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What should i buy?

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  • What should i buy?

    Well right now im a war57/nin28 and have like 700k.
    Should i get a sniper ring, or get a bloodsword, or save up for a haubergeon for when i hit 59?

    My gears are:
    AF hands, feet, and head
    RK breeches and body
    Life Belt
    spike earrings x2
    Deft ring x2
    earth mantle
    Lightning Bow
    Ryl. Guard Collar
    1 darksteel axe and 1 viking axe

  • #2
    Bloodsword isn't so great. Sniper's are good but Haubergeon is more important, and if you have it, easy upgrade at 69 later on.


    • #3
      From some of the posts i've been reading i'm thinking about getting a bloodsword and maybe some +STR rings instead. And then save for a haubergeon at lvl 59.


      • #4
        Bloodsword isn't worth the money though. It is a very good weapon, but I wouldn't suggest getting it unless you have money to spare. You can get more bang for your buck with an axe in your offhand.

        However, Haubergeon IS worth the money. This should be ontop of your list of things to get. Once you have enough money to buy it, then you can start worryinga bout other things.

        And I would suggest using STR rings over Snipers.


        • #5
          Completely free Tungi in my offhand does better damage over time than Bloodsword. It's an expensive toy, not a staple. If you don't have cash to burn, focus on Haubergeon, then Sniper's. Try to get all the free WAR wpns you can, they're ironically the best for a while.


          • #6
            Assualt earing at lv 58 i would say. 2 extra accuracy always help out.


            • #7
              Uro, from where can these free Warrior weapons be obtained? Maybe link if you're so inclined?


              • #8
                Tungi is dropped from an antican NM. I've never camped for it, so I don't have much info in it.

                Francesica is dropped from Aquarius, crab NM in Boyhada Tree (Great thing about this NM, is that you can just leach off of a high level RDM or BLM who's going after cloth. They can easily solo it, and they don't have any ned fro the axe (which is near 100% drop rate)).

                Acha d'Armas is dropped from a Goblin NM in Kuftal Tunnel, Bloodthirster Madkix. I only camped him a couple times with nothing to show for it. 75 NIN in my LS soloed him and got drop on first try. 75 PLD is something like 0/10 on him though.

                Lohar is dropped from Tyrannic Tunnok, NM in Ifrit's Cauldrone. You need close to an alliance to kill him, but he drop V. claw so getting an alliance for it wouldn't be that hard. This is more of a BST axe though, so if there's a BST with you, you're probably not going to get it until the BST does first.. (Haven't camped him)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ZQM
                  Lohar is dropped from Tyrannic Tunnok, NM in Ifrit's Cauldrone. You need close to an alliance to kill him, but he drop V. claw so getting an alliance for it wouldn't be that hard. This is more of a BST axe though, so if there's a BST with you, you're probably not going to get it until the BST does first.. (Haven't camped him)
                  Tyranic Tunnock killed by four people

                  Don't forget the free Great Axe's left off that list:

                  Eisentaenzer: Pretty easy to get from Goblinsavior Heronox just inside Gustav Tunnel by the first pond (G-9). Kill the two Goblin Reaper spawns there, I got it first try.

                  Schwarz AxT: Peg Powler in Onzozo, kill the Flying Mantra's around G-7. When I got this it popped within twenty minutes and dropped first time, though I camped it for over four hours with a friend last night trying to get it for his Warrior, with no pop.

                  Pendragon Axe:

                  Ulfhedinn Axe: Dropped by Ullikummi in Ru'avitau. Not going to give a pos as this isn't something you're likely to go hunting with friends as it drops a trigger for Byakko and doesn't stick around long when he's up. If you are fortunate enough to be partying there and pop him, he's pretty damn hard with six people and requires a lot of skill. You can ally up with a party next to you but if you're leveling on Aura Statues with another party there competing I feel for you. Oh, this Axe also has a horrible, horrible drop rate so don't be disapointed if you don't get it first time. On two, personal, side notes, I was very disapointed with this Axe and felt it would best be used with Samurai sub, which nobody does anymore because of the TP and Shield Break nerfs. Second note is Ullikummi is, I believe, the most fun NM to fight on the game. Hate reset every five seconds anyone :spin:

                  Byakko's Axe: I recently got this myself, by far the best axe on the game even if I feel the wind bonus could go off a little bit more. Seeing Behemoth intimidated by a two foot Taru is priceless
                  【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Russta
                    Tyranic Tunnock killed by four people
                    Like I said, I never camped him. That's just what I heard. :p

                    How hard is he compared to Serket?

                    Ulfhedinn Axe: Dropped by Ullikummi in Ru'avitau. Not going to give a pos as this isn't something you're likely to go hunting with friends as it drops a trigger for Byakko and doesn't stick around long when he's up. If you are fortunate enough to be partying there and pop him, he's pretty damn hard with six people and requires a lot of skill. You can ally up with a party next to you but if you're leveling on Aura Statues with another party there competing I feel for you. Oh, this Axe also has a horrible, horrible drop rate so don't be disapointed if you don't get it first time. On two, personal, side notes, I was very disapointed with this Axe and felt it would best be used with Samurai sub, which nobody does anymore because of the TP and Shield Break nerfs. Second note is Ullikummi is, I believe, the most fun NM to fight on the game. Hate reset every five seconds anyone :spin:
                    0/2 on him.

                    Killed him once while EXPing there with the set up of WHM, BRD, BLM, BLM, WAR, WAR. Took us like 30 minutes to kill him>< (Didn't help that the BLMs each died atleast once, thank you so much hate reset)

                    Byakko's Axe: I recently got this myself, by far the best axe on the game even if I feel the wind bonus could go off a little bit more. Seeing Behemoth intimidated by a two foot Taru is priceless
                    Getting it next time it drops.

                    I just wish it looked cooler.


                    • #11
                      Bhuji (sp) is the coolest looking axe I've seen IMO.
                      Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                      Merits - 98
                      Goldsmith - 85.2


                      • #12
                        While I do agree that it looks good, the stylish look of Berserker/Dark Steel/Cent. Great Axe just looks more....Axeish. :p


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ZQM
                          Like I said, I never camped him. That's just what I heard. :p

                          How hard is he compared to Serket?
                          Take away Bindga, poison AoE, the horrible 1000000HP/tick "linear cone" poison and that move that knocks the tank back, binds him, makes Serket go white and allows another LS to steal him. Now make him smaller and a lot tougher and you have a good idea of Tunnock. We can only kill the rediculously hard NM's we do with such few people because we have the right jobs, are good at them and are close enough friends to know what each other are thinking and what their next move is. Just to give you an idea of how hard he is, 75 Thief's Utsu went down just as it did Death Scissors and it hit him for 1109 damage through Stoneskin.

                          Wow that sentence reads really badly but you should be able to decode the general points from it >.>
                          【MNK 75 - WAR 75 - NIN 75 - BRD 75 - WHM 75】


                          • #14
                            im 99% sure he doesnt drop V.claw, im 0/20+ and never heard of any1 get claw from him(1 friend is 0/30ish another 0/10ish). he can be trioed with thf/nin, brd, rdm pretty easy.


                            • #15
                              Wow, Tunnok is underwhelmingly sized for such a badass.

                              I need this one just to walk around with the most blatant in-game typo available.^^
                              Attached Files
                              There will be cake.

