What are changes I need to worry about going from Kazham to the, more real world, of the game.
Right now I'm tanking as WAR/MNK and Boost Whoring with Provoke and Great Axe, eating meat mithkabobs. I don't like PLDs right now because in Kazham I can tank just as well as them, but deal 2-3 times the damage (seemingly--no parsers to use..) I've only really lost hate when other members start voking every 30 seconds, or are blinged out MNKs that voke.
After 30 I can imagine damage dealing as War/Thf and using SA Sturmwind. Just wondering, when will I stop using Sturmwing/Great Axe to close SCs?
Tanking post 30 is what I'm interrested in. If I'm tanking I will be using MNK sub until 37 (when I'll have non warrior stuff to worry about), using the boost/provoke spamming to keep hate. Will I need to use Fish Kabobs instead of Meat Mithkabobs when tanking? Will I have to go back to Axe and Shield any time soon?
War/Nin.. do people appreciate it right after 30? I don't plan on leveling it, but would it work from 30-37, or how about 37+?
I do care about my job, so I have as many questions as these. As for the equipment questions, being 27 right now, at level 29, are the Kampf- WAR/PLD armor worth getting? 3 More defense + 3 AGI for an extra 24k? The legs I'm thinking of getting for 3 AGI and 3 VIT. I'm wearing RSE Gloves, and I have ~48 STR at 27.
Any other armor purchases I should look forward to?
Right now I'm tanking as WAR/MNK and Boost Whoring with Provoke and Great Axe, eating meat mithkabobs. I don't like PLDs right now because in Kazham I can tank just as well as them, but deal 2-3 times the damage (seemingly--no parsers to use..) I've only really lost hate when other members start voking every 30 seconds, or are blinged out MNKs that voke.
After 30 I can imagine damage dealing as War/Thf and using SA Sturmwind. Just wondering, when will I stop using Sturmwing/Great Axe to close SCs?
Tanking post 30 is what I'm interrested in. If I'm tanking I will be using MNK sub until 37 (when I'll have non warrior stuff to worry about), using the boost/provoke spamming to keep hate. Will I need to use Fish Kabobs instead of Meat Mithkabobs when tanking? Will I have to go back to Axe and Shield any time soon?
War/Nin.. do people appreciate it right after 30? I don't plan on leveling it, but would it work from 30-37, or how about 37+?
I do care about my job, so I have as many questions as these. As for the equipment questions, being 27 right now, at level 29, are the Kampf- WAR/PLD armor worth getting? 3 More defense + 3 AGI for an extra 24k? The legs I'm thinking of getting for 3 AGI and 3 VIT. I'm wearing RSE Gloves, and I have ~48 STR at 27.
Any other armor purchases I should look forward to?