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Warrior endgame equipment

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  • Warrior endgame equipment

    Hi there,

    being a 75 war, 37 nin/thf/sam/mnk I am asking myself how to outfit my guy focussing on the DD department first. Without restrictions in terms of gil required or some incredibly hard to acquire abjurations, I was thinking about the following main parts:

    - Adaman Hauberk (regular Hauberk until that)
    - Hecatomb leggings
    - Hecatomb gloves
    - Byakko's Haidate
    - AF2 Mask / Optical Hat if needed
    - Master Belt / RK Belt

    - Woodvile's Axe
    - Juggernaut
    - Byakko's Axe (thf. sub)

    The slow modifier on the hecatomb stuff should be countered quite efficinetly by the Haidate. Lifebelt should not be necessary anymore either with the huge +dex from this stuff.

    What do you guys think? Will that work out? In fact I have some of the stuff already but I am kinda unsure of whether spending 2mil on the cursed armor is worth it.

  • #2
    I would not bother with the hectacomb, the slower attack rate isn't really worth it for a warrior. Thick/Adaman/AF2 would probably be better substitutes. Regarding accuracy, it depends on what you need this stuff for. If you're doing hnm you'll need all the accuracy you can get. Even with all that stuff + life belt you still won't have enough to be satisfied. If you're just talking about xp/lower-level stuff then RK would probably be better though.

    And if you're talking about pure DD with no restrictions on items, you can't leave out Ridill I finally got mine the other day, it really is an awesome weapon.


    • #3
      Hmm, I am still not sure. I saw one of these uber JP warrior/nins in Ru'Aun Gardens the other day. He wore hecatomb harness, haidate, speedbelt and some of the other stuff (Ridill ofc . His damage output was mad crazy and he did not seem to have an accuracy problem at all.

      I personally don't even use Life belt in exp parties anymore. Just not worth it since the hit rate almost seems to be the same with RK.

      I will give you guys a report once I got the stuff made. That's at least an experiment. Wonder whether it works out on especially gods since these guys require a lot of acc.


      • #4
        Hectacomb is for WS and WS only.

        Normal TP gain on Gods, full ACC gear. Adaman body, hands, and feet. Optical hat, Byakko's Haidate. Sniper Rings, Life Belt.

        Then switch to different set for WS. The two main Weapon Skills I use on Gods are Mistral Axe to start light, and Steel Cyclone to close Darkness (depending on what the Gods is weak to). Both of which is STR and VIT modified. Here's a list of equip I posted on another forum about what's good, where to obtain, along with a cheap alternative because we aren't made of money. Also not bothering with the rare +1 equip. (Note: If you're WAR/NIN, you'd still want to keep some ACC so your WS actually hits. I missed a Steel Cyclone on Suzaku last night because we did it after Kirin and I was WAR/NIN...had hardly any +ACC. Also some pieces depend on RSE, though only pieces I see would be feet and waist).

        Genbu's Kabuto (15 VIT, Rare/EX, Genbu)*
        Hecatomb Cap (STR+11, Rare/EX, Fafnir)
        Tiger Mask (VIT+5, cheap)

        Kirin's Osode (+10 STR +10 VIT, Rare/EX, Kirin)*
        Hecatomb Harness (+12 STR, Kirin)
        Narasimha's Vest (STR+3 VIT+3, cheap)

        Alkyoneus's Bracelets (STR+11, expensive)*
        Pallas's Bracelets (STR+9, cheap)
        Warrior's Mufflers (+5 VIT +12 ATK, Rare/EX, Dynamis San)

        Warrior's Cuisses (STR+5, Rare/EX, Dynamis Beau)*
        Hecatomb Subligar (ATK+20, Rare/EX, Nidhogg)
        Barone Cosciales (STR+2 ATK+6, cheap)

        Hecatomb Leggings (STR+6, Rare/EX, Suzaku)*
        Hume RSE2 (STR+3 VIT+2, ~expensive)
        Coral Leggings (STR+2 VIT+1, cheap)


        Spike Necklace (STR+3, cheap)*

        Triumph Earring (STR+2, expensive)*
        Bushinomim (STR+2, Rare/EX, Quest: Divine Might)
        Merman's Earring (ATK+6, cheap)

