Im currently a lvl 10 WAR, and after having tried the other basic jobs I can say that I love WAR the most. I want to make this my main job... however later on when advanced sub jobs become available, which subjob should I use with WAR? I know from my small experience in FFXI that WARS are not made for taking damage, however a WARS job should be to do as much damage as possible to an enemy... So my question is what subjob should I pair with WAR (main job) in order to fully utilise the ability to deal large amounts of damage?
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WAR Question
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P.S. I've also read from numerous posts on this message board that at higher levels especially a lot of people don't accept people with WAR as their main job into their parties. Is this because higher level WARS are inferior to say DRK's or PLD's, or are a large number of people just ignorant of what a WAR is capable of (if not better than a PLD or DRK at higher levels for dealing damage).
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I think most of these questions are answered in previous posts in the board. I'll just give you a summary on most of what you've asked:
1. SJs that are useful for a WAR main job: Nin/Thf/Mnk (not necessarily in that order). All three can do damage dealing but Thf is usually left out when tanking. What you sub is usually dependant on what weapon you'll be weilding for most of the PT.
2. PT experience varies person to person. Once you've hit some milestones, PT experience usually gets better. Here are some milestones for WAR:
-lvl 10 GAX skill - Shield break (Good)
-Lvl 5 provoke - (Good)
-Lvl 10 boost (/mnk) - (Good)
-Lvl 20 Dual-wield (/nin) - (Medium)
-Lvl 23 Sturmwind (GAX) - (Good)
-Lvl 24 Utsusemi (/nin) - (Good)
-Lvl 25 Dbl Atk - (Extremely good)
-Lvl 25 Defender - (good)
-Lvl 30 Dodge (/mnk) - (good)
-Lvl 30 Sneak Attack (/thf) - (Good)
PT invites might come a bit slower at lvl 33 since WARs without spear or GSwd lvled can't start distortion with THF. However, SA-Sturmwind is devasting at these lvls so it offsets it a little. Fragmentation starters are generally weak at this lvl however.
-Lvl 35 Warcry - (G)
-Lvl 45 Aggressor - (VG)
-Lvl 50 Focus (/mnk) - (g)
-Lvl 50 Flee (/thf) - (G)
-Lvl 50 Dual Wield II (/nin) - (G)
Things might get a bit difficult 50-55 since a lot of mobs are weak towards distortion but only Iron Tempest and Axe WSes will end (all generally very weak) and none can start. Drgs have DT, Sam has Enpi/Jinpu, Drk has Vorpal, Thf has Viper, Rng is still Rng. Fragmentation starters are stilll weak. War's aren't bad here but it might be more difficult to find PTs then before.
-Lvl 55 - Rampage (EG)
Your distortion troubles are over! Huzzah
-Lvl 60 - Raging Rush (G)
-Lvl 60 - Guillotine (Drk knight)
Finally a good Fragmentation starter, learned by DRK. Raging Rush will also let you connect with Sidewinder for a decent Induration/fragmentation.
-lvl 64/65
Experience varies but these two lvls were pretty bad for me. Axe are rated A-, GAX A+. You'll most probably be in Boyahda Tree at these lvls fighting crawlers/crabs. 65 is where Lvl 3 SCs are introduced.
Jobs that learn good Lvl 3 SCs at 65:
-Mnk Dragon kick Light
-Drk Crossreaper Dark
-PLD Swiftblade Dark
-Dragoon Wheeling T. Light
-Samurai T.Gekko Dark
65 is Full Break (GAX), a mediocore WS. Out of the above list, it will create Lvl 3 only with PLD. Crap WS-->Crap WS= Crap dmg.
This isn't to say Rampage and Raging Rush become bad WSes at these lvls. They're still very good, but people start having the mentality that only Lvl3s will suffice (which isn't true). You can force lvl3s by doing a 3-man SC but most 3 enders require Fusion or Gravitation, which GAX and Axe don't do very well in.
My advice is to make your own PTs if invites don't come.
lvl 66 - Mistral Axe
Finally! A decent starter. Jobs that usually start Light are:
-Rng (Arching Arrow)
-Drg (wheeling Thrust)
Jobs that end light are:
-Drk (spinning slash)
-Mnk (dk)
-Thf (Shark bite)
The numbers vary server to server but usually Drgs are rare, and Drk, Mnks, and Thfs are plenty. Rngs are somewhat common on my server so they're your only competition. Unfortunately (/fortunately), Drgs and Rngs can't do bones. So if the PT can't find another MNK, you're pretty much the only 2-man lvl 3 light starter (they can do PLD,DRK,MNK though). At this point, PT invites start to come a bit easier
67's as far as I've gotten so far so can't say much more then that.
Good luck!
Thanks 0
Very nice post, Xien, very informative ^^ I just wanted to point out that WARs are not solely damage dealers, they're also tanks; don't expect to be able to get away with not tanking as a Warrior, because you will be doing it at least for half of your career.
Oh, and you're missing a milestone, Xien:
- Level 20 (/MNK) Counter. Counter + Double Attack + Meat Mithkabob + Great Axe + Boost + Provoke =
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