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WAR/MNK > WAR/NIN Before 74

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  • WAR/MNK > WAR/NIN Before 74

    WAR/MNK is the best sub before 74, plain and simple. I'm tired of getting bitched at by WAR/NINs saying my sub is gimp. EVERY PT that i've been in was impressed with what the MNK sub brought to the table. (hate holding abilities, DMG output, DMG taking)

    Look at the facts.

    /NIN: you get dual wield, and utsusemi, which is useless because monsters after 50 have double attack, and use it consistantly so your shadows are gone, and so is your HP.

    /MNK: You get Boost, Counter, HP bonus, more VIT, more STR, Focus, Dodge, etc. Boost works extremely well for holding hate, For every 1 provoke, you can get 2 boosts in and hold hate as well as a PLD if it's done right. Focus stacks with Aggressor, i use them both at the same time and I rarely miss. Boost also greatly increases the output of WSs like Rampage.

    People assume that because they see level 74's running around with NIN sub, then it must be the best, and it is...FOR THAT LEVEL.

    Subbing NIN before 74 is like those noobs who sub /SAM before 60. Or the PLDs that use an earth staff in EXP pts.

    Here's a screen showing my WAR/MNK
    Attached Files

  • #2
    well, WAR/MNK isnt always the best. With a BRD post 59, WAR/NIN is the best tank in the game. You will get hit very little or not at all depending on the monster. In a party with WAR/NINx2 is another time where WAR/NIN is better than /MNK. ?NIN is also useful for fighting enemies with strong single-target special attacks. However, I can see WAR/MNK being a better trick dummy because if you fail to turn the monster with provoke, you still have boost to fall back on. WAR subs are very situational and you cannot really say that one sub is the best 1-74.


    • #3
      well, WAR/MNK isnt always the best. With a BRD post 59, WAR/NIN is the best tank in the game. You will get hit very little or not at all depending on the monster. In a party with WAR/NINx2 is another time where WAR/NIN is better than /MNK. ?NIN is also useful for fighting enemies with strong single-target special attacks. However, I can see WAR/MNK being a better trick dummy because if you fail to turn the monster with provoke, you still have boost to fall back on. WAR subs are very situational and you cannot really say that one sub is the best 1-74.


      • #4
        Without a bard for Carnage Elegy I agree.

        With a bard for Carnage Elegy I disagree.

        WAR/MNK is underrated, WAR/NIN is overrated when not coupled with bard. Even with both Utsu Ichi and Ni now, I am uncomfortable without a bard. Carnage Elegy is just too good.


        • #5
          War/nin simply cant tank alone, just like nin before 37. with only access to utsusemi ichi, there is no way to hold mobs for 30 sec with only getting hit three times, or 6 for inital. two war/nin however, is the best tank combo. with this combination, both war/nin can do heavy damage while tanking for party, the only down side of it is that they gain tp a bit slower since you need to spend time on casting shadows.


          • #6
            How can someone who is level 56 comment about a job and subjob combination being the best until level 74?:confused:
            Just do it.

            There are 3 kinds of lies: Lies,Damn Lies, and Statistics


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kulapica
              War/nin simply cant tank alone, just like nin before 37. with only access to utsusemi ichi, there is no way to hold mobs for 30 sec with only getting hit three times, or 6 for inital.
              Sure they can. Carnage Elegy. :spin:


              • #8
                Re: WAR/MNK > WAR/NIN Before 74

                Originally posted by PsychoMatrix
                Or the PLDs that use an earth staff in EXP pts.

                You had me going until that part

                Anyways, I think they both have their advantages. /NIN25 gives dualweild 2, and having a viking axe in the offhand it nothing to dismiss. Theres some really nice axes to dual weild at higher levels as well. Juggernaut comes to mind, as well as Joyeuse/Ridill.


                • #9
                  Sure they can. Carnage Elegy.
                  I rarely party with brd ; ; you lucky 'arstard


                  • #10

                    Warriors hating warriors, that's a new one.

                    I understand where you're coming from Psycho, but I was a War/Nin. I joined a party and the bard said 'You want a War/Nin as a tank!? I'm not staying if you do.' I doubt I was meant to see that but he left the party, and was convinced to come back.

                    At the end of the party he told me I changed his whole outlook on the way warriors can tank. If you're tanking like a god keep it up, but there's too many crappy tanks for us to keep up any kind of good reputation.

                    War/Nin and War/Mnk both make great tanks, and both have their strengths and weaknesses. War/Nin makes for a tank that holds hate through damage while War/Mnk holds hate through the lack of damage taken.

                    The only reason I favor War/Nin a bit more over /Mnk is because they can easily transit from tank to damage dealer, and also because I have a thing for big numbers. That's just me though.

                    Keep up the good work.


                    • #11
                      I hit quite a bit harder per blow than a WAR/NIN does.


                      • #12
                        Annoying, uninformed, WRONG, yet widely believed stereotypes.

                        - War/Nin is the best sub
                        - War/Mnk post-Lvl30 sucks
                        - War/Sam post-lvl60 is good for EXP PT
                        - War/Drk is underrated
                        - Wars aren't REAL tanks

                        I always say, non-warriors don't know, and don't care to know what the truth is. I mean, that'd be a lot research you'd never use.

                        I'm guilty of this: I don't know much about Mage jobs. If I did, I'd prolly be mad at how gimp most mages are =P


                        • #13
                          Damn right. I you man.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by laicram
                            - War/Drk is underrated
                            - Wars aren't REAL tanks
                            WAR/DRK is underrated. It has no use in EXP PTs, but it can do the most damage in a small amount of time when using your 2HR (I.E. AF3 NMs, Genkai NMs, ect.). It's a lot like SAM/RNG with their 2hr.

                            And WARs are real tank, and in my opinion the best 60+, with a bard.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ZQM

                              And WARs are real tank, and in my opinion the best 60+, with a bard.
                              You misunderstand me =O I'm a frustrated War tank cuz mages don't understand we can do the job.

                              I've followed your posts on War/Nin tanks, and I think it's cool. There are clearly scenarios where War/Nin works great.

