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  • #16
    WAR/MNK has more HP, same VIT, and more skill to gain hate... Yes Boost is a hate bringer too.

    WAR/NIN is the best for tanking, you get dual wield for TP, and Utsusemi for tanking.

    WAR/PLD less HP than a WAR/MNK, same VIT, gain hate by... spamming spells with a... tiny pool of MP... What's good about it? Just because you can go with PLD/WAR doesn't mean you can reverse it... THF/DRK works? ^^

    It's not about Cookie cutter or whatever, but when you think about it, everyone try to offer something to the party, but what can a WAR/PLD offer... if you want to spam heal for hate, sub WHM for a bigger pool and list?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Nameless
      Just remember

      When you only have enough MP for 2 cures -> you're fucking useless.
      That was ridicuously well put


      • #18
        People are understanding tank wrong, they probably read the PLD forum and thought that was a 'TANK' forum, 'PLD uses magic to gain hate' became 'Tank uses magic to gain hate'.... I wouldn't give a tank lecture here, most WAR here are higher lvl than me anyway(gave up on WAR, now going for the easier PLD tank route lol), but tank doesn't need magic to gain hate ^^


        • #19
          Originally posted by Cali
          People are understanding tank wrong, they probably read the PLD forum and thought that was a 'TANK' forum, 'PLD uses magic to gain hate' became 'Tank uses magic to gain hate'.... I wouldn't give a tank lecture here, most WAR here are higher lvl than me anyway(gave up on WAR, now going for the easier PLD tank route lol), but tank doesn't need magic to gain hate ^^
          you're right they don't NEED magic to gain hate. but god damn, it sure does help. it makes it a LOT easier.

          Originally posted by GlaDiuM
          If it isn't cookie cutter -> No one will like what your trying to do.
          lol. statements like that will get you tagged as a "dumb ass".

          yeah, short answer is no - don't do war/pld.


          • #20
            Yeah, bonovoxpsu, I know, that's why I dropped WAR and picked PLD, because it was so damn easy when I was lvling a PLD22, compared to a WAR22... But when you only have like MP for 2 Cure, /MNK or /NIN will be better :spin:


            • #21
              Personally I truly dislike WAR/WHM combinations, but a WAR/PLD is even worse. WAR/WHM does NOT make you a PLD, and a WAR/PLD tanking makes you an EXP leech.

              MNK and NIN are the best subjobs, however DD WARs Lv.55+ have been known to sub THF and SAM for higher WSs (Sneak Attack) or more WSs.
              PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
              RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

              Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
              SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


              • #22
                [QUOTE] you're right they don't NEED magic to gain hate

                :spin: as a 75pld i do not agree with this quote... pld's magic flash/ cure ect.. they're the strongest hate bringer.. flash sometimes gets more hate than a voke.. and keep curing your self will get huge amount of hate.. why isn't a pld need magic to gain hate ? if u only rely on the abilitys shield bash/provoke/sentiel ect.. to get hate.. u won't get enough hate to keep mobs on u..


                • #23
                  What bonovoxpsu and me meant is:

                  Not every tank require magic to earn hate, magic isn't the only tool that bring hate, neither of us said magic gets little hate

                  And the exact quote was:
                  you're right they don't NEED magic to gain hate. but god damn, it sure does help. it makes it a LOT easier.
                  If you did read the whole paragraph, he said nothing about magic gaining little hate ^^ It's just that new people need to learn that 'hate earning' doesn't only equal 'magic spamming'.


                  • #24
                    thank you cali ^^

                    yes, jamesy1023, way to totally misquote me there.


                    • #25
                      A WAR in one of my LSes is WAR/PLD and what he does is stock up on MP=>HP gear. Although he is Hume with HP rivaling Elvaan or Galka, he basically has no subjob. No MP from PLD sub, and at 30 he has some job abilities that he can barely make use of. (iirc he uses a 2hand weapon). I'm just throwing this out there, that although he has more HP he has less hate controlling abilities.

                      EDIT: spelling
                      There is no knowledge without experience.
                      San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
                      Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Darkedge
                        A WAR in one of my LSes is WAR/PLD and what he does is stock up on MP=>HP gear. Although he is Hume with HP rivaling elvaan or Ealka, he basically has no subjob. No MP from PLD sub, and at 30 he has some job abilities that he can barely make use of. (iirc he uses a 2hand weapon). I'm just throwing this out there, that although he has more HP he has less hate controlling abilities.
                        I'm gonna have to go ahead and say that WAR is an exp leech. While having extra HP is helpful for a tank, it's not required. Hell, I made it through the dunes in a 5-man, all taru party getting near-nonstop chain 4 and 5's with me (leveling RDM) as the only healer (rng/rng/nin/war/rdm, with occasionally a BLM instead of/or with one of the rng's). By the time HP matters, equipment is there to take the burden off it. I honestly think I could level nin as a taru to altep without buying any +1 equipment, just by knowing what I was supposed to do and how. Or war. And I *know* I could as PLD. What's the point of stating that? Well, simply, that early game is so ridiculously easy that race doesn't matter a damn. By the time race *might* make a difference, there is so much equipment, and so many more job abilities available that it's really not much of an issue.