        Flame Ring (STR+5, expensive)*
        Ruby Ring (STR+4, cheap)

        Ocean Sash (STR+4, somewhat expensive)*
        Ocean Belt (STR+3, cheap)
        Brave Belt (STR+2 VIT+2, cheap)

        Amemit Mantle+1 (STR+2 ATK+15, expensive)*
        Amemit Mantle (STR+1 ATK+10, Cheap)

        Bomb Core (ATK+12, somewhat expensive)
        Rosenbogen (VIT+3, somewhat expensive) + Rune Arrow (VIT+1, cheap, NEED MP)*

        Byakko's Axe (DMG:94 ATK+5, Rare/EX, Byakko)*
        Berserker's Axe (DMG:95, expensive)
        Gawaine's Axe (DMG:90 STR+1 VIT+5)



        Something I forgot to add. ATK is normally best to add for WS until your ATK = mobs DEF. I'm currently going to do some research to try and find out what Gods DEF is so that we'll know how much ATK we need before we really need to start whoring STR and VIT.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ZQM
          Warrior's Mufflers (+5 VIT +12 ATK, Rare/EX, Dynamis San)
          Quick correction: Dynamis-Jeuno

          That's a pretty good list though I feel is importent to give out this link to the Weapon Skill modifiers so people understand some of your choices. You might want to put a note after the Bushinomim strongly suggesting this shouldn't be chosen over Suppanomimi. I'd throw in Fighter's Calligae to the "Feet" list too as some things are more importent than minimal STR, Acc or Attack additions. It may only be +1.6% but when you're Dual Weilding and/or are using a Joyeuse or Ridill it can work out to be more (kind of). I still use these in leveling parties where DEF isn't so importent (Suzaku's Sune-ate when DEF is needed. Such a horribly underated piece of Warrior equip).

          Menstrul Axe (sic) isn't modified by VIT, by the way, only the uber Calamity
          【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


          • #6
            Russta not all of us read japanesee ; ;


            • #7
              courtesy Imac2much

              Warrior's Mufflers (+5 VIT +12 ATK, Rare/EX, Dynamis San)
              I think he's just listing the stats that actually have an effect on the WSs.
              "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


              • #8

                This is my ideal set up I am shooting for

                Optical Hat
                *Adamant Celata

                *Adamant Hauberk or Byrnie+1

                Adamant Breechs

                *Adamant Mufflers or Alkyoneus Bracelet

                Adamant Solleretts

                +4 str ring x2

                Master Casters Boomerang+2

                *Suppanomi or Beastly Earing

                Assault Earing

                Woodvilles Axe

                * Items with asterik next to are item's I do not have yet but am hopefully getting one day!
                Arbaal +1


                • #9
                  From imac's thread:

                  Mistral Axe 1.00 1.50 4.00 1x STR_32%, VIT_32%
                  Did he mistranslate?

                  Even if not, if you're using it...You'll most likely be /NIN, and I suggest nearly full +ACC for it. It's to start a SC, not deal damage, so you need it to land (and 2 hits > 1 buffed hit).

                  Sorry about Jeuno mistake~_~ One of the AF2 pieces I have and I can't even get it right. :p

                  I would think it's obvious for any WAR to get Suppanomimi so I didn't bother saying anything. Joyeuse is deffinatly the popular offhand weapon on my server, and it's helped my damage with it alot. Enhance DW is deffinatly awesome as well.

                  As for Fighter's Calligae, I agree about EXP. However, for Gods, I really need ACC. I'm nowhere near decked out yet (doesn't help that I'm still 74, sucks ass having God equipment in mog and can't even equip it) so I need all the +acc I can get. Adaman/Thick for feet for me against them.

