation on the HP drain effect on the Bloody Bolts please if you don't mind. For example, does the HP amount drain change based on the difficulty of the monster? or is just completely random how much it drains? or is it a set amount?

                    Question #5)
                    When using high delay weapons how do you rank accuracy over attack?

                    Question #6)
                    Someone above mention carrying around a Great Sword or something and I was wondering about using the Braveheart for the accuracy bonus or using the Barbarian Sword for the attack, but I keep thinking that it is going to be pointless to have a Barbarian Sword for the attack when it also gives -accuracy. The only reason why I am thinking about using other weapons is for being able to skillchain with the other WAR

                    Shadow of Death ~> Sturmwind (Fragmentation)
                    Hard Slash ~> Sturmwind (Distortion)
                    Double Thrust ~> Sturmwind (Distortion)

                    Where if we do SC we have 3 BLMs that are ready to MB....which should be pretty interesting ^^ Sturmwind at the end so the SC can end up with more damage ^^

                    Thanks again for all advice. If you have any equipment suggestions please tell me ^^ I have open ears but not as rich as I once was so I might not be able to afford the other stuff like leaping boots or winged boots or something, hell no to Peakcock Charm ROFL ^^ Anyways thanks again and I hope to learn some more from all you other WARs out there.

                    Static PT is made up of:
                    3 BLMs
                    2 WARs
                    [ We just pick up the last guy and go ^^ Preferabbly RDM or WHM]


                    • #11
                      A lot of these are questions i can answer based on my opinion since my WAR is in Jungle as well and i can share my experiences.

                      First of all, I'd have to say sub MNK for WAR in Jungle because it a) saves you money b) gives you some of the best stat boosts for that level and c) Utsusemi will be down half the time even with another WAR. Keeping hate is also a bit easier because you eliminated the casting time and have Boost which isnt as good as a provoke but using it every 15 secs to hold hate along with Prov isnt a bad idea.

                      I'd also like to suggest a Spike Necklace for the +3 DEX and +3 STR. Someone else may think different but what i feel is that the STR will really benefit you more than teh 5 Attack and the DEX will help with crits/acc.

                      The bastokan mitts are fine. Most people use those or teh San gloves until 30ish when you get new armor options. I'm thinking that Ryl Squire Mufflers are 30? correct me if im wrong please.

                      If you are subbing MNK on WAR you can keep the beetle earrings. You gain a great HP and VIT boost for that lvl subbing MNK and two Shield Earrings will really only let you take a extra hit which isnt going to help much with a MNK-type mob.

                      As far as i can tell, the drain from the blood bolts do not give you extra hate, again i may be wrong. But it would help your downtime while pting quite a bit as long as you can hit the mob with it

                      I personally am a ACC guy, especially with my GAxe. It doesnt help to have high atk if you cant hit the mob. Thats just my opinion though.

                      Keeping multiple weapons leveled for Skillchains is always a great thing. I dpnt personally like Great Swords though. Ive kept my Axe, GAxe, Polearm, Sword, Dagger, Archery and Marksmenship all lvld. I believe thats everything >.> Makes you a larger asset to the PT being able to do many skill chains.

                      Those are just my opinions. Some of you may agree with me or disagree.

                      Warrior TP Warrior WS


                      • #12
                        Question 1: Yes wait till 24. 24 I consider the minimum level for melees to start hitting Yuhtunga. You might also wanna sub MNK. Mandragoras eat shields alive. Later you can go onto Goblin Furriers at the outpost with NIN sub.

                        Question 2: +3 attack and +2 hp are pretty good...stick with the bastokian

                        Question 3: Beetle +1. Tanking or not, either way more damage is good. For tanking, more damage = more hate. For DD, more damage = more damage.

                        Question 4: Go for it if you like. As to how it works...I see it work very often. The drain isn't too high though (I see round 30-60HP per shot mostly)

                        Question 5: Accuracy is important, but so is attack. Make a decent trade off...if you find yourself missing too much for your liking, pile on the accuracy. If striking too weak, sacrifice for some attack. Find a happy medium that suits you

                        Question 6: A Braveheart. Accuracy > All. And 2 of your SCs are wrong

                        Hardslash -> Sturmwind = Reverberation
                        Double Thrust -> Sturmwind = Reverberation

                        If anyone tells you that Sturmwind makes Distortion, they're full of hot air...which is sad...cause if Sturmwind did make'd see a lot more party-less thieves
                        All spells obtained!
                        Homam Gear: 2/5


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LadyPeorth

                          If anyone tells you that Sturmwind makes Distortion, they're full of hot air...which is sad...cause if Sturmwind did make'd see a lot more party-less thieves

                          Sturmwind can actually make distortion, heres a handy skillchain chart for you

                          55% Skill
                          35% Equipment
                          10% Race

                          White Mage - 75 - Completed
                          Ninja - 75 - Completed
                          Summoner - 75 - Completed
                          My Livejournal


                          • #14
                            No it can't make distortion. Although Sturmwind has scission element, it also has reverberation. So when you use a Transifixcation WS > Sturmwind, it will make reverberation.

                            Hm....well....I think I'm a bit low level for that ^^
                            That was pointed at the guy that said never use Great Sword. :p


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Gryff
                              Sturmwind can actually make distortion, heres a handy skillchain chart for you

                              If you look closely, some WS's have an A after it, some a B. A takes priority over the B's. Sturmwind has a B after it in the earth section but an A after it in the water block.
                              Mobile 2400+ @11.5x200MHz, 1.7v| NF7-S 2.0 | 2x512 Corsair pc3200
                              BFG FX6800 OC 128MB @350/700, 16x1,6vp | Antec True 430

                              Allakhazam Profile | ShirtNinjas Profile

                              Thanks to ShadowFlare for hosting my sig. FLaReTecH Forums