                        WAR/PLD = no good. Can it work in early levels? Sure. Would something else be better? Definately. Will it be feasible later on? Maybe in certain level ranges against certain mobs, but mainly, I'd say it's an EXP leech. WAR happens to be one of the *few* jobs in this game that throughout the game, they can pick from numerous subjobs depending on what role they want to fill. Offensive tanks can pick /MNK (lots of healing party), and defensive tanks can pick /NIN (not so much healing party). Damage dealing WAR's get their choice of numerous subjobs that changes from different points in the game. Now, forgive me for not having leveled war to 75, but I believe that it'd be fair to say the following:
                        Low Level (0-29): /MNK tends to be best, but really anything is workable
                        Low-mid Level (30-49): /MNK, /THF, and /NIN are all viable options, depending how your party works. Trick buddy WAR's might benefit from having utsusemi, while /MNK or /THF might increase your damage output a bit more. I'm not sure about /THF...but I'm not a war, so I really don't know.
                        Mid Level(50-60): Here, basically /NIN shines due to gaining Dual Weild II. That, coupled with Viking Axes, makes WAR/NIN a powerful combo. Coupled with the fact that it can tank in a pinch, has damage mitigation...I'd say WAR/NIN is one of the better DD's from 50-55 (before RNG gets sidewinder ).
                        High level(61-70): /SAM, /THF, /NIN, maybe /MNK (never saw a WAR/MNK this high) are all feasible. I'd say /NIN still reigns, but the others wouldn't be so terrible as to be exp leeches. /THF is probably the worst of them (SATA from subjob tends to suck, and if you need it to set hate, get a THF).
                        Upper Level: /NIN reigns. Utsusemi: Ni = awesome. A pimped out high level war is a force to be reckoned with. I'm sure other subs are feasible...but why would you want them?

                        I'd say that of all the jobs in the game, WAR is easily the most versatile as to what subjobs they can pick and still contribute a fair amount. Compare it to my job, BLM:

                        From lv1 (well...1-9 is actually easier with /mnk sub...but we'll assume you want to be able to emergency cure yourself) to lv64, the only viable sub for me in an EXP party is /WHM. /RDM and /SMN work...but there's no reason to sub /RDM over /WHM (less mp, only 1-2 int more, and fast cast doesn't help a BLM...except to die faster), and /SMN is basically a deathwish (no stoneskin REALLY sucks from 58+ (I got stoneskin right around the time when I pulled hate and could potentially die from 3-4 rounds of attack (if I pull a double double-attack round, I'm dead >_<), so if I didn't have'd have to be a lot more careful with pulling hate. Sometimes, I pull hate on purpose (like if the NIN tank lost shadows, can't recast blink, and the WHM's cure still needs some time...I Stun > B3 > T3 (I'm usually limited to II's with NIN tank) to make sure he doesn't die. If I didn't have stoneskin...that'd be a death sentence for me). Early levels, I guess /smn works ok...but not having cures gets frustrating fast, especially if you've played with cures for so long.
                        64+, the 2 best subs are WHM (surprise) and RDM (extra dispel can always come in handy). Also, upper levels, /RDM tends to be the best for soloing (gravity, dispel, phalanx = )

                        Or compare it to PLD - one sub.
                        Most jobs in the game get to pick from 1-2 subs (usually only one sub per level range). If I was a war, I'd be happy - not trying to force a terrible sub to work.
                        For The Horde!!
                        Current Gil total spent on gear:
                        Current Gil Value of gear:
                        Laughing when new players complain about prices:


                        • #27
                          WAR/PLD is something PLDs with no self esteem do when they level their subjobs so they can point out to their PTs "Oh, Im just leveling my sub for PLD, Im infinitely better than you in all ways because I dont have to have good gear, skill or respect for my PT, cause, well, its just sub."
                          WAR/PLD is only marginially better than DRG/SMN
                          San D'orian Taru ~ All the courage of Sandy, all the cute, fluffy qualities of a taru.


                          • #28
                            I do feel bad making these posts about him behind his back, but he is a PLD (level 32 last time I checked). I understand that being gimp pre-30 doesn't make too much of a difference, because the people you're playing with are most likely gimped.

                            My War hasn't hit 30 yet, but I will /MNK until 30 for sure. I had 1 party in kazham so far, and hate was only stolen once. a Tarutaru DRG was provoking often, and when he had stolen hate, it was after I had fallen asleep for about 10-20 seconds. Plantbane+Boosting+Provoke = yuhtunga mandies standing still.

                            I should have said in my previous post that WAR/PLD wasn't a good combo, however I did say WAR/PLD basically a subless WAR with more HP.

                            I also feel like bragging, that when I tanked my 2-3 dragon last night, I was petrified with the dragon at 2/3 health, and I tanked the rest of the battle (pt was me war/thf rdm blm whm). Boost whoring is a great way to tank at these lower levels.
                            There is no knowledge without experience.
                            San dOria Rank4 \\ 30 WAR | 19 MNK | 14 RDM | 8 WHM | 13 BLM | 13 THF | 5 DRK | 10 RNG // Goldsmithing 10
                            Windurst Rank4 // 46 WHM | 26 BLM | 20 RDM | 18 WAR \\ Alchemy 11 | Fishing 8


                            • #29
                              Boost whoring is a great way to tank at these lower levels.
                              So very true. I partied in Batallia at 24 and 25, ate Meat Mithkabobs, had Neckchopper, Boosted every 15 seconds, Provoked every 30, Counters, Double Attacks, Sturmwind...I died 3 or 4 times because the RNG/MNK/DRK/WAR/THF couldn't voke the mob off of me when I was in the red. Same thing happened to a friend of mine. In Yhoator, sometimes the BLM would rob hate and get thwacked once or twice during the first 30 seconds, but after the second Provoke the mandy was glued to me. Boost = Joy ( '-')b


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Nameless
                                Just remember

                                When you only have enough MP for 2 cures -> you're fucking useless.
                                thats all we need to know