                  Oh, and asterik on my list mean my ideal/goal.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ZQM
                    From imac's thread:

                    Mistral Axe 1.00 1.50 4.00 1x STR_32%, VIT_32%

                    Did he mistranslate?
                    Yup. Sorry, I never go to that thread just the actual page >.>

                    カラミティ      1.00 1.50 4.00 x1 STR_32 VIT_32
                    Karamitei (Calamity) 1.00 1.50 4.00 x1 STR_32 VIT_32

                    ミストラルアクス   2.50 3.00 3.50 x1 STR_50
                    Misutoraluakusu (Mistral Axe) 2.50 3.00 3.50 x1 STR_50

                    (Sorry if my initial post seemed pretentious but some people can be very impressionable)
                    【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


                    • #11
                      Thank you for the correction, Russta.

                      Some more "end-game equipment" I was planning, figured I'd post. Again, not bothering with +1 equip or things that are 10+ mil.


                      Lohar (CHR+5)

                      Koenig Shield (Enmity+3, CHR+5)

                      Adaman Armet (Enmity+2, HP+12)

                      Fighter's Lorica (Enmity+8, HP+20)

                      Fighter's Mufflers (Enmity+3, HP+13)

                      Warrior's Cuisses/Adaman Cuisses (Enmity+3)

                      Adaman Sabatons (Enmity+1, HP+15)

                      Shield Pendant (HP+20); Hateful Collar (Enmity+1, item ingame according to Mysterytour, but I've never seen it before)

                      Hades Earring (Enmity+1)

                      Hades Earring (Enmity+1)

                      Mermiads Ring (Enmity+2)

                      Bomb Queen Core (HP+75)

                      Ocean Sash (HP+45 (Every race=RSE belt, not just Hume))

                      Fenrir's Cape (Enmity+3 at night), Behemoth Mantle (HP+20)

                      Excluding Hateful collar: Enmity+24 (27 at night), HP+220 (200 at night).

                      Reason for no Earth Staff + Jelly ring: After kiting with these on, I've concluded their useless for a WAR/NIN. If you get caught, you're probably going to die. Better to buff up Enmity instead with Koeing Shield. Would be useful though if you know you're going to get hit, in a macro switch or something.

                      As for CHR....I have yet to be impressed by CHR when kiting, so I didn't bother with it. Only reason Lohar is there is because there's nothing else at all.

                      I'd so love to have this set for kiting, if only it didn't cost so much.

                      TP UP On HNM

                      Optical Hat (ACC+10)

                      Adaman Hauberk(ACC+15, ATK+15, STR+10, DEX+10)
                      Haubergeon (ACC+10, ATK+10, STR+5, DEX+5) (Hauberk=DRK armor. I don't want to wear something dark, angsty, and moody, I want to look like a WAR. )

                      Adaman Mufflers (ACC+4 ATK+10)
                      Thick Mufflers (Accuracy+3 Attack+3)

                      Byakko's Haidate (DEX+15, Haste+5%)
                      Fighter's Cuisses (ACC+3)

                      Adaman Sollerets (Accuracy+3 Attack+5)
                      Thick Sollerets (Accuracy+2 Attack+4)

                      Merman's Gorget (Accuracy+5)

                      Suppanomimi (Sword+5, Enhance Dual Wield) /NIN
                      Assault Earring (Accuracy+2 Attack+5)
                      Coral Earring (Attack+5) /THF

                      Sniper Rings (Accuracy+5)

                      Life Belt (Accuracy+10)

                      Amemit Mantle/+1(STR+2, Attack+15)


                      • #12
                        I'd like to ask for some recommendations not for kiting or DDing, but for straight-up tanking. Apart from a few slots that are blatantly obvious I'm not sure where to go in a lot of places. For example, Warrior Mufflers vs. Koenig Hands, Republic Army Mantle vs. Behemoth Mantle vs. Beak Mantle+1, etc. WAR has a lot of choices and a lot of ways it could go, and as I've just recently started straight-up tanking some end-game stuff (and not a lot of WARs do it) I'm kind of unsure what's best. Any advice welcome. I'm hume if that matters.

                        Main - Woodsville's Axe (the first two times I ever intentionally took a hit casting Utsu, the axe worked and I was overjoyed. It hasn't worked a single time since then. I still like it for WS damage and no negatives like Jugg's -AGI...but WS dmg not as big a consideration vs. say, gods)

                        Offhand - Seiryu's Sword vs. Keonig Shield? (also, would Earth Staff be better than dual wielding at all? Another sub-question - could just use Byakko's Axe, too)

                        Ranged - Fenrir's Stone

                        Head - Genbu's Kabuto (no brainer)

                        Neck - no idea at all, I just wear an RG Collar right now regardless of role, haven't really given this slot much thought yet

                        Earrings - not sure here either, thinking Suppiwhatever + Genin Earring, same AGI up as two Drones, plus the dual wield enhancement and sword skill boost

                        Body - Fighter's Lorica (no brainer)

                        Hand - Warrior Mufflers vs. Koenig hands vs. Seiryu's Kote? Blah, I'm too wishy washy to make decisions, on the surface I think Koenig seems the best, and is more assured than WAR Mufflers where I just lot 900+ and lose anyway (bangs head on desk). But then, Kote seems nice too, mostly for the HP. Dunno.

                        Rings - not sure, too many options...VIT rings vs. weird combos like BQ ring and Hercules, BQ and VIT, blah dunno, I do know I'm not really keen on Soil or Flame

                        Back - Republic Army Mantle vs. Beak +1 vs. Behemoth...I'm not Kraken Club rich but I'm not poor either, I could get a Beh. Mantle, but I'm not seeing the cost effectiveness of the normal, and I won't pay for the +1 at present time, though if I could afford it comfortably or get an HQ crafted that's be the first choice

                        Waist - not really sure here either. Ocean Sash has nice +45hp, whereas Koenig Belt has only what, +20hp, but a boost to CHR. By the same token my CHR is going to be ass regardless so boosting it 3 points or whatever probably isn't going to make or break me. Leaning towards Ocean Sash at the moment, though I could also just shut off brain and leave Life Belt on forever I guess. :X Speed Belt is now 12 million on Bismarck so nothx for a while on that suggestion. ><

                        Legs - Byakko's Haidate, thanks for making this easy SE

                        Feet - Suzaku's Sune-ate? DEF is good and there's not anything else that really seems good here anyway...maybe Dusk but aren't Dusk feet the part of the set that's "broken?"

                        Any comments welcome, save me from my inability to make decisions.


                        • #13
                          You need different gear for every HNM/guard

                          Sometimes using a equipment slot to deal damage is more important then +10 vit or whatever.

                          Even a petty 60 dmg crit with ridill can help alot with 4 rangers and 3 blms dealing damage.

                          What good is all that hp/vit gear if your rangers are tanking 75% of the fight?
                          Alexor - 75 DRK/75 WAR/37 THF/37 WHM/37 NIN

                          Obtained September 10th: Adaman Hauberk.

                          Kirin's Osode/Rdill/Juggernaut: O


                          • #14
                            hmm... I starting my warrior this week and I am shooting for the following equip

                            Main: Byakko's Axe or Juggernaut*
                            Offhand: Joyuese or Ridill*

                            Head: Optical hat
                            Body: Adaman Hauberk* .. Hecatomb* (WS only) .. or Kirin's Osode
                            Hands: AF2* .. Hecatomb (WS only)
                            Legs: Byakkos Haidate .. Hectomb (WS only)
                            Feet: AF2* .. Hecatomb (WS only)
                            Earring: Triumph*
                            Earring: Supponomimi (just to increase my duel weilding and sword skill for ridill or joeyuse)
                            Ring: Flame Ring
                            Ring: Flame Ring
                            Back: Amemet Mantle+1
                            Waist: Speed Belt
                            Necklace: Peacock Charm*
                            Ranged: no idea yet.. probbably some kind of xbow for extra dmg

                            Items iwth * are the ones I havn't got yet... but my warrior hasnt been levled since I hit 74 on ninja.. so what i have now is pretty good to begin with.

                            Those are the items that seem good to me overall to have.. but i havnt played war yet past 37 so I will learn ont he way.
                            NIN75 THF75 RNG75 WAR75 BST66 DRG64


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Stanislav
                              Feet: AF2*
                              The AF2 feet are one of the most useless pieces. It doesn't add more ATK to berserk, it decreased thea mount of DEF taken away. Might want to rethink that piece.

